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35 Cards in this Set

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first trimester nursing care

history and physical, screening test, psychosocial wellbeing, fetal assessment

presumptive: loss of period, nausea, fatigue

probable: pregnancy test and uterus changes

positive: auscultation of fetus and heart rate

needs 300 extra calories per day

need 3-5 pounds in first trimester and 12- 15 pounds in second and third trimester

prenatal history

what outcomes has she experienced in past pregnancy (hypertension, hemorrhage, postpartum depression)

nutritional intake- caffeine, alcohol

children at home


OTC or perscription


pelvic inflammation

rH factor, blood type, allergy, accidents, diabetes, cardiac defects, asthma

vaccines, childhood diseases

surgical history, ethnicity and culture, family history

tabbos, restrictions

factors related to father's health

toxins he is exposed to that might affect him or child, educational level, attitude toward the pregnancy

screening tests

pap smear, CBC, HIV screening (can opt out, but needs to sign paper), rubella titer, ABO and Rh typing, hepatitis B and sexually transmitted infection

genetic for cystic fibrosis, down syndrome (nuchal translucency)

when can fetal heart beat be detected

10-12 days after LMP

can be done with doppler

second trimester

decreasedd fatigue, screening test, wellbeing, decreased morning sickness

quad screen

looks at trisomy profile

includes maternal age (over 35 is increased chromosomal abnormality)

maternal serum alpha fetal protein (maternal blood protein excreted by fetal liver. if elevated, higher risk of neural tube defects, multiples, or dating issue (further along pregnancy than expected), down's syndrome has decrease of this protein)

screening tool- not diagnostic until you look at chromosome

15-21 weeks

gestational diabetes between 24-28 weeks

group b streptococcus is examined around term

fundal height

mcdonald's method- fundal height equals about how many weeks she is along in cm

tells you how far along she is, and if there is excess fluid

fetal development assessment

quickening-fetal movements felt by mother (gas bubbles popping, butterfly movements) (15-22 weeks)

fetal heart beat- gestational age assessment- 10-12 weeks with doppler 110-160 bpm

cultural considerations

ask expectations of childbirth (who will be with her and what is their role), preparations currently for baby.

if they value boys, some prefer female relative, some want husband.

signs of psychological problems

anxiety about small things, depression, unable to communicate, inappropriate actions, denial, inability to cope, preocupation with sex/ health of baby, fails to acknowledge quickening or doesn't want to get ready for baby, can be substance abuse

third trimester

ongoing assessment

danger signs need to be addressed

measure her well being, ask for concerns, see her consistently (every 4 weeks at first, from 28-36 weeks is every 2 weeks, and then every week until delivery)

review history, physical, lab tests, hemoglobin, hematocrit, knowledge deficit

danger signs of pregnancy

gush of fluid from vagina, bleeding, abdominal pain, fever, dizziness, blurred vision, vommitting, headache, edema, irritable muscles, epigastric pain, oliguria, dysuria, absence of fetal movement

signs of preterm labor

menstrual cramps, dull low backache, pelvic pressure, diarrhea, uterine contractions more than 4 times in an hour, leaking of water from vagina

nausea and vomiting

due to rise in HCG and estrogen levels

could be due to change in carbohydrate levels, fatigue, emotional levels

urinary frequency

enlarging uterus on bladder


presumptive sign, increased progesterone

breast sensitivity

increasing estrogen, progesterone


vaginal mucosal changes and yeast infections can occur

nasal stuffiness, discharge, nosebleeds

increased vascular congestion


bitter salivation, or excessive salivation

potato chips and lemonade are helpful

potassium from potatos and acid from lemons

common discomforts second and third trimester

heartburn, ankle edema, varicose veins, flatulence, hemorrhoids, constipation, backache, leg cramps, feeling faint, shortness of breath, sleep disturbances, round ligament pain


displacement of stomach from uterus, increase in progesterone, decrease in GI motility

recommend tums

ankle edema

increase in difficulty of venous returns of lower extremities


varicose veins

weakening of walls of veins or faulty valves. complicated by increasing weight


decreased gi motility and pressure from uterus


pressure of increasing uterus


increasing progesterone and oral iron supplement


increased curvature of spine

leg cramps

increased pressure from pelvic pain, potassium phosphorus imbalance

feeling faint

combination of blood volume changes and postural hypotension

shortness of breath

from enlarging uterus

sleep disturbances

from pain and discomfort

round ligament pain

stretching of uterus as it pulls forward

pregnancy over 35

high cost of living, work on career before starting families

increased risk of down's syndrome

well educated, financially secure, aware of reality of having child, informed decision,

risks of medical conditions, cardiovascular, diabetes, increased low-birth-weight, preterm, miscarriage, c section, chromosomal abnormalities