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70 Cards in this Set

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In thioglycollate agar, where does obligate anerobes grow?
Obligate anerobes grow near the bottom of the thioglycollate of the agar, which lacks the presence of oxygen.
In thioglycollate agar, where does obligate aerobes grow?
Obligate aerobes grow only near the top of the thioglycollate agar because that is where the oxygen is most abundant.
In thioglycollate agar, where does facultative anerobes grow?
Favultative anerobes will grow throughout thioglycollate, but they optimally grow near the top where oxygen is present because they grow faster using aerobic respiration, when oxygen is present, than using anaerobic conditions, when oxygen is not present.
In thioglycollate agar, where does microaerophiles grow?
Micoaerophiles grow optimally about two inches from the very top of the thioglycollate agar because they need small amounts of oxygen to grow. In other words, too much oxygen kills microaerophiles and anaerobic conditions inhibits microaerophile growth.
What information does an RDS agar test determine about the bacteria in question?
The RDS agar test determines if a bacteria can ferment both glucose and lactose because if a bacteria can ferment lactose, it can ferment glucose.
In reading the RDS agar test, what does a positive and a negative result mean?
A positive result for the RDS agar test means that the bacteria can ferment lactose and glucose, while a negative result for the RDS agar test means that the bacteria cannot ferment lactose nor glucose.
While looking at the results of an RDS agar test, what does it mean when the agar changed to a bright yellow color throughout the agar?
For the results of an RDS agar test, when the agar changes to a bright yellow color thoroughout the agar, it means that the bacteria ferments both lactose and glucose, the bacteria cannot ferment proteins, and does not produce gas while fermenting the energy sources.
What makes up RDS agar that allows testers to determine if bacteria test positive or negative for the utilization of both lactose and glucose?
Either bacteria will use the lactose, glucose, proteins, or neither of the energy sources in the RDS agar. When bacteria utilize all, none, or just some of the mechanisms inside the agar, it will produce by products. These by products change the color of the agar as indicated by phenol red indicator.
Interpret the following RDS agar test result: The slant and butt are both yellow.
(A/A, no gas) The bacteria only fermented lactose and glucose without producing gas.
Interpret the following RDS agar test result: The slant and butt are both yellow, and gas is present.
(A/A, with Gas) The bacteria only fermented lactose and glucose with gas production.
Interpret the following RDS agar test result: The slant is red, but the butt is yellow.
(K/A, no gas) The bacteria only fermented glucose and not lactose. Additionally, the bacteria fermented the present protein, Peptone, but only aerobically.
Interpret the following RDS agar test result: The slant and the butt are both red.
(K/K, no gas) The bacteria fermented the present protein in the agar, Peptone, aerobically and anaerobically.
Interpret the following RDS agar test result: The slant is red, but the butt shows no change.
(K/No Change, no gas) The bacteria only fermented the present protein in the RDS agar, Peptone, aerobically.
Interpret the following Glucose/Lactose/Mannitol broth test result: The broth turned red after adding phenol red indicator.
(-, basic) No reaction, the bacteria does not utilize glucose/lactose/mannitol under anaerobic conditions and did not grow.
Interpret the following Glucose/Lactose/Mannitol broth test result: The broth turned a cloudy red color after adding phenol red indicator.
(-, basic) No reaction, the bacteria does not utilize glucose/lactose/mannitol under anaerobic conditions, but grew by some other means.
Interpret the following Glucose/Lactose/Mannitol broth test result: The broth turned a cloudy yellow color after adding phenol red indicator.
(A) Acdic, the bacteria utilize the glucose/lactose/mannitol and turned the broth acidic as a result of the turned the broth acidic.
Interpret the following Glucose/Lactose/Mannitol broth test result: The broth turned yellow after adding penol red indicator and bubbles are present in the Durham tube.
(A+G) Acidic with gas production, the bacteria utilizes Glucose/Lactose/Mannitol and as a result produces gas (lol).
Where are exoenzymes active?
Where do endoenzymes fuction?
Inside the cell
Do exoenzymes function while inside the cell?
What type of enzyme is desulfhydrase?
What type of enzyme is gelatinase?
What type of enzyme is tryptophanase?
How is the KIA medium different from the RDS medium?
As a result of KIA having beef extract, it has iron sulfate (FeSO4), which turns into ferrous (iron) sulfide (FeS) when hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is released into the medium by desulfhydrases.
How is the KIA medium similar to the RDS medium?
Both mediums contain lactose, glucose, and peptones
How are the results for the KIA test different from the results for the RDS test?
The KIA test will show if the bacteria has desulfydrases. but the RDS test will not determine this piece of information.
How are the results of the KIA test similar to the RDS test?
Both will show if a bacteria utilizes lactose, glucose, and peptones, and both results are interpreted the same way (i.e. A/A, K/A, A/A+Gas, K/K, and K/no change)
In interpreting the KIA test, does (A/A, Gas) positively confirm that the bacteria has desulfhydrase?
No, the gas is CO2 (negative for desulfydrase), not H2S (positive for desulfhydrase)
Interpret the following KIA test result: The slant is red, but the butt is yellow.
(K/A) The bacteria utilizes glucose and aerobically utilizes proteins (negative for desulfhydrase).
Interpret the following KIA test result: The slant is yellow and the butt is yellow.
(A/A) The bacteria uses lactose and glucose (negative for desulfhydrase).
Interpret the following KIA test result: The slant is red and the butt is red.
(K/K) The bacteria utilizes proteins aerobically and anaerobically (negative for desulfhydrase).
Interpret the following KIA test result: The slant is yellow and the butt is yellow and their is bubbles and cracks in the agar.
(A/A, Gas) The bacteria utilizes both lactose and glucose and produces gas (negative for desulfhydrase).
