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118 Cards in this Set

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classifications of biological molecules
nucleotide derivatives
(all have carbon skeletons)
- solvent in which chemical reactions of living cells occur
- 70-80% of cell's mass
- small, polar molecule that can hydrogen bond (which allows it to remain liquid & squeezes hydrophobic molecules away, and helps solvate hydrophilic molecules)
How are most macromolecules in living cells formed and broken apart?
- formed by dehydration synthesis
- broken apart by hydrolysis
- water acts as reactant or product in these rxns
- any biological molecule with low solubility in water & high solubility in nonpolar organic solvents
- hydrophobic (thus good barriers in aq environments)
What are the 6 major groups of lipids?
(1) fatty acids
(2) triacylglycerols
(3) phospholipids
(4) glycolipids
(5) steroids
(6) terpenes
fatty acids
- building blocks for most compelx lipids
- long carbon chains w/ carboxylic acid at one end
- usually an even # carbons (max 24 C's)
- saturated only have single C-C bonds
- unsaturated have one or more C=C double bonds
- oxidation yields a lot of chemical energy for cell
- most fats reach cell in this form
- also called "triglycerides" or "fats & "oils"
- made from glycerol (3-C backbone) attached to 3 fatty acids
- stores energy in cell & may provide thermal insulation/padding
- adipocytes' cytoplasm contains mainly triglycerides
- glycerol backbone w/ polar phosphate group replacing one fatty acid (on the opposite side from the fatty acid)
- amphipathic (polar & nonpolar), so good membrane component
- similar to phospholipids, but have 1+ carbohydrates attached to glycerol backbone instead of phosphate group
- amphipathic
- found in membranes of myelinated cells in nervous system
- four ringed structures
- some hormones, vitamin D & cholesterol are steroids
- include vitamin A (important for vision)
- a class of lipids (often listed as a fatty acid) w/ 20 carbons
- include prostaglandins, thromboxanes & leukotrienes
- released from cell membranes as local hormones that regulate blood pressure, body temperature & smooth muscle contraction
inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
- transport lipids through blood (since they're insoluble)
- lipid core surrounded by phospholipids & apoproteins
- can dissolve lipids in hydrophobic core then move through aqueous solution b/c it has a hydrophilic shell
- classified by density (greater lipid:protein ratio = lower density)
- includes chylomicrons (VLDL), low density (LDL) & high density (HDL)
- built from chain of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds ("polypeptides")
- mainly built from same 20 alpha-amino acids, 10 of which are essential (must ingest)
- "peptides" = very small polypeptides
alpha-amino acids
- amine is attached to carbon in alpha position to carbonyl
- each amino acid in polypeptide chain called "residue"
- only differ in side chain (R group), which is also attached to alpha carbon
- in solution, amino acids always have 1+ charges (which depend on pH of solution)
Which amino acids have nonpolar R groups?
Which amino acids have polar R groups?
Which amino acids have acidic R groups?
aspartic acid
glutamic acid
Which amino acids have basic R groups?
glycine structure
side chain = H
alanine structure
side chain = CH3
valine structure
side chain = CH(CH3)2
leucine structure
side chain = CH2-CH(CH3)2
isoleucine structure
side chain = CHCH3-CH2-CH3
phenylalanine structure
side chain = CH2-phenyl
tryptophan structure
side chain = CH2-CCHNH(ring)-phenyl
methionine structure
side chain = CH2-CH2-S-CH3
proline structure
side chain = C-NH-C-C-C(ring)
serine structure
side chain = HCOH-CH3
cysteine structure
side chain = CH2-SH
tyrosine structure
side chain = CH2-phenyl-OH
asparagine structure
side chain = CH2-C(=O)NH2
glutamine structure
side chain = CH2-CH2-C(=O)NH2
aspartic acid structure
side chain = CH2-COOH
glutamic acid structure
side chain = CH2-CH2-COOH
lysine structure
side chain = CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH2
arginine structure
side chain = CH2-CH2-CH2-NH-C(=NH)NH2
histidine structure
side chain = CH2-CNHNC(ring)
primary structure
- number & sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide
- all proteins have a primary structure
- single chain of the primary structure of a polypeptide can twist into this
- reinforced by hydrogen bonds b/t carbonyl oxygen & hydrogen on amino group
beta-pleated sheet
- single chain of primary structure of a polypeptide can lie along itself to form this
- connecting segments of 2 strands can lie in same direction (parallel) or opposite directions (anti-parallel)
- reinforced by hydrogen bonds b/t carbonyl oxygen & hydrogen on amino group
secondary structure
- alpha helices & beta-pleated sheets
- contribute to conformation of protein
- most proteins have a secondary structure
tertiary structure
- 3D shape formed from peptide chain curling & folding
- created by:
(1) covalent disulfide bonds b/t 2 cystein AA's on
diff. parts of chain
(2) electrostatic (ionic) interactions (usually b/t
acidic & basic side chains)
(3) hydrogen bonds
(4) van der Waals forces
(5) hydrophobic side chains pushed away from
water toward center of protein
[proline also induces turns that disrupt alpha-helix & beta-pleated sheet formation]
quarternary structure
- 2+ polypeptides bind together
- due to same 5 forces that form tertiary structure
denatured protein
- conformation is disrupted
- lost most of secondary, tertiary & quarternary structure
- often spontaneously refolds when denaturing agent is removed (thus AA sequence prob. plays key role in conformation)
What are the 2 types of structural proteins?

