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53 Cards in this Set

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Leukoderma refers to
What is the middle layer of the uterus called?
Myometrium (muscular middle layer)
Starts with a M
Histology is the study of?
Microscopic examination of tissue to detect cancerous cells.
What surgical procedure removes the prepuce?
An abnormal growth of scare tissue that is thick and out of proportion is called a?
Erythema refers to?
Redness or flushing of the skin.
What does the integumentary system consists of?
The skin and its accessory structures:
Sebaceous glands
Suboriferous (sweat) glands
What are the 3 major types of skin cancer?
Basal cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Malignant melanoma
What should a MA do when there is a suspision of child abuse?
Report their suspision immediately to the physician.
What procedure involves grafting skin from another part of the patients body.
What should a MA do immediately after the patient leaves the room?
Clean the room, disinfect all surfuces with appropriate cleaner.
Nephrotomy discribes the what of the kidney?
Excessive bleeding at menstruation is termed as?
What is a papsmear
A test that is done to determine cervical cancer, a scraping of the of the cells are removed from cervix for examination under the microscope.
What is prespiration mostly made of?
What do the uterine tubes connect to?
What does the umbilical cord connect the fetus to?
The mother via placenta.
What method of collection should be used in order view urine under the microscope?
Clean catch
What is the age in which an infant is expected to reach and hold objects?
4 to 5months
As a medical assistant, what type of questions should be asked during a patient interview about their cheif complaint?
What is the patient experiencing?
When did it start?
How long did it last?
What are the symptoms?
Where are they located?
How intense is the pain?
What are the major differences between medical and surgical asepsis?
Medical asepsis result "clean" is a reduction in the number of microorganisms. Such as when you wipe a countertop with disinfectants.
Surgical asepsis means a complete absence of microorganisms and spores.
"Clean for clean" and "Sterile for sterile"
What does a blood culture and sensitivity detect?
Bacteria and fungi in the blood.
Where does urine production take place ?
Surgical procedure used o treat cryptorchidism?
What type of urine specimen is collected following a meal?
2 hour post prandnial specimen
How would you position a patient for an exam in Fowler's.
Patient sits on exam table with head of the table at 90 degree angle.
List the characteristics of surgical asepsis?
Sterile technique used.
Absence of microorganisms.
Surgical scrub performed.
Sterile equipment and supplies required.
Sterile field.
List the correct respiration rate range for a preschooler?
Preschooler 22-34
Infant 30-60
Toddler 24-40
School age 18-30
Adolescents 12-16
List the functions of the skin:
Sensory reception
The kidney structure that empties the ureter?
Renal pelvis
Why is the Gardasile vaccine administered?
To prevent infection from 4 types of HPV.
How would you chart a women who delivered a single child, but had one miscarriage?
Gravida IV
Para III
Abs I
List the guidelines for collecting a 24 hour urine specimen:
Void into toilet and flush
Note the exact time & date as the beginning of the 24-hour collection.
Collect all voided urine after the start time for the next 24-hour period ending exactly 24-hours after the start time on the following day.
Instruct patient NOT to urinate directly into the container or place anything other than urine in the container.
What type of suture material is considered the most expensive and dependable?
Silk suture
How does aging effect memory?
Working memory ( the ability to retain info while using other information)
The main bacteria that causes cellulitis:
Where and how often does a patient receive hemodialysis?
A special center
3 times a week for 2-3 hours at a time.
Why does testing for ketones in urine have to be done immediately?
Ketones tend to evaporate at room temperature.
What is used to clean recessed areas, apply medications and lubricate, and to obtain specimens from the throat and other orifices?
Colton application
This category of surgery is to be performed as soon as possible but is not an immediate or acute surgery?
What are some indicators of. hydrocephalous in an infant?
Rapid growth of the head.
This procedure involves the skin graft coming from another person:
Graft Taxonomy (allogenetic) Allograft
what type of incontinence happens when there is a blockage that prohibits normal emptying
overflow incontinence
Which organ in the female reproductive system is less likely to develop cancerous tumors
fulopin tube cancer
What learning aid should be avoided to use when instructing patients
What method is used when checking a male's genitalia's?
What type of x-rays involves injecting dye into the bloodstream?
IVP also called pyelogram
Intravenous urogramm orexcretory urogrant & angiograph
When would you measure the chest circumference of an infant? Why is it necessary?
If the physician suspects over or underdevelopment of the heart or lungs or that calcification of the rib cage, and would constrict the growth of the organs.
What are symptoms of diabetes?
Polyuria (frequent urination)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Polyphagia (excessive hunger)
Recurring infection
Weight loss
What is tubal ligation?
Surgical tying off the fallopian tube to prevent conception from taking place. Results in female sterilization.
List STD's:
BV Bacterial vaginasis
Genital herpes
General precautions to be taken before administering a general anesthetic?
Administer the medication only to the patient on an empty stomach to prevent vomiting and possible aspiration of vomitus into the lungs resulting in pneumonia.
Cautioning patients not to drive or engage in any other activities that could result in harm from impaired consciousness. General anesthetics can interfer with ones alertness for 12 to 24 hours after surgery.
Advising patient to avoid alcohol or depressant drugs for 2 to 3 days bedfore the surgery and 1 day after.