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8 Cards in this Set

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What is a Monomial
5x is a monomial because it is a product of a constant , 5 and a varibl x, that has a whole number of 1
What is a polynomial ?
More then one term
5x + 7
What is a degree?

2 would be the degree
Like Terms
5x^2 and 9x^2 are like terms because they have the same varibles and their exponents match exactly.
To combine like terms we add the (blank) and keep the (blank) the same.
coefficent , varibles
What is a coefficent
The numerical factor in a monomial.
7 is the coefficent
Evaluate Expressions
1. Replace the varible with th corresponding given values.
2. calclate using the order of operations agreement
-2x+8 when x =3
=-2(3) + 8
Order of Operations
1. Grouping symbols :parentheses(), brackets [] braces, {} absolute values ||, radicals , and fraction bars .
2. Exponenets or roots from left to right in as they occur
3. Multiplication or division from left to right in the order the occur
4. Addition or subtraction from left to right in the order as they occur.