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29 Cards in this Set

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A client has a bone density score of –2.8. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Asking the client to complete a food diary

b. Planning to teach about bisphosphonates

c. Scheduling another scan in 2 years

d. Scheduling another scan in 6 months


A T-score from a bone density scan at or lower than –2.5 indicates osteoporosis. The nurse

should plan to teach about medications used to treat this disease. One class of such

medications is bisphosphonates. A food diary is helpful to determine if the client gets

adequate calcium and vitamin D, but at this point, dietary changes will not prevent the

disease. Simply scheduling another scan will not help treat the disease either

A nurse is assessing an older client and discovers back pain with tenderness along T2

and T3. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Consult with the provider about an x-ray.

b. Encourage the client to use ibuprofen (Motrin).

c. Have the client perform hip range of motion.

d. Place the client in a rigid cervical collar


Back pain with tenderness is indicative of a spinal compression fracture, which is the most

common type of osteoporotic fracture. The nurse should consult the provider about an x-ray.Motrin may be indicated but not until there is a diagnosis. Range of motion of the hips is notrelated, although limited spinal range of motion may be found with a vertebral compression fracture. Since the defect is in the thoracic spine, a cervical collar is not needed

A client has been advised to perform weight-bearing exercises to help minimize

osteoporosis. The client admits to not doing the prescribed exercises. What action by the

nurse is best?

a. Ask the client about fear of falling.

b. Instruct the client to increase calcium.

c. Suggest other exercises the client can do.

d. Tell the client to try weight lifting

ANS: A Fear of falling can limit participation in activity. The nurse should first assess if the client

has this fear and then offer suggestions for dealing with it. The client may or may not need

extra calcium, other exercises, or weight lifting.

The nurse sees several clients with osteoporosis. For which client would

bisphosphonates not be a good option?

a. Client with diabetes who has a serum creatinine of 0.8 mg/dL

b. Client who recently fell and has vertebral compression fractures

c. Hypertensive client who takes calcium channel blockers

d. Client with a spinal cord injury who cannot tolerate sitting up


Clients on bisphosphonates must be able to sit upright for 30 to 60 minutes after taking

them. The client who cannot tolerate sitting up is not a good candidate for this class of drug.

Poor renal function also makes clients bad candidates for this drug, but the client with a

creatinine of 0.8 mg/dL is within normal range. Diabetes and hypertension are not related

unless the client also has renal disease. The client who recently fell and sustained fractures

is a good candidate for this drug if the fractures are related to osteoporosis.

A client has been prescribed denosumab (Prolia). What instruction about this drug is

most appropriate?

a. “Drink at least 8 ounces of water with it.”

b. “Make appointments to come get your shot.”

c. “Sit upright for 30 to 60 minutes after taking it.”

d. “Take the drug on an empty stomach.”


Denosumab is given by subcutaneous injection twice a year. The client does not need to

drink 8 ounces of water with this medication as it is not taken orally. The client does not

need to remain upright for 30 to 60 minutes after taking this medication, nor does the client need to take the drug on an empty stomach.

A client in a nursing home refuses to take medications. She is at high risk for

osteomalacia. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Ensure the client gets 15 minutes of sun exposure daily.

b. Give the client daily vitamin D injections.

c. Hide vitamin D supplements in favorite foods.

d. Plan to serve foods naturally high in vitamin D


Sunlight is a good source of vitamin D, and the nursing staff can ensure some sun exposure

each day. Vitamin D is not given by injection. Hiding the supplement in food is unethical.

Very few foods are naturally high in vitamin D, but some are supplemented.

A client is in the internal medicine clinic reporting bone pain. The client’s alkaline

phosphatase level is 180 units/L. What action by the nurse is most appropriate?

a. Assess the client for leg bowing.

b. Facilitate an oncology workup.

c. Instruct the client on fluid restrictions.

d. Teach the client about ibuprofen (Motrin).


This client has manifestations of Paget’s disease. The nurse should assess for other

manifestations such as bowing of the legs. Other care measures can be instituted once the

client has a confirmed diagnosis

An older client with diabetes is admitted with a heavily draining leg wound. The client’s white blood cell count is 38,000/mm3but the client is afebrile. What action does the nurse take first?

a. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol).

b. Educate the client on amputation.

c. Place the client on contact isolation.

d. Refer the client to the wound care nurse


In the presence of a heavily draining wound, the nurse should place the client on contact

isolation. If the client has discomfort, acetaminophen can be used, but this client has not

reported pain and is afebrile. The client may or may not need an amputation in the future.

The wound care nurse may be consulted, but not as the first action

A nurse is caring for four clients. After the hand-off report, which client does the

nurse see first?

a. Client with osteoporosis and a white blood cell count of 27,000/mm3

b. Client with osteoporosis and a bone fracture who requests pain medication

c. Post-microvascular bone transfer client whose distal leg is cool and pale

d. Client with suspected bone tumor who just returned from having a spinal CT


This client is the priority because the assessment findings indicate a critical lack of

perfusion. A high white blood cell count is an expected finding for the client with

osteoporosis. The client requesting pain medication should be seen second. The client who

just returned from a CT scan is stable and needs no specific postprocedure care

A client has a metastatic bone tumor. What action by the nurse takes priority?

a. Administer pain medication as prescribed.

b. Elevate the extremity and apply moist heat.

c. Handle the affected extremity with caution.

d. Place the client on protective precautions.


