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211 Cards in this Set

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Nationalism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Militarism
Causes of World War I
A desire to expand and be more powerful than other nations.
A desire by a national group to have its own state or country.
Establishing authority over areas of the world outside a country's natural boundaries.
Establishing colonies throughout the world.
Resulted in conflicts over colonial possessions.
The glorification of armed strength.
Militarism resulted in an _______.
arms race
Militarism and imperialism were components of ____________.
The European balance of power was disrupted by the unifications of _________________
Germany and Italy
European nations sought a new balance of power through __________.
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. (Name of Alliance)
Triple Alliance
Kaiser William II let Germany's friendship treaty lapse with ___________.
Great Britain, France and Russia (name of alliance)
Triple Entente
Pulled all of Europe into the war.
Alliance system
German ruler during WWI
Kaiser William II (Kaiser Wilhelm II)
Kaiser William II sought to compete with Britain by building a _____________.
large navy
Wanted Alsace and Lorraine back from Germany.
Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey feared they would lose territory in the ____
Held that all Slavic people shared a common nationality.
Unrest in this region made it a "powder keg" prior to World War I.
Austria-Hungary and Russia struggled over the _____________. (area)
Province of Austria-Hungary with a large Serbian population
Nationalists from this country believed Bosnia should belong to their country.
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Germany promised Austria-Hungary total support.
"Blank Check"
Russians and Serbians were both _________.
Russians hoped to gain access to IT through the Balkans.
Mediterranean Sea
Austria-Hungary issued Serbia an __________.
Austria-Hungary's ultimatum would have limited ____________.
Serbia's independence
In the first move of the war Austria Hungary declared war on ___________.
Nation that supported Serbia
To get an army in position for war. (term)
Russia decided to mobilize early because it lacked ____________.
In German eyes Russia's mobilization amounted to a ____________.
declaration of war
Declared war on Russia.
When France promised to support Russia __________.
Germany declared war on France
Germany hoped to avoid fighting a _________.
two front war
German plan to defeat France before Russia could mobilize.
Schlieffen Plan
The Schlieffen Plan was intended to keep Germany from fighting a __________.
two front war
Germany requested passage to France through ______________.
neutral Belgium
When they refused Germany passage, Germany invaded __________.
Germany invaded France through ___________.
neutral Belgium
It declared war on Germany because Germany had violated Belgium neutrality.
Great Britain
World War I began in ______. (year)
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Turks and their allies. (what they were called)
Central Powers
France, Britain, Russia and their allies. (what they were called)
Allied victory that saved Paris. (early in the war)
Battle of the Marne
Allied victory that destroyed the Schlieffen Plan
Battle of the Marne
Made the defense stronger than the offense. (in warfare)
Trench Warfare
Made the fighting even more brutal. (in warfare)
Trench Warfare
As a result of trench warfare the war became a ____________.
In a struggle where neither side can improve its position
Played a major part in the deadlock and slaughter of trench warfare. (weapon)
Machine Gun
Choked and blinded victims. (weapon)
Poison Gas
The space between two sets of trenches.
Most World War I soldiers were __________.
Both sides attempted to prevent the enemy from getting supplies. (method)
The Allies had a more effective blockade because of the ____________.
British Navy
To make their blockade more effective the Germans began to use ____________.
Submarine Warfare
Broke international law by not giving warning or taking passengers.
Submarine Warfare
British Luxury liner sunk by German Sub. (120 Americans die)
When countries mobilize all their resources into the war effort.
Total War
Used by governments to conserve supplies
Using information to encourage a particular point of view.
Propaganda was used by _____________.
both sides
Were more effective in the use of propaganda.
Was the first of the major countries to become exhausted from total war.
Resulted in the setting up of a liberal government. (during World War I)
First Russian Revolution (of 1917)
After this event, this country still tried to continue fighting the war.
First Russian Revolution
Secret weapon shipped into Russia by the Germans.
Vladimir Lenin
Results in the setting up of a Communist Gov.
Second Russian Revolution (of 1917)
Communist Russia makes a separate peace with Germany.
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
Allows Germany to fight a one front war.
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
The area of contact between opposing sides in warfare.
To starve the allies in hopes of defeating them before America entered the war Germany resumed ______________.
unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany offered Mexico a part of the U.S. if it would join the war.
Zimmerman Note
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare and the Zimmerman note ________________.
bring U.S. into the war
Year of America's entrance into WWI.
Year of both Russian Revolutions.
Arabs seeking independence helped the allies fight against the _____________.