Interpret the following KIA test result: The slant is red with black participates present and the butt is yellow.
(K/A, Black ppt) The bacteria only utilizes glucose and proteins. It is positive for the endoenzyme desulfhydrase.
Which enzyme breaks down sulfur containing amino acids?
If an organism did not grow on the KIA medium, what would be the appearance of the agar?
Reddish-Orange throughout the agar
If a bacteria can utilize lactose can it always utilize glucose?
Yes, a bacteria that utilizes lactose will definitely be able to utilize glucose.
What does the MRVP test determine?
The MRVP test determines if bacteria either use the butanediol pathway or the mixed-acid pathway to ferment glucose.
In the MRVP test, which test determines if the bacteria utilizes either the mixed-acid pathway or the butanediol pathway?
In the MRVP test, the MR test confirms if the bacteria utilizes the mixed-acid pathway to ferment glucose and the VP test shows if the bacteria uses the butanediol pathway.
What is a positive reaction for the MR test?
In the MR test, after adding methyl red indicator, if the color of the broth is red, the bacteria utilizes the mixed-acid pathway to ferment glucose.
What is a negative reaction for the MR test?
In the MR test, after addiny methyl red indicator, if the broth turns a yellowesih/orangeish color, then the bacterium is negative for utilizing the mixed-acid pathway in order to ferment glucose.
What is a positive VP test?
In the VP test, after adding the indicators, if the broth turns pinkish (in color, lol), the bacteria utilizes the butanediol pathway to ferment glucose.
What is the difference between the mixed-acid pathway and the butanediol pathway?
The mixed-acid pathway produces acidic by products, however, the butanediol pathway produces neutral by products.
How is the mixed-acid pathway similar to the buteanediol pathway?
Both are pathways utilized to ferment glucose.
What does the Simmons test determine?
The Simmons citrate agar test determines whether or not the bacteria utilizes citric acid as its only carbon and energy source.
Interpret the following Simmons agar test result: the slant and butt turned blue.
(+) The bacteria only utilizes citrate as its carbon and energy source and as a result, has raised the pH of the citrate agar above 7.6, which turns the agar blue.
Interpret the following Simminos citrate agar test result: The slant and butt remain green.
(-) The organism does not utilize citric acid.
Why is Simmons agar green?
Its pH=7
What does Tryptone broth test confirm?
The Tryptone test confirms weather or not the bacteria has the endoenzyme tryptohanase, which is used to catalize the abundant amino acid, tryptophan, found in Tryptone broth.
Interpret the following Tryptone broth test result: After adding Kovac's regant, a red ring forms at the top of the broth.
(+) Positive for the presence of indole. The bacteria has tryptophanse and utilizes the amino acid, tryptophan.
Interpret the folowing Tryptone broth test result: After adding Kovac's regant, a green or yellow ring forms near the top of the broth.
(-) Negative for the presence of indole. The bacteria does not have tryptophanase and cannot utilize the amino acid, tryptophan.
What is the unique end product of tyrptophanase activity and its hydrolysis of tryptophan?
How do biologists perform a Gelatin strip test?
Biologists put a gelatin strip in a culture to determine if the organism has gelatinase.
Interpret the following Gelatin strip test result: The gelatin acetate film turned blue.
(+) The bacteria tested positive for gelatinase production.
Interpret the following Gelatin strip test result: The gelatin acetate strip remained white.
(-) The bacteria tested negative for gelatinase production.
What enzyme mediates the degradation of hydrogen peroxide?
What is the enzyme cytochrome oxidase's purpose?
Specifically, cytochrome oxidase catalyzes the last reaction in the ETC, where it oxidizes the last cytochrome to an oxygen molecule, often producing water.
How do biologists test for the presense of cytochrome oxidase?
First, they take a tiny sample of the organism and rub it on test film. If, 20 seconds later, a dark purple color appears, the bacteria is oxidase-positive. Conversely, if a yellowish color appears 20 seconds after inoculating the test film with the organism, that microbe is oxidase-negative.
What environmental conditions allow facultative anaerobic microbes to grow?
Aerobic and Anaerobic environments
What environmental conditions allow obligate aerobes to grow?
Aerobic environments
What environmental conditions allow obligate anaerobes to grow?
Anaerobic environments
What pH conditions allow acidophiles to grow?
When the environment has a pH<7.
What pH conditions allow neutrophiles to grow?
When the environment has a pH=7
What pH environmental conditions allow akallphiles to grow?
When the environment has a pH>7
Interpret the following Nitrate broth test result: After adding sulfanilic acid and napthylamine, the broth turns red.
Nitrate reduction has occurred. NO3- goes to NO2-.
Interpret the following Nitrate broth test result: After adding sulfanilic acid and napthylamine, the broth remains clear. Subsequently, adding Zinc produces bubbles.
Denitrification has occurred. NO3- goes to N2 or N2O
Interpret the following Nitrate broth test result: After adding sulfanilic acid and napthylamine, the broth remains clear. Subsequently, adding Zinc produces no bubbles.
Nitrate reduction has occurred. More than likely, NO3- went to NH3
Interpret the following Nitrate broth test result: After adding sulfanilic acid and napthylamine, the broth remains clear. Subsequently, adding Zinc turns the broth red.
NO3- was not used.
What is nitrate respiration?
Nitrate reduction is a process where facultative anaerobes complete anaerobic respiration by having nitrate (NO3-) serving as the final electron acceptor.
In soil, denitrification can occur. What is denitrification?
De nitrification is the reduction of nitrate (NO3-) to nitrogen gas (N2).
What is the pathway for denitrification?
NO3- goes to NO2- goes to NO goes to N2O goes to N2