Bones invaded by tumors are very fragile and fracture easily. For client safety, the nurse

handles the affected extremity with great care. Pain medication should be given to control

pain. Elevation and heat may or may not be helpful. Protective precautions are not needed

for this client

A hospitalized client is being treated for Ewing’s sarcoma. What action by the nurse

is most important?

a. Assessing and treating the client for pain as needed

b. Educating the client on the disease and its treatment

c. Handling and disposing of chemotherapeutic agents per policy

d. Providing emotional support for the client and family


All actions are appropriate for this client. However, for safety, the nurse should place

priority on proper handling and disposal of chemotherapeutic agents

A client with bone cancer is hospitalized for a limb salvage procedure. How can the

nurse best address the client’s psychosocial needs?

a. Assess the client’s coping skills and support systems.

b. Explain that the surgery leads to a longer life expectancy.

c. Refer the client to the social worker or hospital chaplain.

d. Reinforce physical therapy to aid with ambulating normally


The first step in the nursing process is assessment. The nurse should assess coping skills and possible support systems that will be helpful in this client’s treatment. Explaining that a limb salvage procedure will extend life does not address the client’s psychosocial needs. Referrals may be necessary, but the nurse should assess first. Reinforcing physical therapy is also helpful but again does not address the psychosocial needs of the client

A client had a bunionectomy with osteotomy. The client asks why healing may take

up to 3 months. What explanation by the nurse is best?

a. “Your feet have less blood flow, so healing is slower.”

b. “The bones in your feet are hard to operate on.”

c. “The surrounding bones and tissue are damaged.”

d. “Your feet bear weight so they never really heal.”


The feet are the most distal to the heart and receive less blood flow than other organs and

tissues, prolonging the healing time after surgery. The other explanations are not correct

A client has scoliosis with a 65-degree curve to the spine. What action by the nurse

takes priority?

a. Allow the client to rest in a position of comfort.

b. Assess the client’s cardiac and respiratory systems.

c. Assist the client with ambulating and position changes.

d. Position the client on one side propped with pillows

ANS:B This degree of curvature of the spine affects cardiac and respiratory function. The nurse’s

priority is to assess those systems. Positioning is up to the client. The client may or may not

need assistance with movement

A nurse sees clients in an osteoporosis clinic. Which client should the nurse see first?

a. Client taking calcium with vitamin D (Os-Cal) who reports flank pain 2 weeks ago

b. Client taking ibandronate (Boniva) who cannot remember when the last dose was

c. Client taking raloxifene (Evista) who reports unilateral calf swelling

d. Client taking risedronate (Actonel) who reports occasional dyspepsia


The client on raloxifene needs to be seen first because of the manifestations of deep vein

thrombosis, which is an adverse effect of raloxifene. The client with flank pain may have

had a kidney stone but is not acutely ill now. The client who cannot remember taking the

last dose of ibandronate can be seen last. The client on risedronate may need to change


What information does the nurse teach a women’s group about osteoporosis?

a. “For 5 years after menopause you lose 2% of bone mass yearly.”

b. “Men actually have higher rates of the disease but are underdiagnosed.”

c. “There is no way to prevent or slow osteoporosis after menopause.”

d. “Women and men have an equal chance of getting osteoporosis


For the first 5 years after menopause, women lose about 2% of their bone mass each year.

Men have a slower loss of bone after the age of 75. Many treatments are now available for

women to slow osteoporosis after menopause

A client with osteoporosis is going home, where the client lives alone. What action

by the nurse is best?

a. Arrange a home safety evaluation.

b. Ensure the client has a walker at home.

c. Help the client look into assisted living.

d. Refer the client to Meals on Wheels


This client has several risk factors that place him or her at a high risk for falling. The nurse

should consult social work or home health care to conduct a home safety evaluation. The

other options may or may not be needed based upon the client’s condition at discharge

A client is scheduled for a bone biopsy. What action by the nurse takes priority?

a. Administering the preoperative medications

b. Answering any questions about the procedure

c. Ensuring that informed consent is on the chart

d. Showing the client’s family where to wait


The priority is to ensure that informed consent is on the chart. The preoperative medications

should not be administered until the nurse is confident the procedure will occur and the

client has already signed the consent, if the medications include anxiolytics or sedatives or

opioids. The provider should answer questions about the procedure. The nurse does show

the family where to wait, but this is not the priority and could be delegated

A client is admitted with a large draining wound on the leg. What action does the

nurse take first?

a. Administer ordered antibiotics.

b. Insert an intravenous line.

c. Give pain medications if needed.

d. Obtain cultures of the leg wound


The nurse first obtains wound cultures prior to administering broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The nurse would need to start the IV prior to giving the antibiotics as they will most likely

be parenteral. Pain should be treated but that is not the priority.

