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23 Cards in this Set

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organisms that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye
Pathogenic Microbes and their benefits
disease causing microbes, most are benefitial. They decompose waste, produce industrial chemicals, produce fermented foods (vinegar, cheese, bread)
Microbes in Our Lives. Microbes allow us to..
1. Prevent food spoilage
2. Prevent disease occurence
Each organism has two names. What are they?
1. Genus- the first name. it is capitalized
2. specific epithet- the last name. it is lowercase
Both the genus and specific epithet are either underlined or italicized
Types of Microorganisms (7)
bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, algae, viruses, multicellular animal parasites
Bacteria traits
Prokaryotes, peptidoglycan in cell walls, use binary fission, can use photosynthesis
Archaea traits and their main difference between bacteria
Prokaryotic, LACK PEPTIGOGLYCAN, genes and enzymes like prokaryotes, live in extreme environments. They are the EARLIEST lifeform of the planet. They have characteristics of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes
The 3 domains of all organisms
1) Bacteria
2) Archaea
3) Eukarya, which include..
Characteristics of Fungi
Eukaryotes, chitin cell walls, use organic chemicals for energy, can we unicellular or multicellular
Characteristics of Protozoa
Unicellular eukaryotes, absorb or ingest organic chemicals, can be motile via cilia or flagella
Characteristics of Algae
Eukaryotes, Cellulose cell walls, use photosynthesis for energy, produce molecular oxygen and organic compounds
Characteristics of Viruses
Acellular, consist of DNA OR RNA core, are replicated only when they are in a living host cell
What is the cell theory?
All living things are compose of cells and come from preexisting cells
Spontaneous Generation
The hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving matter; a "vital force" forms life
The hypothesis that the living organims arise from preexisting life
The general tactic used for the Theory of Biogenesis
Pasteur's S-shaped flask kept microbes out but let air in
The general idea of the Golden Age of Microbiology
1857-1914. Relationships included discoveries between microbes and disease, immunity, and animicrobial drugs
Proven by Pateur, fermentation is the conversion of sugar to alcohol to make beer and wine
Proven by Pateur, pasteurization is the application of a high heat for a short time
Koch's Prostulate
experimental steps that prove that a specific microbe causes a specific disease.
derived from vacca, for cow. aka immunity
treatment with chemicals
chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes