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24 Cards in this Set

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What are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are prescription medicines most commonly used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. Doctors may also prescribe them as muscle relaxants, or to treat epilepsy, alcohol withdrawal or panic disorders.

True or False, are Benzodiazepines a depressant?

True, They work by slowing down the messages travelling around the central nervous system. This makes the user feel relaxed and calm, but tolerance builds quickly and the dosage required to deliver the same effect increases.

In what form do Benzodiazepines present themselves? Example.. Injection, tablet

Benzodiazepines are prescribed in tablet form and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours

What category of drugs do Clonazepam, Diazepam,Lorazepam, Nitrazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam and Zopiclone fall under?

A Benzodiazepine

Once taken, Benzodiazepines take effect within .... minutes?

30 minutes

When taken orally where are Benzodiazepines absorbed and what organ metabolizes them?

They are absorbed in the stomach and metabolized by the liver.

How are Benzodiazepines excreted out of the body?

They are excreted through sweating,saliva, urine, faeces and breast milk.

What Neurotransmitter's action is enhanced by Benzodiazepines?

GABA(Gamma Amino Butyric Acid). GABA's function is to slow/calm things down.

What are some symptoms of Benzodiazepine withdrawl in new borns?

Respiratory distress, irritability, disturbed sleep patterns, sweating, fever and feeding difficulties.

Mothers who have taken high doses of Benzodiazepines may have babies with floppy infant syndrome, what are some symptoms?

Poor muscle tone and sucking response.

According to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 of New Zealand, what class of drugs is Benzodiazepines

Class C controlled drug

If you are caught in New Zealand with non-prescribed Benzodiazepines what punishment could you be looking at?

Up to three months imprisonment, a $500 fine or both.

Penalties for the illegal importation, manufacture or supply of benzodiazepines are up to .... years imprisonment and up to ..... years imprisonment for conspiracy to commit an offence.

A: Eight

B: Seven

According to the drug foundation of NZ, how long are Benzodiazepines usually prescribed for?

Between two weeks and one month to avoid a tolerance developing and withdrawl symptoms.

When Benzodiazepines are taken at higher doses, effects similar to those of alcohol can be produced including?

Drowsiness, sleepiness, over-sedation, cognitive and co-ordination impairment, mood swings and aggressive outbursts.

What are some of the long term side effects of taking Benzodiazepines? (Exceeding one month)

Lack of motivation, sleepiness, memory loss, personality changes, nausea, headaches, anxiety, irritability, depression, sexual problems,greater appetite, weight gain, vulnerability to accidents and slurred speech.

What are some of the withdrawl symptoms of Benzodiazepines?

Headaches, Nausea, sweating,shakes,muscle aches, pains, visual disturbances, hallucinations, fatigue, indigestion, diarrhoea, numbness, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, depression, rapid mood changes, hyperactivity, nightmares, palpitations

What are some symptoms of a Benzodiazepine overdose?

Dangerously slowed breathing, unconsciousness and coma.

What are some conditions associated with high levels of Dopamine?

Bi-Polar disorder, Drug Highs, Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter that plays a major role in what sort of behaviour?

Reward and motivation behavior

What can a deficit in Serotonin lead to?


Where is serotonin manufactured in the body?

In the brain and the intestines

True or False? Can Serotonin cross the blood brain-barrier?

False, Serotonin that is used inside the brain must be produced within it.

SSRI'S work by encouraging your body to build up its own levels of serotonin, how long could it take for you to notice your mood improving?

Up to 4 weeks