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150 Cards in this Set

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Prime Number

A natural number that is greater than 1and has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself

Composite Number

A positive integer that has at least one positive divisor other than 1 and itself

Natural Number

A positive integer (1,2,3....)

Irrational Number

A real number that cannot be made by dividing two integers because the decimal goes on forever without repeating. Pi is an irrational number.

Rational Number

A real number than can be made by dividing two integers.


A number with no fractional part.


A part of a whole. Written as a numerator and denominator.


The "top number" on a fraction. Tells the viewer how many parts of the whole (denominator) there are.


The "bottom number" of a fraction. Tells the viewer how many parts (numerator) make up the whole.


Number you can multiply together to get another number. Example: 2 and 3 are factors of 6.


A close guess of the actual value, usually with some thought or calculation involved


Shows that two values are not equal, (greater than, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to)

Scientific Notation

Where a large number is written in two parts: 1) the digits with a decimal point after the first digit, 2) x10 to a power that will put the decimal point back where it should be


Making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was. The result is less accurate, but easier to use.


Based on 10, example: 1.5, 3.8, 4.2, etc.


Parts per 100, the symbol is %

Prime Factor

A factor that is a prime number, one of the prime numbers that, when multiplied, gives the original number

Least Common Multiple

The smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers

Greatest Common Factor

The highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers, the highest factor that two numbers have in common

Order of Operations

The rules for which calculation comes first in an expression, PEMAS: parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction


The exponent of a number tells you how many times to use that number in a multiplication string. The exponent is written as a small number on the upper right hand side of the base number.

Absolute Value

How far a number is away from zero. Symbol and example: |-6|=6


Shows the relative sizes of two or more values. Can be written as 1:3 but also can be a decimal, fraction or percentage.


Says that two ratios (or fractions) are equal


How steep a straight line is, usually represented as a fraction, example: 3/5=up 3 and over 5


The distance around a two dimensional shape


The size of a surface, usually the amount of space inside the boundary of a flat, two dimensional object (i.e. triangle, circle, rectangle, etc.)


The amount of three dimensional space an object occupies, otherwise known as capacity.

Surface Area

The total surface of a three dimensional object


A plane shape that is two dimensional and has straight sides (examples: pentagon, triangle, etc.)


Any of the individual surfaces of a solid object


The line where two surfaces or faces meet, in plane shapes (two dimensional) the edge is the boundary of the shape


A point where two or more straight lines meet, a corner. Plural is vertices


When one shape becomes exactly like another when you flip, slide, or turn it. The simplest type is mirror symmetry (think of a butterfly's wings, the same on both sides).


The same shape and size. Two shapes are congruent if you can turn, flip, and/or slide one so it fits exactly on the other.


The average of a set of numbers, a calculated "central" value of a set of numbers.


The middle number in a set of numbers. If there are two middle numbers, average them together.


The number that appears most often in a set of numbers. Some sets have multiple modes and others do not have one at all.


The difference between the lowest value and the highest value in a set of numbers.


Numbers or quantities arranged in an organized way in rows and columns


A diagram of values, usually shown with bars or lines

Independent Event

An event that is not affected by previous events, used in probability

Dependent Event

An event that is affected by previous events, used in probability


A collection of things in which the order does not matter, used in probability


All possible arrangements in a collection of things in which the order is important

Acute Angle

An angle that is less than 90 degrees

Obtuse Angle

An angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

Right Angle

A 90 degree angle


Part of the circumference (edge) of a circle or any part of a curve


Items (such as objects, numbers, etc.) arranged in rows and columns


No symmetry, without symmetry


A line that a curve approaches as you move further away from zero

Cardinal number

Numbers that say how many of something there, answers the question how many, examples: one, two, three, four, five...


The distance around the edge of a circle (or any type of curvy shape). A type of perimeter.


A number that is used to multiply a variable

Complementary Angles

Two angles are complementary when they add up to 90 degrees

Discrete Data

Data that can only take certain values (Example: You can't have a quarter of a student in your class)

Continuous Data

Data that can take any value in a range (Examples: Temperature or heights)

Qualitative Data

Information that describes something

Quantitative Data

Data that can be counted or measured


A straight line going through the center of a circle connecting two points on a circumference


The distance from the center to the edge of a circle. It is half of the circle's diameter.


The amount you want to divide up by the divisor


The number you divide the dividend by


The answer after you divide one number by another


Having the same value


The result of multiplying a sequence of descending natural numbers, the symbol is !, (example: 4!= 4*3*2*1

Finite Number

A definite number, not infinite. Can be measured or given a value.


A graphical display where the data is grouped into ranges and then plotted as bars

Imaginary Number

A number that, when squared, gives a negative result.

Isosceles Triangle

A triangle with two equal sides, the angles opposite the equal sides are also equal

Equilateral Triangle

A triangle with all three sides of equal length. All of the angles are 60 degrees

Scalene Triangle

A triangle with all sides of different lengths. No sides are equal and no angles are equal

Mixed Fraction

A whole number and a fraction combined into one mixed number

Nominal Number

A number used only as a name or to identify something (a player's number, a zip code, etc)


A system of symbols to represent special things (infinity, sum, etc)

Normal Distribution

Data that can be spread out in a bell curve

Obtuse Triangle

A triangle that has an angle greater than 90 degrees

Ordered Pair

Two numbers written in a certain order, usually in parentheses to show a position on a graph where "x" is the horizontal value and "y" in the vertical value (x,y)

Ordinal Number

A number that tells the position of something in a list.


