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78 Cards in this Set

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In U.S. History the decade of the 1920s stands out as a time of ________.
rapid change
Shattered a sense of optimism that had grown in the West since the Enlightenment.
World War I
Another name for the "Roaring Twenties."
Jazz Age
During the 1920s many young people who had been disillusioned by the war rejected the moral values of the __________.
Victorian Age
Symbol of the rebellious Jazz Age youth.
Nickname given to young women of the 1920s who defied convention and broke norms.
Though relatively few in number, in the 1920s they symbolized women's desire to break with the past.
During the 1920s many women felt freer to experiment with bolder _____.
styles and manners
The new morals and manners of the 1920s were reflected in women's ___.
In the 1920's, the status of women in the workplace changed _______.
very little
They did not feel comfortable voting, they could not leave their children and go to the poles, their families discouraged them from voting.
reasons many women didn't vote when they first won the right
Statistics that describe a population.
One group that suffered economically during the 1920s was the _______.
Because they were needed as laborers farm children were less likely to go to ______.
high school
In the 1920s jobs for African Americans in the South were ____.
scarce and low paying
Many southern factories refused to hire ________.
African Americans
African Americans migrated north in the early 1900s mainly because of an ___________.
industrial boom
During the 1920s, Congress acted to limit immigration especially from ____.
Southern & Eastern Europe
After immigration laws were tightened, many low-paying jobs went to immigrants from _________.
Canada & Mexico
Became a magnet for migrants from Mexico.
Los Angeles
A Spanish-speaking neighborhood.
In the late 1800s enabled people to live in the suburbs and commute to the cities.
In the 1920s, trolleys to the suburbs were largely replaced by ____.
A major demographic shift of the 1920s was movement away from the urban areas to the ________.
Many Americans became fascinated with heroes in the 1920s because they longed for symbols of __________.
old-fashioned virtues
In Charles Lindbergh and other heroes, Americans recognized the virtues of the _______.
"good old days"
One of the most popular heroes of the era was baseball star ___.
Babe Ruth
Native American Sports hero who won Olympic gold medals in the pentathlon and the decathlon and went on to play pro football.
Jim Thorpe
Became a national hero after flying nonstop from New York to Paris.
Charles Lindbergh
In 1932 she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.
Amelia Earhart
The rapid development of the mass media during the 1920s promoted the creation of a __________.
national culture
The growth of radio and other mass media in the 1920s produced a _______.
national culture
In the late 1920 movies changed with the introduction of ____.
The rise of films, radio broadcasting, and the news media all helped to bring about a ______
national culture
Methods of communicating information to large numbers of people.
mass media
Jazz was brought to northern cities by ________________.
southern African Americans
African Americans combined Western harmonies with African rhythms to create____.
Clubs in the Harlem district of New York City were among the hottest places to listen to ________.
Name of the new dance popular with the flappers that embodied the spirit of the Jazz Age.
One of the most celebrated jazz musicians of the 1920s was a pianist, composer, and bandleader.
Duke Ellington
Popular jazz trumpeter and singer who popularized a style known as "scat."
Louis Armstrong
Using the voice to replace words with nonsense syllables.
Name for the 1920s after a popular and influential form of music.
Jazz Age
Young adults in Europe and America in general, and writers in particular, who had become disillusioned with the world and Western values after World War I.
the Lost Generation
Was the term for expatriate writers who were repelled by American popular culture and society in the 1920s.
Lost Generation
Members of the Lost Generation left the ___________.
country to live in Paris
Small towns, the medical business, and dishonest ministers were all targets of novelist ___.
Sinclair Lewis
African American literacy movement of the 1920s.
Harlem Renaissance
Writers James Weldon Johnson and Zora Neale Hurston took part in a movement called the ____.
Harlem Renaissance
Harlem writer who gained fame for writing the novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
Zora Neale Hurston
Republican President elected in 1920, promised a "return to normalcy."
Warren Harding
The fact that many people opposed the freer lifestyle of the Jazz age was demonstrated by _______.
Outlawed the production and sale of alcohol in the U.S.
Prohibition (18th Amendment)
Suppliers of illegal alcohol during Prohibition.
Illegal bars that operated behind storefronts and pool rooms.
One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was the rise of ______.
organized crime
Engaging in an illegal business, usually a part of organized crime.
Racketeering was one of the unforeseen results of _________.
Chicago gangster nicknamed "Scarface."
Al Capone
Al Capone who ran Chicago's largest organized crime gang in the 1920s evaded charges against him until he was finally convicted of _____.
income-tax evasion
A set of beliefs based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
A set of beliefs held by religious traditionalists.
In the 1920s, fundamentalist gained attention for their belief in a literal interpretation of the ____.
Some states banned the teaching of evolution in the schools because the theory seemed to contradict the ____.
Biblical account of creation
Case about the teaching of evolution in schools.
Scopes trial
John Scopes was encouraged to teach evolution in order to test the ________.
constitutionality of laws against the teaching of evolution
Supporter of free speech in the Scopes trial.
Clarence Darrow
Defense attorney in the Scopes trial.
Clarence Darrow
Took up the cause of fundamentalist Christians as the prosecuting attorney at the Scopes trial.
William Jennings Bryan
Trial over the legal right to teach evolution in schools.
Scopes trial
Group that lost some momentum as a result of the Scopes trial.
Jamaican-born leader of movement promoting African American pride.
Marcus Garvey
Led a movement in the 1920s to build up African American self-respect and economic power.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey urged African Americans to return to _____.
Marcus Garvey was a black ______.
In the summer of 1919, mob violence between white and black Americans erupted in about 25 cities.
"Red Summer"
The race riots in Chicago in 1919 were partially the result of overcrowded _____.
African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants were the main targets in the 1920s of the newly revived _____.
Ku Klux Klan