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86 Cards in this Set

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The number of cells produced by meiosis is _____ the number of cells produced by mitosis.
a. one-fourth
b. half
c. equal to
d. twice
e. four times
The number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by meiosis is ______ the number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by mitosis.
a. one-fourth
b. half
c. equal to
d. twice
e. four times
Which of the following is unique to meiosis?
a. nuclear membrane breaks down
b. DNA organizes into chromosomes
c. crossing-over
d. chromosomes align along the central plate of the cell
e. none of the above
True/False Daughter cells produced in meiosis are identical.
True/False Chromosome duplication occurs prior to both mitosis and meiosis.
A haploid reproductive cell.
Any of the cells of a multicellular organism except those that are destined to form gametes
somatic cell
The diploid (2n) cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes (fertilization).
Having two sets of chromosomes (2n); in contrast to haploid (n)
Having only one set of chromosomes (n) in contrast to diploid (2n)
The process of producing offspring through an alternation of fertilization (producing diploid cells) and meiotic reduction in chromosome number (producing haploid cells).
One of the rounds of cell division. It is referred to as a "reduction division" because homologous chromosomes separate, and the daughter cells daughter cells have only the haploid number of chromosomes.
Meiosis I
One of the rounds of cell division. Two haploid cells from meiosis I undergo a mitosis-like division without DNA replication to produce four haploid daughter cells.
Meiosis II
The point-by-point alignment (pairing) of homologous chromosomes that occurs before the first meiotic division; crossing over takes place during this :)
A protein lattice that forms between two homologous chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis, holding the replicated chromosomes in precise register with each other so that base-pairs can form between non-sister chromatids for crossing over that is usually exact within a gene sequence.
synatonemal complex
The correct term for "crossing over" and synapsis. What happens to the genes?
genetic recomposition
In meiosis, the exchange of corresponding chromatid segments between homologous chromosomes; responsible for genetic recombination between homologous chromosomes.
crossing over
An X-shape figure that can be seen in the light microscope during meiosis; evidence of crossing over, where two chromatids have exchanged parts; the answer moves to the ends of the chromosome arms as the homologues separate
In a dihybrid cross describes the random assortment of alleles for each of the genes. For genes on different chromosomes this results from the random orientations of different homologous pairs during metaphase I of meiosis. For genes on the same chromosome, this occurs when the two loci are far enough apart for roughly equal numbers of odd and even numbere multiple crossover events.
Independent assortment
Centromeres divide in
a. mitosis and meiosis I
b. mitosis and meiosis II
c. meiosis II only
d. meiosis I an meiosis II
e. mitosis, meiosis I and meiosis II
Which of the following describes meiosis II in humans?
a. 4N-->2N
b. 2N-->2N
c. 2N-->1N
d. 1N-->2N
e. 1N-->1N
Arrange the following events in proper order in which they occur during meiosis I.

1=Separation of homologous chromosomes
4=Independent assortment

a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,3,2,4
c. 2,3,1,4
d. 2,3,4,1
e. 2,4,3,1
True/False Germ line cells are haploid but gametes are diploid.
True/False Independent assortment occurs in prophase I.
False- metaphase I
For an individual heterozygous for an autosomal (not X-linked) single gene trait, normal segregation will produce how many different types of gametes? (Consider only this single gene trait in your answer)
a. four
b. one
c. two
d. eight
Which of the following events occur during prophase I?
a. breakdown of nuclear envelope
b. condensation of chromosomes
c. movement of centrosomes
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
How many bivalents are formed in a cell with 20 chromosomes at the beginning of meiosis I?
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. 20
e. 40
Which of the following events occur during anaphase I?
a. separation of homologous chromosomes
b. formation of synaptonemal complex
c. lengthening of kinetochore microtubules
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
True/False At the end of meiosis I, there are two haploid cells, each with two sister chromatids per chromosome.
True/False The period between meiosis I and II is termed interkinesis.
The spindle apparatus is fully formed by the end of
a. metaphase II
b. anaphase II
c. prophase II
d. prometaphase II
e. telophase II
Separation of ________ occurs in anaphase II of meiosis.
a. non-homologous chromosomes
b. homologous chromosomes
c. non-sister chromatids
d. sister chromatids
e. the two nuclei
At the end of meiosis II, there are
a. two haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids
b. two haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid
c. four haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids
d. four haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid
e. four diploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.
