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33 Cards in this Set

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the processing of getting information into the memory system
the retention of encoded information over time
the process of getting information out of memory storage
Continuing to rehearse information even after it has been memorized
Serial postion effect
Our tendency to recall best the last and first items on a list
Spacing effect
the tendency for distributed study or practice to more effective in leading retention
Primary effect
ability to remember things in the beginning
recency effect
ability to remember things at the end
distributed rehearsal
spreading practice over several times
massed rehearsal
practice in one sitting
semantic encoding
the encoding of meaning
visual encoding
is the use of imagery to process information into memory.
encoding imagery
Vivid or unusual images are the most memorable and allow us to remember our best and worst moments; 'Rosy retrospection:' people tend to recall events more positively than they evaluated them at the time
mnemonic device
a trick to remember things
method of loci
A mnemonic device that associates things with images
peg-word system
mnemonic device that uses riymes to remember items
puting information into units
sensory memory
the coding of sensory information into the memory system
iconic store
Holds visual information for very short periods of time.
acoustic store
remembering sounds
short-term memory
holds information for a short time then it gets lost
working memory
another word for short term memory
the "magic number"
7 +/- 2
long-term memory
holds information permantly
flash-bulb memory
a significant event that is vividly remembered
long-term potention
learning and memory stimulate neurons to release chemicals
explicit memory
recalling of facts and experences
implicit memory
memory of skills such as walking
measure of memory of information learned as on a fill-in-the blank test
measure of memory that is identified as on a multiple choice test
context effect
able to remember things because you are in an environment similar to which you learned that informaton
state dependant memory
ability to retrieve information when you are in the same physical and emotional state
mood-congruent memory
ability to retrieve information based on your mood. If you are happy when you get the information