globular proteins
- more types of these than structural
- enzymes (pepsin)
- hormones (insulin)
- membrane pumps & channels (Na+/K+ pump, voltage-gated Na+ channels)
- membrane receptors (nicotininc receports on post-synaptic neuron)
- inter/intracellular transport & storage (hemoglobin, myoglobin)
- osmotic regulators (albumin)
- immune response (antibodies)
structural proteins
- made from long polymers
- maintain & add strength to cellular & matrix structure
- e.g. collagen, microtubules (made from globular tubulin that polymerizes to become structural protein)
- structural protein made from helix
- most abundant protein in body
- add strength to skin, tendons, ligaments, bones
- proteins w/ carbohydrate groups attached
- component of cellular plasma membranes
- mixtures of proteins & (usually more than 50%) carbs
- major component of EC matrix
- proteins that require prosthetic (nonproteinaceous) heme group to function
- get name from color
- hemoglobin, cytochromes of ETC
conjugated proteins
proteins containing nonproteinaceous components
- "sugars"/"saccharides"
- made from carbon and water
- empirical formula C(H2O)
- 5-C (pentoses) and 6-C (glucoses) most common in nature
- most commonly occurring 6-C carbohydrate
- usually accounts for 80% of carbohydrates absorbed by humans (all digested carbs converted to this by liver/enterocytes)
- exists in aq. solution in unequal equilibrium favoring ring over chain form
anomers of glucose
- in alpha glucose, hydroxyl group on anomeric carbon (C1) & methoxy group (C6) are on opposite sides of the ring
- in beta glucose, hydroxyl & methoxy groups are on same side of carbon ring
glucose for energy use/storage
- can be oxidized to ATP for readily usable energy
- can be polymerized to polysaccharide glycogen or stored as fat if cell has enough ATP
- branched glucose polymer with alpha linkages
- found in all animal cells, but especially in muscle/liver
- alpha linkages can be digested by animals
glucose absorption
- only some epithelial cells in digestive tract & proximal tubule can absorb glucose against concentration gradient with secondary activty transport mechanism down Na+ concentration gradiant)
- other cells absob glucose via facilitated diffusion (insulin increase rate of faciliated diffuson for glucose/monoscaccharides)
- neural & heaptic cells are the only cells that can absorb enough glucose via faciliated transport in the absence of insulin
- formed from glucose in plants
- alpha-linkages can be digested by animals
- AMYLOSE: isomer of cellulose that can be branched or unbranched & has same alpha linkages as glycogen
- AMYLOPECTIN: resembles glycogen but with different branching structrue
- formed from glucose in plants
- has beta linkages that cannot be digested by any enzymes in animals (though some have bacteria in digestive system that can)
- made of (1) 5-C sugar, (2) nitrogenous base, (3) phosphate group
- nitrogenous base usually adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine & uracil
- form polymers to create nucleic acids (DNA & RNA)
- other nucleotides: ATP (adenosine triphosphate), cyclic AMP (impt. in 2nd messengery systems), NADH & FADH2 (coenzymes in Krebs)
nucleic acids
- nucleotides joined to gether by phosphodiester bonds b/t phostphate group of one nucleotide & 3rd carbon of pentose of other nucleotide
- strands written as list of bases from 5'-->3' end
- in DNA, 2 strands are joined by hydrogen bonds to form double helix; top strand runs 5'-->3' and bottom runs 3'-->5'
- no double helix formed in RNA (only 1 strand) & uracil replaces thymine
How many hydrogen bonds to adenine and thymine form?
How many hydrogen bonds do cytosine guanine form?
