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29 Cards in this Set

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What is bipolar 1 disorder?

Combo of major depression & full manic episodes

Mixed episodes- alternation btw manic and depressive episodes

What is bipolar 2 disorder?

Combo of major depression & hypomania

What is cyclothymic disorder?

Periods of hypomania and depressive episodes that do not meet full criteria for MDD (major depressive disorder)

What is a manic episode?

An abnormally & persistently elevated expansion or irritable mood for a duration of at least 1 week. Must include 4 of the following:

Needing little sleep (great amount of energy), talking fast (others can't follow), racing thoughts, inflated feelings of power (greatness or importance), reckless behaviour (money, sex, drugs)

What are mixed episodes?

Manic and depressive episodes met

What are hypomanic episodes?

Same as manic but less than 4 days

What is rapid cycling?

4 or more episodes within 12 months

What are child bipolar episodes characterized as?

Episodes of intense rage for 2-3 hours

Who is bipolar 1 more common in?


Who is bipolar 2 more common in?


Who does cyclothymia more common in?

Adolescence or early adulthood

Who is at a greater risk of depression and rapid cycling?


What is neurobiologic?

Neurotransmitter hypothesis

What is neuroendocrine theory?


What is chronbiologic theory?

Sleep disruption

What is kindling?

Repeated stimulation of certain parts of the brain

What is flight of ideas?

Rapid shifting of ideas with only superficial connects to them

What are clang associations?

Rhyming words

What are behavioural characteristics of a manic individual?

Manipulative, demanding, staff splitting

What are characteristics of someone with bipolar disorder?

Bizzare appearance, psychomotor agitation, pressure and disorganized speech, labile mood, euphoria, flight of ideas, clanging, may have delusions, impaired attention, memory and judgement

What is the acute phase for bipolar disorder?

Prevent injury

Medical stabilization

Self care needs

What is the continuation phase of bipolar disorder?

Relapse prevention

How will we know it's coming on and how to prevent it (psycholoeducational teaching)

Maintain medical adherence


What is the maintenance phase of bipolar disorder?

Plans for potential future relapse

Limit severity & duration of future episodes

What mood stabilizer is usually used?


What is the therapeutic levels for lithium treatment?

Therapeutic level: 0.6-1.4 mEq/L

What anticonvulsants are used?

Divalproex (Epival)




Valproic acid

What anti-anxiety meds are used?

Benzodiazepines (-pam's)

What can antidepressants trigger?

Manic episodes

What is an important teaching point for someone using lithium?

Change in salt intake can affect lithium