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44 Cards in this Set

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Scope of Med Surg Nurse
Main Goal
Promote health, prevent illness/injury
Scope of Med Surg Nurse
Assessment, nurisng diagnosis, intervention, evaluation
Nursing Diagnosis
Identify Problem
A,B,C,D, E
A- Airway & Spine
B- Breathing
C- Circulation (b/p, hr)
D- Disablity
E- Exposure
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
*Prevent CVC infection
*Prevent Surgery infections
***Interventions to save lives
Hospital National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs)
Improve patient safety
* Identify correct patient
* Improve staff communication
The Joint Commission (TJC)
Accredits Hospitals
* Requires hosp to create culture safety
Medical Harm
Anything leading to patient injury or harm
Rapid Response Team (RRT)
Intervenes for people beginning at clinical level
IOM Core Competencies for Health Professionals
Provide patient centered care
Nurse Management, reduce health disparities
* Nurse self assessment
* Patient assessment
* Nursing Implementation
* Advocacy
Cultural Factors Affection Health and Health Care
* Personal Space
* Touch
* Nutrition
* Immigrants
* Medications
* Psychologic Factors
Communication (SBAR)
*S- Situation
*B- Background
*A- Assessment
*R- Recommendation
Communication (PACE)
Use for patient Reporting
*P- Patient Problem
*A- Assessment/action
*C- contining/changes
*E- Evaluation
Delegation Examples
*Turning and positioning (ADLs)
*Vital Signs, I&O measurements
*LPN ONLY- administer meds
5 Rights to Delegation
* Right Task
* Right circumstances
* Right Person
* Right Communication
* Right Supervision
Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
Intergration of the best current evidence to make decisions about patient care
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
(9 key areas of improvement)
1) medication admin
2) clear communication of assessment
3) attentiveness/pt surveillance
4) clinical reasonaing/judgement
5) prevetion of errors
6) intervention
7) interpreting orders
8) Professional/ Advocacy
9) Mandatory reporting
Believe the patient level is what they say it is.
Definition of Pain
Unpleasant sensory/emotional experience
Reasons Why Patients reluctant to report Pain
* Desire to be a "good" patient
* Fear of Addiction
Pain Scales
* Simple Descriptive
* Numeric Pain
* Visual Analog
* Pain Relief Visual Analog
* Percent Relief
Acute Pain
Acts as warning Sign, activates sympathetic nervous System
Acute Pain Responses
* Increased HR
* Increased BP
* Increased Resp Rate
* Dialated Pupils
* Sweating
Nonverbal Acute Pain Responses
* inability to concentrate
* restless
* facial grimicing
* increased or new confusion
Chronic Pain
* More than 3 months
* Onset is gradual
* Hard to pinpoint
* Usually depressed
Diabetic Neuropathy
If pain not transmitted to the brain, person feels no pain
Nociceptive Pain

Nociceptive Pain

Neuropathic Pain
* Nerve Injury
* Burning, shooting, stabbing pain
PQRST (pain assessment)
*P- precipitating or pallative (what caused to start)
*Q- Quality or quantity
*R- Region or radiation
*S- Severity Scale
*T- Timing
Pain Location
* localized
* Projected
* Radiating
* Referred
Non Pharm Methods of Pain Intervention
*pet therapy
*Heat/Cold application
Non Opiods
Mild Pain relieve
* Tylenol
***Side effects: GI bleed, liver & kidney dysfunction
WHO Analgesic Ladder
*Level 1 (1-3)- Use non opiods
*Level 2 (4-6)- Use weak opiods alone or with adjuvant drug
*Level 3 (7-10)- Use strong opiods
Muscle relaxers
Local anasethetics
Invastion Techniques for Chronic Pain
*When nothing else works
** nerve block
** spinal cord stimulation
Considerations for Older adults
**Start low and slow
Moderate to severe pain
* morphine
* oxycodone
* Loratab
Side Effects & Tx of Opiods
* Nausea/Vomiting
* Constipation
* Resp Depression (12&lower)
*Physical Dependence
Sedation Scale
1- awake & alert
2- slighty drowsy, easy to arouse
3- always drowsy, but arousable
4- somnolent, little or no response to stimuli
Opiod- Drug Alert
Give every 12 hours, never crush, or break. Swallow whole rather than chew
Opiod- Critical Rescue
*determine how easily the patient is aroused
*Stop med if not easily aroused
*Assess first dose response
* monitor resp rate and depth especially while sleeping
Opiod Antogonist- Drug Alert
*Administer slow until resp increase to eight or more/minute
*Continue to monitor- resp depression may recur.