- dissolved inorganic ions inside & outside cell
- create electrochemical graidents across membranes to assist in transport
- can combine/solidify to add strength to matrix (ie: hydroxyapatite in bone)
- act as cofactors to assist enzyme/protein function (e.g. iron is mineral in heme, the prosthetic group of cytochromes)
- usually globular proteins
- act as catalysts to lower energy of activation for biological reaction & increase reaction rate
- are not consumed/permanently altered in rxns
- do not alter the equilibrium of a reaction
- generally smaller than enzyme
- binds to active site on enzyme
- when enzyme is bound, it is enzyme-substrate complex
lock & key theory
active site of enzyme has specific shape that fits only specific substrate
induced fit model
shape of both enzyme & substrate are altered upon binding, which increases specificity & helps reaction proceed (enzymes can also orient multiple substrates in optimal ways for rxns to occur)
- rxn rate increases with relative concentration of substrate up to this point, since all active sites are occupied
- proportional to enzyme concentration
- Michaelis constant
- substrate concentration at which rxn rate = 1/2 Vmax
- does not vary when enzyme concentration changes
- good indicator of enzyme's affinity for a substrate
How does temperature affect enzymatic reactions?
- rxn rate increases with temperature up to a point, then enzyme denatures and rate plummets
- optimum temp around 37 degrees C in humans
How does pH affect enzymatic reactions?
- varies depending on enzyme
- pepsin (stomach) works below pH of 2
- trypsin (small intestine) works b/t pH of 6-7
- a non-protein component that helps enzymes reach optimal activity
- organic molecules
- COSUBSTRATES: reversibly bind to specific enzyme & transfer some chemical group to another substrate, then reverted back to original form (which distinguishes it fro ma normal substrate); e.g. ATP
- PROSTHETIC GROUPS: remain covalently bound to enzyme through reactions & emerge from rxn unchanged; often vitamins/vitamin derivatives; e.g. heme
metal ions
- can act alone or w/ prosthetic group
- ion, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium & zinc
- enzyme w/out its cofactor
- completely nonfuctional
enzyme w/ its cofactor (*think "holo" = "whole")
What are the 3 types of enzyme inhibitors?
(1) irreversible inhibitors
(2) competitive inhibitors
(3) non-competitive inhibitors
irreversible inhibitors
- typically bind covalently to enzymes
- penicillin binds to bacterial enzyme that assists in making peptidoglycan cell walls
competitive inhibitors
- compete w/ substrate by binding reversibly to active site
- raise apparent Km, but do not change Vmax
- can overcome by increasing substrate concentration
- often resemble substrate
noncompetitive inhibitors
- bind noncovalently to enzyme spot other than active site & change enzyme conformation
- don't prevent substrate from binding & can bind to enzymes that have OR don't have substrate
- do not resemble substrate, so can act on more than one enzyme
- lower Vmax, but do not change Km
- cannot be overcome by excess substrate
What are the 4 primary means of enzyme regulation?
(1) proteolytic cleavage (irreversible covalent modification)
(2) reversible covalent modification
(3) control proteins
proteolytic cleavage
- irreversible covalent modification
- enzymes released into environment in inactive form (zymogen/proenzyme)
- irreversibly activated when specific bonds cleaved
- activation can be from other enzymes or chain in environment (e.g. pepsin from low pH)
reversible covalent modification
- enzymes activated/deactivated by phosphorylation or other modifier like AMP
- modifier removed by hydrolysis
- phosphorylation usually occurs in presence of protein kinase
control proteins
- protein subunits that associate w/ certain enzymes to activate or inhibit actitivity
- e.g. calmodulin, G-proteins
allosteric interactions
- modification of enzyme configuration from binding of activator or inhibitor at specific binding site on enzyme
- can inhibit or activate
- not necessarily noncompetitive b/c they may alter Km w/out affecting Vmax
- allosteric enzymes don't follow typical kinetics d/t multiple binding sites
negative feedback/feedback inhibition
shutdown mechanism for series of enzymatic reactions when there is enough product
positive feedback
product returns to activate the enzyme (less common than negative feedback)
positive cooperativity
- in allosteric enzymes, at low substrate concentrations, small increases in substrate can ave large effect
- after first substrate changes enzyme shape, it allows other substrates to bind more easily
- e.g. sigmoidal oxygen dissociation curve for Hgb
negative cooperativity
substrate binding to allosteric enzyme makes it harder for other substrates to bind
6 categories of enzymes
1. oxidoreductases
2. transferases
3. hydrolases
4. lyases (synthase catalyzes addition of one substrate to a double bond of a second substrate; e.g. ATP synthase)
5. isomerases
6. ligases (governs addition reaction but requires energy from ATP or another nucleotide; sometimes called synthetases)
enzyme that phosphorylates something (often in order to activate or deactive it); e.g. hexokinase phosphorylates glucose when it enters a cell
enzyme that dephosphorylates something
enzyme that phosphorylates glucose when it enters a cell
- all cellular chemical reactions
- anabolism
- catabolism
- molecular degradation
What are the 3 stages of metabolism?