Ottoman Turks
Machine gun, tanks, submarines, airplanes, gas.
new weapons of WWI
New weapons and trench warfare turned WWI into a _____________.
war of attrition
When the winner in war is determined by who can continue to fight the longest.
war of attrition
Helps break the stalemate and bring an allied victory.
U.S. entrance
Ends the fighting after the Kaiser abdicated his throne.
Date of the Armistice
Russia and the defeated Central powers were not invited to the _____________.
Paris Peace Conference
Most influential man at the peace conference.
Woodrow Wilson
Leader of the American delegation to the peace conference
Woodrow Wilson
Wilson's goals for the war and peace plan after the war.
Fourteen Points
Included reduction of armaments, national self determination, end to secret alliances, and a League of Nations.
Fourteen Points
Attempting to draw boundaries around recognizable national groups.
National Self Determination
Was to support peace by solving conflict through negotiations.
League of Nations
It was based on the idea of collective security.
League of Nations
System in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all.
Collective Security
Wilson compromised on other points to secure the inclusion of the ______________.
League of Nations
The U.S. Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles because they thought the _________ would limit the war making powers of congress.
League of Nations
Placed total blame for the war on Germany
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay ____________.
Payment for damages in a war.
The treaty of Versailles failed to create a lasting peace because it was ___________.
too harsh on Germany
The two Russian revolutions in 1917 were largely the result of the hardship caused by ___________.
World War I
The biggest mistake made by Czar Nicholas II.
going to war
Russian Czar overthrown by the revolution.
Nicholas II
After a revolution in 1905, Nicholas Ii approved the creation of a parliament called the _______.
Believed revolution against the Czar would be led by peasants.
Social Revolutionaries
Wanted to replace the czar with a democratic government.
Social Revolutionaries
Russian Marxists
Social Democrats
Believed revolution in Russia would come from urban workers.
Social Democrats
Social Democrats who believed the Industrial Revolution had to precede the workers revolt.
Social Democrats who wanted a broadly based party.
The Social Democrats were NOT _________.
Social Democrats who believed the workers revolt could precede the Industrial Revolution.
Social Democrats who believed the Communist party should be an elite group of professional revolutionaries.
Leader of the Bolsheviks
Vladimir Lenin
Workers' councils organized in Russia in 1917.
While Nicholas II was at the front he left control of Russia to ____________.
Czarina Alexandra
Czarina Alexandra was influenced by the mystic __________.
Nicholas II was forced to abdicate in February of 1917 by __________________.
Bread Riots and Strikes in St. Petersburg
After Nicholas II abdicated the Duma set up a _______________.
Provisional Government
Leader of the Provisional Government. (Russia)
Alexander Kerensky
In St. Petersburg the ________ was more powerful than the provisional government.
The mistake of the provisional government was to ___________________. (Russia)
continue the war
Lenin's slogan.
"Peace, Land, and Bread"
Took over Government offices in October 1917. (Russia)
Bolshevik Red Guards
The second Russian Revolution of 1917 was a _____________.
Coup d' etat
Won a majority in the popular elections held in 1917.
Social Revolutionaries
When the Bolsheviks did not win a majority in the elections they ___________.
closed the Assembly
From 1918 to 1920 Russia was in __________.
Civil War
Those who fought against the Bolsheviks.
White Army
A mixture of: Czarists, Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks.
White Army
Leader of the Red Army.
Leon Trotsky
Won the Russian Civil War.
Red Army
Was supported by the Allies (including the U.S.) in the Russian Civil War.
White Army
The government established by Lenin and the Bolsheviks was ___________.
Brutal secret police force of the Bolheviks.
Red Army officers were kept under close watch of _____.
Communist party officials.
In 1922, Lenin's communist government united much of the old Russian empire into the ____>
Soviet Union
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR
Soviet Union
According to the new Constitution of the Soviet Union all political power, resources, and means of production would belong to the _______.
workers and peasants
In reality in the Soviet Union the ______ held all of the power.
Communist Party
To help save the Soviet economy Lenin was forced to use some features of _______.
Struggled for power after the death of Lenin.
Trotsky and Stalin
Took ruthless steps to win total power over the Soviet Union.
Joseph Stalin
In the 1900s much of Latin America's natural resources were controled by ______.
investors from other countries
In Latin America in the early 1900s most of the power was held by ______.
Military leaders and wealthy land owners
Large farms in Mexico worked by the peasants owned by the rich.
When dictator Porfirio Diaz left office in Mexico in 1911 the ______________ began.
Mexican Revoltion
He apporoved a new constitution that included land and labor reform when he was elected Mexico's president in 1917.
