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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the major groups of microorganisms
bacteria, archae, algae, helminths, fungi, and viruses

*mnemomic device* All Boys Find Help Pronouncing Viruses
What are the impact of microbes on the earth?
photosynthesis, decomposition, biotechnology, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA, bioremediation
What are pathogens
Any virus, bacterium or other agent that causes disease
What are emerging diseases?
An emerging disease is one that has appeared in a population for the first time, or that may have existed previously but is rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range
What are procaryotic cells?
Cells that lack a true, membrane-enclosed nucleus; bacteria are procaryotic and have their genetic material located in a nucleoid.
What are eucaryotic cells?
Cells that have a membrane-delimited nucleus and differ in many other ways from procaryotic cells; protists, algae, fungi, plants, and animals are all eucaryotic.
What are viruses?
An infectious agent having a simple acellular organization with a protein coat and a single type of nucleic acid, lacking independent metabolism, and reproducing only within living host cells.
What are parasites?
An organism that lives on or within another organism (the host) and benefits from the association while harming its host. Often the parasite obtains nutrients from the host.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
First Microscope
father of microbiology
(textile merchant discovered "animacules")
Robert Hooke
discovered cells
Phillip Semmelweis
Demonstrated importance of handwashing

"childbed fever" rates ↓ with handwashing
Leuis Pasteur
Germ theory of disease
vaccine for rabies
Joseph Lister
First person to perform surgery under antiseptic tecnniques

Used carbolic acid (phenol) to clean equipment and swabbed on wounds
Robert Koch
Cultivated anthrax to prove that bacteria caused disease
Koch's Postulates
1. Microbes observed in sick animal
2. Cultivated in lab
3. Microbes injected in healthy animal
4. Animal develops the diseas
5. Microbes observed in sick animal.
6. Reisolated in lab
Alexander Fleming
bacteriologist who discovered penicllin
Selman Walksman
Father of antibiotics
Microorganisms are used as living factories to produce pharmaceuticals that otherwise could not be manufactured.
Naming, Classifying, and Identifying Microorganisms
Carolus Linnaeus
Swedish scientist that developed system of taxonomy
What is binomial nomenclature?
Part of Taxonomy
Scientific name is a combination of 2 terms - Genus and Species (last two categories of taxonomy)

*Genus capitalized
*Species lowercase
What are the classification CATEGORIES of taxonomy?
7 categories

*mnemonic device* - Keep Plates Clean Or Family Gets Sick
What are the five KINGDOMS of taxonomy?

*mnemonic device* - Mona Protested Fungus on Plants and Animals
Kingdom Monera
Unicellular and colonial
includes bacteria & cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Procaryotic w/out nucleus
Kingdom Protista
Unicellular & multicellular
Protozoins &multicellular algae
Euecaryotic w/ nucleus
Kingdom Fungi
Haploid and dikaryotic cells, multicellular, generally heterotrophic, without cilia

Eucaryotic w/ nuclei
Kindgom Plantae
Haplo-diploid life cycles, mostly autotrohphic, retaining embryo within female sex organ on parent plant
Kingdom Animalia
Multicellular animals without cell walls and without photosynthetic pigments, forming diploid blastula
Three Domain System
Woese - Fox System

3 domains from 3 distinct cell lines

Archaea - (Arachaebacteria Kingdom)

Bacteria - (Eubacteria Kingdom)

Eukarya - (Subdivided into Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, & Animals Kingdoms)