A value that "lies outside" (is much larger or smaller than) most of the other values in a data set

Pythagoras Theorem

In a right angle triangle the square of the long side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The equation is: A^2+B^2=C^2


Any of the 4 areas made when we divide up a plane by an x and y axis. They are usually numbered I,II,III,IV

Random Sample

A selection that is chosen randomly (purely by chance with no predictability)


The reciprocal of a number is one divided by that number. Every number has a reciprocal except 0, which is undefined.

Relative Frequency

How often something happens divided by all outcomes (example: your team wins 9 games out of 12 games, the frequency is 9/12)

Skewed Data

When data is a bell curve has a "long tail" on one side or another


Instantly recognizing the number of objects in a small group without counting

Subtended Angle

The angle made by a line, arc, or object.


In a right angle triangle, the tangent of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side.

Additive Inverse

What you add to a number to get zero, which is the negative of a number (Example: 5+(-5)=0

Multiplicative Inverse/Reciprocal

When you multiple a number by the reciprocal, you get one (Example: 8*(1/8)=1)

Additive Identity

The idea that adding zero to a number leaves the number unchanged (Example: a+0=a)


An equation that is true no matter what values are chosen (Example: a/2=a*0.5)

Rational Expression

An expression that is the ratio of two polynomials, it is rational because one is divided by the other, like a ratio. The polynomial cannot be zero.


An expression that can have constants, variables, and exponents that can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, but no division by a variable, a variable's exponents can only be 0,1,2,3 etc, and it can't have an infinite number of terms.


A symbol for a number we don't know yet. Usually a letter like x or y.


A fixed value, can be a number or variable standing in for an unknown number like x or y

Equivalent Fractions

Fractions which have the same value even though they may look different. (Example: 1/2=2/4)

Proper Factor

Any of the factors of a number, except the number itself. Sometimes 1 is also excluded


A step-by-step solution


A property of an object or person etc. Something you can say it has (such as size or color).


A reference line drawn on a graph (you can measure from it to find values).


Something you own that has value. Usually something that can help you make money.
Binary Numbers use only the digits 0 and 1. Also called Base 2
A systematic (built-in) error which makes all values wrong by a certain amount.
To divide into two equal parts.You can bisect lines, angles, and more.The dividing line is called the "bisector"
The center of a triangle's circumcircle.It is where the "perpendicular bisectors" (lines that are at right angles to the midpoint of each side) meet.
The circle that passes through all vertices (corner points) of a regular polygon.Its radius is also the radius of the regular polygon.
the "Radius" of a polygon: it is the radius of a circle that passes through all vertices (corner points) of the polygon
A measure of how much matter is in a certain volume.
Difference of Squares
Two terms that are squared and separated by a subtraction sign like this:a2 - b2Useful because it can be factored into (a+b)(a−b)
Decimal Fraction
A fraction where the denominator (the bottom number) is a power of ten (such as 10, 100, 1000, etc).
Insurance: the amount of a loss that is not insured.
The same distance from (each other or in relation to other things).
How much you own of a property or business.Example: Your $300,000 house has $180,000 owed to the bank: your equity is $120,000.
The smallest and largest values:• The plural of Minimum is Minima• The plural of Maximum is Maxima• Together they are called Extrema
Frequency Histogram
A graph that uses vertical columns to show frequencies (how many times each score occurs).There should not be any gaps between the bars.
Frequency Polygon
A graph made by joining the middle-top points of the columns of a frequency histogram
Frequency Distribution
A table that lists a set of scores and their frequency (how many times each one occurs)
Not infinite. Has an end. Could be measured, or given a value.
Is the number written as 1 followed by 100 zeros
How steep a straight line is.
A hectare is a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters. Usually used to measure land.A square 100 meters on each side has an area of 1 hectare.
Test the weight of something by holding it in your hand
A special curve. It is shaped like an arch. The distances of any point on a hyperbola from: * a fixed point (the focus), and * a fixed straight line (the directrix) are always in the same ratio.
Improper Fraction
An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (the top number) is greater than or equal to the denominator (the bottom number). In other words, it is top-heavy.
The circle that fits the inside of a polygon. It touches the midpoint of each side of the polygon.(Not all polygons have an incircle, but triangles and regular polygons do).
A general rise in the price of things.
Money paid for the use of other money.


A prefix meaning one thousand

Line Segment

The part of a line that connects two points.It has definite end points.Adding the word "segment" is important, because a line normally extends in both directions without end.


A measure of how much matter is in an object.

Mutually Exclusive Events

Events that can't happen at the same time.

Magic Square

A square filled with numbers so that the total of each row, each column and each diagonal are all the same.

Net worth

How much a person owns (their assets) minus what they owe to others (liabilities).

Net Weight

The weight of the contents, not including any packaging, etc.


The name of the division symbol ÷

Periodic Function

Some functions (like Sine and Cosine) repeat forever and are called Periodic Functions.

Point Symmetry

Point Symmetry is when every part has a matching part that is ...... the same distance from the central point ...... but in the opposite direction.It looks the same when viewed from opposite directions, such as left vs. right, or when turned upside down.It is sometimes called Origin Symmetry.

Reads the same backwards and forwards.
Another name for Variable
The values that divide a list of numbers into quarters.
Relatively Prime
Two numbers are "relatively prime" when they have no common factors other than 1.In other words you cannot evenly divide both by some common value.
Rule of 72
A way to estimate how long it takes to double the value of an investment, You divide 72 by the interest rate to get the number of years.
A number made by multiplying two prime numbers
The number that is to be subtracted. The second number in a subtraction.minuend - subtrahend = difference
A number that can't be simplified to remove a square root (or cube root etc).
A pattern made of identical shapes:• the shapes must fit together without any gaps• the shapes should not overlap
Univariate Data
Univariate means "one variable" (one type of data)