True/False Replication of chromosomes occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.
False- just interphase before Meiosis I
True/False In animal cells, cell division is accomplished by the formation of a cleavage furrow.
A crossover in meiosis is an exchange of genetic material between
a. sister chromatids of the same chromosome
b. sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
c. sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes
d. non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
e. non-sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes
A tetrad is made up of
a. four non-homologous chromosomes
b. four non-homologous chromatids
c. four homologous pairs of chromosomes
d. two homologous pairs of chromosomes
e. two homologous chromosomes, each consisting of two chromatids
Which of the following statements about crossing over is TRUE?
a. It occurs only in males
b. It occurs only in some chromosomes
c. It occurs only between genes that are heterozygous
d. It results in reduced genetic variation among gametes
e. none of the above
True/False Crossing-over occurs during prophase I of meiosis
True/False Crossing-over allows the reassortment of linked genes
Which of following is NOT a requirement for cells to undergo a meiotic division?
a. the organism must have pairs of each chromosome
b. the cell must be a eukaryote
c. the organism must be an animal
d. gametes are required at some stage of the organism's life cycle
e. all of the statements are true requirements for meiosis to occur
Why do homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I and not in prophase II?
a. Pairing of chromosomes requires precision and it would take too much metabolic energy to pair them twice.
b. The kinetochores have been used up after separating the sister chromatids during meiosis I.
c. The cells are haploid during prophase II and therefore can't pair
d. Meiosis I is more like mitosis than meiosis II is, and so the chromosomes pair up similarly in meiosis I and mitosis
e. Two of the above are correct
An error in meiosis that results in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the final haploid cell
a. occurs only if separation of chromosomal material occurs in meiosis I
b. occurs only if separation of chromosomal material occurs in meiosis II.
c. is a condition called aneuploidy
d. Two of the above are true
e. All of the above are true
If cyclin B levels dropped dramatically after meiosis I, what outcome can be said with the most certainty?
a. The DNA content of the cells would be half that of the meiotic mother cell during prophase I.
b. The cell would die
c. The cells produced at the completetion of meiosis would have less DNA than normal
d. Meiosis II would be even more similar to mitosis
e. Two mitotic divisions would immediately result upon the completion of meiosis.
True/False In plants, meiosis produces the gametes
During which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur?
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Prophase II
d. Metaphase II
e. Crossing over occurs throughout meiosis I
True/False To determine the number of chromosomes in a cell, you can simply count up the number of centromeres (assume that joined sister chromatids share a single centromere)
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Independent assortment in mitosis creates new genotypes (genetic characteristics)
b. Pairing up of chromosomes during meiosis II creates new arrangements of genes within a single chromosome
c. Meiosis directly produces gametes
d. A zygote is created through meiosis
e. Meiosis involves two nuclear divisions without having DNA replication occurring between them
Random orientation of homologous chromosomes occurs in _______ of meiosis.
a. prophase I
b. metaphase I
c. anaphase I
d. prophase II
e. metaphase II
Consider a cell that has four pairs of chromosomes. What is the number of possible chromosome orientations in that cell?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 24
e. 32
Consider a cell that has three pairs of chromosomes. What fraction of the gametes produced from this cell will contain only maternal chromosomes?
a. 1/2
b. 1/4
c. 1/6
d. 1/8
e. 1/12
True/False The region of the cell where chromosome pairs line up is referred to as the metaphase plate.
True/False The actual structure that homologues bind to is called the spindle axis.
Synapsis is the side-by-side alignment of
a. sister chromatids of a chromosome
b. homologous chromosomes
c. non-homologous chromosomes
d. spindle fibers
e. nuclei prior to the division of the cytoplasm
At the end of meiosis I, each daughter cell is
a. diploid, and each chromosome consists of a single chromatid.
b. diploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids
c. haploid, and each chromosome consists of a single chromatid
d. haploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids.
e. haploid, containing a mixture of single- and double-chromatid chromosomes
During anaphase I of meiosis, ___________ move towards opposite cell poles, whereas during anaphase II of meiosis, ___________ are separated.
a. sister chromatids; non-sister chromatids
b. sister chromatids; homologous chromosomes
c. homologous chromosomes; sister chromatids
d. homologous chromosomes; non-sister chromatids
e. homologous chromosomes; non-homologous chromosomes
True/False Crossing over occurs in metaphase I.