Venustiano Carranza
Made church land "the property of the nation," set a minimum wage and protected the right of workers' to strike in Mexico.
Constitution of 1917
Carranza's new government strengthened the government's control over the economy through ________.
Government takeover of natural resources.
Organized by the government it brings some stablity to Mexico by accomadating some desires of bussiness, military leaders, peasants and workers.
Institutional Revolutionary Party
Dominated Mexican politics from the 1930s until free elections in 2000.
Hurt Latin American economies as it did the rest of the world in the 1930s.
Great Depression
Became popular in Latin America as a result of the Great Depression.
Economic Nationalism
Home control of an economy.
Economic Nationalism
In Latin America in the 1930s it resulted in the rejection of Euoropean influences.
Cultural Nationalism
President Franklin Roosevelt's policy to stay out of Latin American politics.
Good Neighbor policy
In the 1900s controlled most of Africa and kept the best lands or themselves.
From 1910 to 1940 blacks here lost the right to vote and were kept from certain jobs.
South Africa
The system of strict segregation that became law in South Africa in 1948.
A movement that called for the unity of Africans and those of African descent around the world.
Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois were leaders in the _______.
Pan-African movement
A movement in West Africa and the Carribbean, in which writers expressed pride in their African roots and protested colonial rule.
negritude movement
Overthrew the Ottoman ruler and created the Republic of Turkey.
Mustafa Kemel
Mustafa Kemal worked to __________.
modernize Turkey
Inspired by Mustafa Kemal he overthrew the Persian shah and worked to modernize Persia/Iran.
Reza Khan
Both Mustafa Kemal & Reza Khan replaced Islamic traditions with _____________.
Western ways
Arab nationalism.
Arabs had hoped to gain independence after World War I but felt betrayed when ______.
French and British took control of their lands.
Jewish Nationalist dreamed of a homeland in ________.
To show support for European Jews, Britain issued the _______.
Balfour Declaration
A statement advocating a homeland for Jews in Palestine in 1917.
Balfour Declaration
In April of 1919, British soldiers killed and wounded hundreds of peaceful Indian protesteters.
Amristar massacre
Convinced Indians that their country should be independent of Britain.
Amristar massacre
For 20 years, he fought laws in South Africa that discriminated against Indians.
Mohandas Gandhi
Emerged as the leader of the Indian indpendence movement.
Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi followed Henry David Thoreau's ideas of _______.
civil disobedience
The practice of not obeying unjust laws.
civil disobedience
Indians following Gandhi's nonviolent civil disobedience and British reactions slowly led to the British _______.
giving some power to Indians
When the Qing dynasty collapsed and Sun Yixian became president, China fell into chaos and __________.
warlords battled for control
Was issued by Japan during World War I in an attempt to give Japan control over China.
Twenty-One Demands
During the early 20th century China was weak and gave into many of _____.
Japan's demands
After World War I the allies gave Japan control over some former __________.
German lands in China
Was inspired by the Allies giving German lands in China to Japan.
May Fourth Movement
An intellectual movement to make China strong and to resist European imperialsm through the use of Western ideas.
May Fourth Movement
Encouraged by the Soviet Union some Chinese turned to ______.
Nationalist party in China
Leader of the Guomindang from the late 1920s until 1949.
Jiang Jieshi
Chiang Kai-Shek
Jiang Jieshi
Used the help of the Chinese communists to crush the warlords.
Jiang Jieshi
In the middle of his campaign against the warlords he turned on the communists and slaughtered many of them.
Jiang Jieshi
Becomes the leader of the Chinese Communists by seeking the support of the peasant masses.
Mao Zedong
A trek of 6000 miles by Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong to relocate their power base.
The Long March
The Guomindang under the leadership of Jiang Jieshi attacked the communists throughout the _____.
Long March
The Guomindang fought the Communists in a 22 year ______.
Civil War
Invaded China in 1937.
Because of the invasion Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong formed an alliance until the ________.
Japanese threat ended
Because of exports to the Allies Japan's economy grew during ______.
World War I
Became emperor of Japan in 1926.
During the 1920s Japan had a more ______.
Liberal/democratic government
A group of business leaders who manipulated politicians.
Were angry with the government of Japan for giving into Western demands and for accepting payoffs from the Zaibatsu
Military leaders and ultranationalists
Blew up railroad tracks in Manchuria and blamed it on the Chinese as an excuse to invade Manchuria.
Japanese Militarists
Increased their power in Japan throughout the 1930s.
Military leaders and Ultranationalists
In 1940 it signed an agreement with Italy and Germany to form the Axis Powers.