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18 Cards in this Set

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three important pieces in microbiology history.
1) discovery of antibioics/pcn
2) 400 bc, greek Hippocrates
3) 542 ad, black death/bubonic plague
which group of people survived bubonic plague and why?
Jewish population, due to santiary ptractices with their religious practices
who and when was Anton vanLeeuwenkoek?
Lens grinder who discovered the first bacterial world. 1600's Netherlands.
what and when did Jenner discover?
Smallpox vaccine from cow pustuals (cow pox). late 1700's
microorganism can invade another organism and release disease
when was the first to try to disprove"spontaneous Generation", by who and with which experement?
mid 19th century, Redi with decomposing meat in jars with maggots growing on mesh top to jar.
which experiment did Pasteur use to disprove "spontangeous generation? what was the basic principle of this experemtn
Swan necked flask experemtn - when broth was not exposed to vital force (air) and debre collected in curve of flask would broth be tainted.
Who is known for "postualtes"?
which vaccins can Pastuer take credit for?
and rabies
Which principle is Pastuer known for.
Pasturization - heat substance up enough to kill of any microbe pathogenics present
Who founded the idea of pure culture - what is the concept of pure culture?
Koch - use of mediums to control and isolate microbs in a medium that encouraged growth of organism in an aseptic enviroment.
Koch's postuales state?
1)ID and isolate pure culture of bacteria from infected organism
2) infect healthy organism /c microbe
3) establish organism #2 has same illness as organism #1
4) ID same bacteria in organism #2
when was DNA id as genetic material
who and when was DNA double helix discovered?
Watson and Crick in 1952
three categories of microbes
virus, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes
what is a prokaryote, and the two subdivisions?
BACTERIA, and Eubacteria, and Archeabateria
What make a virus very different that pro - or eukaryotes?
only has 1 nuclic acid; has either a DNA or an RNA (not both), it is an Obligate Inteacellular parasit
what is an Obligate Intracellular Parasite?
Virus - can not replicate outside of cells, must replicate inside of cells. must use cellular make up of other organisms cellular machinery to replicate.