A client has an ingrown toenail. About what self-management measure does the

nurse teach the client?

a. Long-term antibiotic use

b. Shoe padding

c. Toenail trimming

d. Warm moist soaks


Treatment of an ingrown toenail includes a podiatrist clipping away the ingrown part of the

nail, warm moist soaks, and antibiotic ointment if needed. Antibiotics are not used long-

term. Padding the shoes will not treat or prevent ingrown toenails. Clients should not

attempt to trim ingrown nails themselves

A nurse is assessing a community group for dietary factors that contribute to

osteoporosis. In addition to inquiring about calcium, the nurse also assesses for which other dietary components? (Select all that apply.)

a. Alcohol

b. Caffeine

c. Fat

d. Carbonated beverages

e. Vitamin D

ANS: A, B, D, E

Dietary components that affect the development of osteoporosis include alcohol, caffeine,

high phosphorus intake, carbonated beverages, and vitamin D. Tobacco is also a

contributing lifestyle factor. Fat intake does not contribute to osteoporosis.

A nurse is providing education to a community women’s group about lifestyle changes helpful in preventing osteoporosis. What topics does the nurse cover? (Select all

that apply.)

a. Cut down on tobacco product use.

b. Limit alcohol to two drinks a day.

c. Strengthening exercises are important.

d. Take recommended calcium and vitamin D.

e. Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times a week

ANS: C, D, E

Lifestyle changes can be made to decrease the occurrence of osteoporosis and include

strengthening and weight-bearing exercises and getting the recommended amounts of both calcium and vitamin D. Tobacco should be totally avoided. Women should not have more than one drink per day

A client with Paget’s disease is hospitalized for an unrelated issue. The client reports

pain and it is not yet time for more medication. What comfort measures can the nurse

delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? (Select all that apply.)

a. Administering ibuprofen (Motrin)

b. Applying a heating pad

c. Providing a massage

d. Referring the client to a support group

e. Using a bed cradle to lift sheets off the feet


Comfort measures for Paget’s disease include heat and massage. Administering medications

and referrals are done by the nurse. A bed cradle is not necessary.

A client with chronic osteomyelitis is being discharged from the hospital. What

information is important for the nurse to teach this client and family? (Select all that apply.)

a. Adherence to the antibiotic regimen

b. Correct intramuscular injection technique

c. Eating high-protein and high-carbohydrate foods

d. Keeping daily follow-up appointments

e. Proper use of the intravenous equipment

ANS: A, C, E

The client going home with chronic osteomyelitis will need long-term antibiotic therapy—

first intravenous, then oral. The client needs education on how to properly administer IV

antibiotics, care for the IV line, adhere to the regimen, and eat a healthy diet to encourage

wound healing. The antibiotics are not given by IM injection. The client does not need daily


A client is admitted with a bone tumor. The nurse finds the client weak and lethargic

with decreased deep tendon reflexes. What actions by the nurse are best? (Select all that


a. Assess the daily serum calcium level.

b. Consult the provider about a loop diuretic.

c. Institute seizure precautions for the client

d. Instruct the client to call for help out of bed.

e. Place the client on a 1500-mL fluid restriction.

ANS: A, B, D

The client is exhibiting manifestations of possible hypercalcemia. This disorder is treated

with increased fluids and loop diuretics. The nurse should assess the calcium level, consult

with the provider, and instruct the client to call for help getting out of bed due to possible

fractures and weakness. The client does not need seizure precautions or fluid restrictions

The nurse is assessing a client for chronic osteomyelitis. Which features distinguish this from the acute form of the disease? (Select all that apply.)

a. Draining sinus tracts

b. High fevers

c. Presence of foot ulcers

d. Swelling and redness

e. Tenderness or pain


Draining sinus tracts and foot ulcers are seen in chronic osteomyelitis. High fever, swelling,

and redness are more often seen in acute osteomyelitis. Pain or tenderness can be in either


The nurse studying osteoporosis learns that which drugs can cause this disorder?

(Select all that apply.)

a. Antianxiety agents

b. Antibiotics

c. Barbiturates

d. Corticosteroids

e. Loop diuretics

ANS: C, D, E

Several classes of drugs can cause secondary osteoporosis, including barbiturates,

corticosteroids, and loop diuretics. Antianxiety agents and antibiotics are not associated with

the formation of osteoporosis

A client is suspected to have muscular dystrophy. About what diagnostic testing does

the nurse educate the client? (Select all that apply.)

a. Electromyography

b. Muscle biopsy

c. Nerve conduction studies

d. Serum aldolase

e. Serum creatinine kinase

ANS: A, B, D, E

Diagnostic testing for muscular dystrophy includes electromyography, muscle biopsy, serum

aldolase and creatinine kinase levels. Nerve conduction is not related to this disorder