(1) macromolecules (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids) broken down into constituent parts (monosaccharides, amino acids, fatty acids/glycerol) w/ little/no energy release
(2) constituent parts oxidized to acetyl CoA, pyruvate or other metabolites forming ATP & reduced coenzymes (NADH, FADH2) in process not directly using oxygen
(3) if oxygen available, metabolites go into citric acid cycle & oxidative phosphorylation to form a lot of energy (NADH, FADH2, ATP) or recycle/expel NAD+/byproducts
2nd and 3rd stages of metabolism, which require energy; "aerobic" if oxygen used, "anaerobic" if not
anaerobic respiration
- glycolysis is first stage
- fermentation includes glycolysis & reduction of pyruvate to ethanol or lactic acid, and oxidation of NADH to NAD+
- first stage of aerobic & anaerobic respiration
- series of reactions that breaks a 6-C glucose molecule into two 3-C molecules of pyruvate
- also produces 2 ATP (from 2 ADP), inorganic phosphate & water, 2 molecules of NADH (from reduction of NAD+)
- occurs in cytosol
conjugate base of pyruvic acid
steps of glycolysis
(1) Glucose enters cell & is phosphoylated by hexokinase to glucose 6-phosphate (w/ phosphate from ATP) - irreversible
(2) glucose 6-phosphate goes to fructose 6-phosphate
(3) second phosphate group added from ATP - irreversible & committed to glycolytic pathway
(4) 6-carbon fructose 1,6-bisphosphate broken into Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (PGAL) & dihydroxyacetone phosphate [--> 2 ATP's spent at this point]
(5) each 3-C molecule phosphorylated, reducing one NAD+ to NADH
(6) 3-C molecules each transfer 1 phosphate to ADP to form 1 ATP each in substrate level phosphorylation
(7) 3-C mol. then go through 3 more steps before donating phosphate group to ADP to yield ATP & pyruvate
Can phosphorylated molecules diffuse through a cell membrane?
substrate level phosphorylation
formation of ATP from ADP & inorganic phosphate using the energy released from the decay of high energy phosphorylated compounds as opposed to using energy from diffusion
What are the inputs & outputs of glycolysis?
2 ATPs spent
4 ATPs produced
2 pyruvate produced
2 NADH produced
products of carbohydrate digestion
~80% glucose
~20% fructose & galactose
How can fructose enter glycolysis?
as fructose 6-phosphate or glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate
How can galactose enter glycolysis?
can be converted to glucose 6-phosphate
How is lactose broken down?
- disaccharide
- broken into glucose & galactose in small intestine
- anaerobic respiration
- includes glycolysis and reduction of pyruvate to ethanol/lactic acid + oxidation of NADH to NAD+
- yeasts/some microorganisms produce ethanol
- humans/some microorganisms produce lactic acid
- occurs when cell can't assimilate energy from NADH & pyruvate, or has no oxygen available to do so
- NADH recycled back into NAD+ to be coenzyme in glycolysis, and lactic acid/ethanol is expelled along w/ CO2
aerobic respiration
- requires oxygen
- glycolysis products move to mitochondrial matrix
- outer mitochondrial membrane permeable to small molcules & pyruvate/NADH pass thru porin via facilitated diffusion
- inner mitochondrial membrane less permeable; pyruvate enters via facilitated diffusion, but NADH entry might require ATP hydrolysis
- pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA in matrix, producing NADH & CO2
Kreb's (citric acid) cycle
- acetyl CoA (coenzyme) transfers 2 carbons to 4-carbon oxacloacetic acid
- each turn of cycle produces:
- ATP produced via substrate-level phosphorylation
- 2 C's lost as CO2
- oxaloacetic acid reproduced to begin cycle over agian
triglyceride catabolism for energy production
- fatty acids converted to acyl CoA along outer mitochondrial membrane & ER (uses 1 ATP)
- acyl CoA brought into matrix, where 2 C's at a time are cleaved to make acetyl CoA (this produces FADH2 & NADH for every 2 carbons taken from original fatty acid)
- acetyl CoA enters Krebs cycle
- glycerol backbone converted to PGAL
amino acids used for energy
deaminated in liver then chemically converted to pyruvic acid or acetyl CoA, or may enter Krebs cycle at various stages
electron transport chain
- series of proteins (including cytochromes w/ heme) in inner mitochondrial membrane
- first protein complex accepts NADH's high energy electrons and oxidizes it to NAD+
- electrons passed down protein series & finally accepted by oxygen to form water (why aerobic needs oxygen)
- during this process, protons are pumped into IM space (lower pH than matrix) for each NADH, establishing proton-motive force (gradient) that propels protons through ATP synthase to make ATP ["oxidative phosphorylation"]
- 2-3 ATPs made for each NADH
- FADH2 reduces a protein further along in ETC than NADH does, so only produces 2 ATPs
net equation for cellular respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
[combustion reaction]