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49 Cards in this Set

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What is meiosis

A two stage cell division in which the chromosome number of the parental cell is reduced by half

What does haploid mean

It refers to the number of chromosomes in a gamete

What does diploid mean

Refers to twice the number of chromosomes in a gamete

What is a homologous chromosomes

Paired chromosomes similar in shape, size, gene arrangement, and gene information

What is a tetrad

A pair of homologous chromosomes each with two chromatids

What is synapsis

The pairing of homologous chromosomes

What is crossing over

The exchange of genetic material between two homologous chromosomes

During meiosis 1 what occurs in prophase 1

The replicated chromosomes condense. Homologous chromosomes come together (called a tetrad) in synapsis and crossing over occurs. Chromosomes attach to the spindle

During meiosis 1 what occurs in metaphase 1

The chromosomes line up at the equatorial (metaphase/cell) plate. Independent assortment has already occurred.

During meiosis 1 what occurs in anaphase 1

Segregation: homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles.

Reduction division: from diploid to haploid

During meiosis 1 what occurs in telophase 1

The nucleus reforms. Cytokinesis occurs (splitting of cell organelles and cytoplasm). And the mitotic spindle forms.

The act of reduction division occurs in which stage of meiosis (1 or 2)

1 at anaphase

When does mitotic division occur

During meiosis 2

During meiosis 2 what occurs in prophase 2

The nuclear membrane disappears. The centrioles in the 2 new cells move to opposite poles and new mitotic spindle fibres form. The chromosomes become visible and become attached to the spindle.

During meiosis 2 what occurs in metaphase 2

Chromosomes align on plate

During meiosis 2 what occurs in anaphase 2

The sister chromatids of each chromosome separates and move to opposite poles

During meiosis 2 what occurs in telophase 2

The nuclear membrane reforms. Cytokinesis occcurs. And 4 haploid sperm cells or 1 haploid egg cell is produced.

What is gametogenesis

It is the formation of gametes through meiosis. This forms germ cells (2n): spermatogonia or oogonia

What is gametogenesis in males

It is spermatogenesis occurring in puberty that results in 4 viable sperm cells produced

Describe spermatogenesis in males

Spermatogonia (mitosis)=> primary spermatocyte (meiosis)=> secondary spermatocytes (meiosis)=> spermatid=> mature sperm cells (through cell differentiation)

What is gametogenesis in females

It’s called oogenesis. Before birth the oogonia begin meiosis but stop at prophase 1. During puberty each month 1 oocyte continues meiosis stopping at metaphase 2. Unequal division results in 1 large egg. If fertilization: oocyte finishes meiosis then sperm DNA unites with egg DNA to form zygote.

What does oogenesis look like

Oogonium => primary oocyte (&polar body) (meiosis)=> secondary oocyte (&polar body) (meiosis)=> ovum (cell growth)=> mature egg cell

What is meiosis non disjunction

It is the major cause of chromosomal abnormalities

When does meiosis non disjunction occur

In oogenesis due to maternal age.

In meiosis 1 how does non disjunction work

In anaphase 1 homologous chromosomes (tetrad) fail to separate. Most chromosomal abnormalities occur here

In meiosis 2 when does non disjunction occur

In anaphase 2 because sister chromatids fail to separate.

What results from non disjunction

Monosomy and trisomy

What is monosomy

It is when a chromosome is missing (2n=45). This is lethal for just the Y chromosome and all other autos ones.

What is a monosomy disorder

Turner syndrome (XO)

What is trisomy

It is when there is an extra chromosome (2n=47)

What are the lethal trisomy disorders

Edwards syndrome (18)

Patau syndrome (13)

What are other trisomy disorders

Down syndrome(21)

Klinefelter syndrome(XXX)


Trisomy X (XXX)

What is an ootid

An unfertilized ovum

What is polyploidy

A condition in which an organism has more than two complete sets of chromosomes

Interphase occurs ______ meiosis


What is a karyotype chart

A picture of chromosomes arranged in homologous pairs

If a diploid cell (2n=8) of an organism goes through meiosis 1 then the daughter cells chromosome number is


If a diploid cell (2n=8) of an organism goes through meiosis 1 then the daughter cells chromosome number is


Polar bodies contain how many chromosomes


If a diploid cell (2n=8) of an organism goes through meiosis 1 then the daughter cells chromosome number is


Polar bodies contain how many chromosomes


During reduction division cells become haploid when

At anaphase 1 of meiosis 1

How many chromosomes does a Red blood cell contain

None because they are enucleated (have no nucleus) to contain chromosomes

In meiosis when do the chromosomes (chromatin) duplicate

At interphase (S)

In meiosis when do the chromosomes (chromatin) duplicate

At interphase (S)

When are haploid cells visible in meiosis

Telophase 1

In meiosis when do the chromosomes (chromatin) duplicate

At interphase (S)

When are haploid cells visible in meiosis

Telophase 1

When does independent assortment occur

Prophase 1