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52 Cards in this Set

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Active Transport
Movement of molecules into or out of a cell from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. Requires energy and transporters.
Characteristics of cell
organization, responsiveness, homeostasis, growth, reproduction
Components of the plasma membrane
main layer is bilayer of phospholipids
Proteins in the plasma membrane
channels, transporters, receptors, enzymes, linkers, cell identity markers
pores in the membrane that allow passage of specific substances, such as ions
shuttle substances, such as glucose, across the membrane
allow for attachment of substances, such as hormones, to the membrane
participate in reactions at the surface of the membrane
give structure to the membrane and attach cells to other cells
Cell Identity Markers
proteins unique to a person's cells; important in the immune system and in transplantation of tissue from one person to another
Membrane Potential
difference in electric charge on either side of a plasma membrane
large, organelle near the center of the cell, composed of DNA and proteins; contains the chromosomes
Plasma Membrane
outer layer of the cell; mainly composed of lipids and proteins; encloses the cell contents, regulates what enters and leaves the cell, participates in growth, reproduction, and interactions between cells
short extensions of the plasma membrane; absorbs material into the cell
small body in the nucleus; composed of RNA, DNA and protein; makes ribosomes
colloidal suspension that fills the cell from the nuclear membrane to the plasma membrane; site of many cellular activities, consists of cytosol and organelles
the fluid portion of the cytoplasm; surrounds the organelles
Endoplasmic Reticulum
network of membranes within the cytoplasm; rough ER has ribosomes, smooth ER does not; Rough ER sorts proteins and forms them into more complex compounds; smooth ER is involved with lipid synthesis
small bodies free in the cytoplasm or attached to the ER; composed or RNA and protein; manufacture proteins
large organelles with internal folded membranes; converts energy from nutrients into ATP
Golgi Apparatus
layers of membrane; makes compounds containing proteins; sorts and prepares these compounds for transport to other parts of the cell or out of the cell
small sacs of digestive enzymes; digests substances within the cell
membrane-enclosed organelles containing enzymes; break down harmful substances
small membrane-bound sacs in the cytoplasm; store materials and move materials into or out of the cell in bulk
rod shaped bodies (usually 2) near the nucleus; help separate the chromosomes during cell division
short, hairlike projections from the cell; move the fluid around the cell
long, whiplike extension from the cell; moves the cell
capable of being penetrated by some substances and not others
Selectively permeable
describing a membrane that regulates what can pass through
the constant movement of particles from a region of relatively higher concentration to one of lower concentration
diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
has the same concentration of dissolved substances as the fluid in the cell; cell in equilibrium with it's environment
has a lower concentration of dissolved substance than the fluid in the cell; cell takes in water, swells, and may burst; red blood cells undergoes hemolysis
has a higher concentration of dissolved substances than the fluid in the cell; cell will lose water and shrink; cell undergoes crenation
Bulk Transport
movement of large amounts of material through a cell's plasma membrane
Facilitated Diffusion
movement of materials across the plasma membrane along the concentration gradient using transporters to speed the process
movement of materials through the plasma membrane under mechanical force
transport of bulk amounts of material INTO the cell using vesicles
transport of bulk materials OUT of the cell using vesicles
almost entirely in the nucleus; nucleotides contain adenine, guanine, cytosine or thymine; double stranded helix, pairing A-T and G-C; makes up the chromosomes, divided into genes that carry the nucleotide codes for the manufacture of proteins
almost entirely in the cytoplasm; nucleotides contain adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil; manufacture proteins according to the code carried in DNA; 3 types messenger (mRMA), ribosomal (rRNA), and transfer (tRNA)
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
is built on a strand of DNA in the nucleus and transcribes the nucleotide code; moves to cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome
Ribosomal RMA (rRNA)
with protein make up the ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm; involved in the process of translating the genetic message into a protein
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
works with other forms of RNA to translate the genetic code into protein; each molecule or tRNA carries an amino acid that can be used to build a protein into a ribosome
Stages of Mitosis
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes become visible and the organelles disappear
second stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes line up across the equator
third phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate to opposite sides of the cells
final stage of mitosis, during which new nuclei form and the cell contents usually divide
stage in a cell's life between one mitosis and the next when the cell is not dividing
programmed cell death
Cancer Risk Factors
heredity, chemicals, radiation, physical irritation, diet, viruses