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20 Cards in this Set

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Agrarian Society
A society with largely agricultural economy
Just Price
A price giving moderate profit; one inspired by fairness, not greed
Market Price
A price determined by the interaction of supply and demand
The lending of money for interest
Protestant Ethic
The belief that hard work and adherence to a set of virtues, such as thrift, saving, and sobriety would bring wealth and God's approval
A socially engineered model community designed to correct faults in the world so its members can find happiness
Populist Movement
A political reform movement that arose among farmers in the late 1800's. Populists blamed social problems on industry and sought radical reforms such as government ownership of railroads
Progressive Movement
A turn-of-the-twentieth-century political movement that associated moderate social reform with progress. Progressivism was less radical than populism and had wider appeal
The doctrine of a classless society in which property is collectively owned income from labor is equally divided among members. It rejects the values of capitalism
Old Progressive
Members of a broad political and social reform movement in the early years of the twentieth century
New Progressive
Members of comtemporary left-leaning groups who advocate more radical corporate reform than did old-time Progressives. New Progressives seek to avoid being branded as linberals and try to take advantage of favorable connotations in the word Progressive
Nongovernmental Organization
A term for voluntary, nonprofit organizations that are not affiliated with governments
Civil Society
A zone of ideas, discourse, and action, dominated by progressive values, that transcends national societies and focuses on global issues
Global Justice Movement
A coalition of groups united by opposition to economic globalization dominated by corporate capitalism
A word denoting both the ideology of using markets to organize society and a set of specific policies to free markets from state intrusion
The philosophy of an open society in which the state doesn not interfere with rights of individuals
Economic Liberalism
The philosophy that social progress comes when individuals freely pursue their self-interests in unregulated markets
An economic philosophy of active state intervention to stabilize the economy and stimulate employment
Chicago School
The name given to a group of economists and to the free market doctrine they taught. It is synonymous with neoliberalism
Group of Eight
Formerly an annual meeting where eight leaders of large industrial democracies met to discuss economic issues, since replaced by an expanded group of the wealthiest nations called the Group of 20, or G20