True/False Telophase II of meiosis is basically prophase II in reverse.
Cohesin complexes
a. mediate the condensation of chromosomes
b. promote the relaxation of chromosomes
c. hold a chromosome's sister chromatids together
d. allow crossing-over between homologous chromosomes
e. facilitate the chromosomes binding to the nuclear membrane
The arms of the sister chromatids dissociate from each other during ______ of mitosis
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
The sister chromatids of a chromosome fully separate during _______ of mitosis.
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
True/False Cohesin complexes associate with the chromosomes after chromosome condensation has taken place.
True/False The cohesin complexes of the centromeric region are the last ones to be degraded.
Which of the following features are unique to meiosis?
a. synapsis
b. homologous recombination
c. reduction division
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
A crossover in meiosis is an exchange of genetic material between
a. sister chromatids of the same chromosome
b. sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
c. sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes
d. non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes
e. non-sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes
The four daughter cells produced in meiosis
a. are diploid just like the parent cell
b. have double the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
c. have one-fourth the number of chromosomes of the parent cell
d. have one of each pair of chromosomes found in the parent cell
e. have identical chromosomes
True/False Crossing-over occurs in meiosis I and meiosis II
True/False Chromosome duplication occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.
Gametes contain ___________ the number of chromosomes found in somatic cells
a. the same
b. twice
c. half
d. one-fourth
Somatic cells are ______, whereas gametes are ________.
a. haploid; diploid
b. diploid; polyploid
c. polyploid; haploid
d. diploid; haploid
An organism is said to be diploid if--
a. it contains genetic information from two parents
b. it is multicellular
c. it reproduces
d. undergoes mitotic cell division
What are homologous chromosomes?
a. The two halves of a replicated chromosome
b. Two identical chromosoms from one parent
c. Two genetically identical chromosomes, one from each parent
d. Two genetically similar chromosomes, one from each parent
When homologous chromosomes form chiasmata, they are—
a. exchanging genetic information
b. reproducing their DNA
c. separating their sister chromatids
d. replicating their chromatids
Crossing over involves each of the following with the exception of—
a. the transfer of DNA between two nonsister chromatids
b. the transfer of DNA between two sister chromatids
c. the formation of a synaptonemal complex
d. the alignment of homologous chromosomes
Terminal chiasmata are seen during which phase of meiosis?
a. Anaphase I
b. Prophase I
c. Metaphase I
d. Metaphase II
Which of the following occurs during anaphase I?
a. Sister chromatids are separated and move to the poles.
b. Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles.
c. Homologous chromosomes align at the middle of the cell.
d. All the chromosomes align independently at the middle of the cell.
Telophase 1 results in the production of—
a. four cells containing one homologue of each homologous pair
b. two cells containing both homologues of each homologous pair
c. four cells containing both homologues of each homologous pair
d. two cells containing one homologue of each homologous pair
Which of the following does NOT contribute to genetic diversity?
a. Independent assortment
b. Recombination
c. Metaphase of meiosis II
d. Metaphase of meiosis I
How does S phase following meiosis I differ from S phase in mitosis?
a. DNA replication takes less time because the cell is haploid.
b. DNA does not replicate during S phase following meiosis I.
c. DNA replication takes more time due to cohesin proteins.
d. There is no difference.
What occurs during anaphase of meiosis II?
a. The homologous chromosomes align.
b. Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles.
c. Homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles.
d. The haploid chromosomes line up.
What is an aneuploid gamete?
a. A diploid gamete cell
b. A haploid gamete cell
c. A gamete cell with the wrong number of chromosomes
d. A haploid somatic cell
Which of the following is NOT a distinct feature of meiosis?
a. Pairing and exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes
b. Attachment of sister kinetochores to spindle microtubules
c. Movement of sister chromatids to the same pole
d. Suppression of DNA replication
Which phase of meiosis I is most similar to the comparable phase in mitosis?
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Anaphase I
d. Telophase I
Which of the following describes this statement? "Passing traits from one generation to the next"
a. genetics
b. heredity
c. pisum sanitum
d. genes
Which of the following describes this statement? "Study of heredity and is accredited to Gregor Mendel"
a. genetics
b. heredity
c. pisum sanitum
d. genes
What is the correct name for the pea plants that Gregor Mendel studied?
pisum sanitum