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56 Cards in this Set

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Suppresses the immune response of clients who are Rh negative to Rh positive red blood cells from the fetus
Used to inhibit cell division and enlargement of the embryo. Also prevents rupture of the fallopian tube to preserve it.
Retrovir (Zidofudine)
Antiretroviral agent used to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to the neonate
Penicillin G
It is a prophylaxis antibiotic given to the mother during labor. It is prescribed to treat positive GBS. 5 million units initially IV bolus followed by 2.5 million units intermittently IV bolus every four hours.
Ampicillin (Principen)
It is a prophylaxis antibiotics given to the mother during labor. It is prescribed to treat positive GBS. The client may be prescribed 2 g IV initially followed by 1 g every four hours. It is also used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic to treat neonatal infection or sepsis.
Azithromycin (Zithromax)
A broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat chlamydia.
Amoxicillin (Amoxil)
A broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat chlamydia.
Erythromycin (Ery-tab)
A broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat chlamydia.
Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) & Azithromycin (Zithromax)
A one dose prescription broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea.
Fluconazole (Diflucan)
An antifungal agent used to treat Candida albicans.
Clotrimazole (Monistat)
An over-the-counter treatment used to treat candidiasis.
Erythromycin (Romycin)
The treatment of choice for neonates as a prophylaxis to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum. This infection can be transmitted during descent through the birth canal and can result in blindness in the newborn.
Promethazine (Phenergan)
An antiemetic used to treat hyperemesis gravidarum. Also controls anxiety. It does not relieve pain but is used as an adjunct with opioids.
Metoclopramide (Reglan)
An antiemetic used to treat hyperemesis gravidarum.
Ferrous sulfate iron supplements
Used to increase hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
Iron dextran (Imferon)
Used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia when oral iron supplements cannot be tolerated by the client who is pregnant.
Magnesium sulfate
The medication of choice for prophylaxis or treatment. It will lower blood pressure and depresses CNS. Prevent seizures. This medication is also used as a Tocolytic to prevent premature delivery.
Propranolol (Inderal)
A beta blocker used to treat tachyarrhythmia's and to lower maternal blood pressure In patients with heart disease.
Gentamicin (Garamycin)
An aminoglycoside antibiotic given prophylactically to prevent endocarditis in patients with heart disease. It is also used as an antibiotic to treat neonatal infection or sepsis.
Ampicillin (polycillin)
A prophylaxis antibiotic given to prevent endocarditis in pregnant patients with heart disease.
Heparin sodium
An anticoagulant used in treating clients with pulmonary embolus, deep vein thrombosis, prosthetic valves, cyanotic heart defects, and rheumatic heart disease. Prevents the formation of additional clots and prevents the enlargement of an existing clot.
Digoxin (Lanoxin)
A cardiac glycoside used to increase cardiac output during pregnancy, and maybe prescribed if fetal tachycardia is present.
Terbutaline (Brethine)
A Beta adrenergic agonist that relaxes uterine smooth muscle by stimulating beta-2 receptors in the smooth muscle fibers to inhibit uterine activity. Withhold this medication if the maternal heart rate is 120-140 bpm or if the client reports chest pain or cardiac arrhythmias. Also maybe administered prior to the primary care providers attempt at replacement of the uterus in the uterine cavity after uterine inversion.
Ampicillin (Omnipen)
An antibiotic used to treat infection when PROM has occurred.
Betamethasone (Celestone)
A glucocorticoid that is administered IM in 2 injections, 24 hours apart and requires a 24 hour period To be effective. The therapeutic action is to enhance fetal lung maturity and surfactant production.
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril)
Does not relieve pain but is used as an adjunct with opioids to control nausea and anxiety.
Secobarbital (Seconal)
Can be used during the early or latent phase of labor to relieve anxiety and induce sleep.
Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
Can be used during the early or latent phase of labor to relieve anxiety and Induce sleep.
Phenobarbital (luminal)
Can be used during the early or latent phase of labor to relieve anxiety and induce sleep.
Hydrochloride (Demerol)
Acts on the CNS to decrease the perception of pain without the loss of consciousness. Can cause respiratory depression in the neonate if given too close to delivery.
Fentanyl (Sublimaze)
Acts on the CNS to decrease the perception of pain without the loss of consciousness. Can cause respiratory depression in the neonate if given too close to delivery. This can also be used as an epidural block injected into the epidural space at the level of the fourth or fifth vertebrae.
Butorphanol (Stadol)
Provides pain relief without causing significant respiratory depression in the mother or fetus.
Nalbuphine (Nubain)
Provides pain relief without causing significant respiratory depression in the mother or fetus.
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
A local anesthetic pudendal block that is administered transvaginally into the space in front of the pudendal nerve. This type of block has no maternal or fetal systemic effects. It is administered during the second stage of labor 10 to 20 minutes before delivery.
Bupivacaine (Marcaine)
A local anesthetic pudendal block that is administered transvaginally into the space in front of the pudendal nerve. This type of block has no maternal or fetal systemic effects. It is administered during the second stage of labor 10 to 20 minutes before delivery. It can also be used in an epidural block along with an analgesic such as morphine or fentanyl.
Morphine (Duramorph)
It is an analgesic that can be used in an epidural block injected into the epidural space at the level of the fourth or fifth vertebrae.
Thiopental sodium (Pentothal)
A short acting barbiturate used to render the client unconscious as in with general anesthesia.
Succinylcholine chloride (Anectine)
A muscle relaxant used to facilitate passage of an endotracheal tube.
Rantidine (Zantac)
A histamine H2 receptor blocker used to decrease gastric acid production.
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
A medication used to augment labor and strengthen uterine contractions. Monitor the client for adverse reactions of water intoxication. You might see lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, headache, and malaise. These reactions can progress to cerebral Adema with seizures, coma, and death.
Warfarin (Coumadin)
An anticoagulant used for the treatment of clots as in for deep vein thrombosis. It is administered orally and is continued by the client for approximately 3 months.
Phytonadione (Vitamin K)
The antidote for warfarin (Coumadin)
Alteplase (Activase)
A thrombolytic therapy used to break up blood clots in the event of pulmonary embolus.
Streptokinase (Streptase)
A thrombolytic therapy used to break up blood clots in the event of pulmonary embolus.
Methylergonovine (Methergine)
A uterine stimulant used to control postpartum hemorrhage. Do not administered to client who have hypertension. Monitor the client for adverse reactions including hypertension, nausea, vomiting, and headache.
Misoprostol (Cytotec)
A uterine stimulant used to control postpartum hemorrhage.
Carboprost tromethamine (Hemabate)
A uterine stimulant used to control postpartum hemorrhage. Monitor for adverse reactions including fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Clindamycin (Cleocin)
An antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections such as endometritis, mastitis, and wound infections.
Vitamin K (AquaMephyton)
An injection given to the newborn to prevent hemorrhagic disorders. It is not produced in the gastrointestinal tract until around day eight but is produced in the colon by bacteria that forms once formula or breast milk is introduced to the gut.
Triple dye
A topical antimicrobial treatment for umbilical cord care.
Hepatitis B vaccination
A vaccine given to all newborns born to healthy women. Recommended dosage schedule is birth, one month, and six months. For babies born to infected mothers this vaccination is given at birth, one month, two months, and 12 months.
HBIG (Hepatitis B immunoglobulin)
This is given to all neonates who are born to infected hepatitis B moms. These babies also receive the hepatitis B vaccination at birth, one month, two months, and 12 months.
Phenobarbital (Solfoton)
It is prescribed to decrease CNS irritability and control seizures for neonates who have alcohol or opioid addiction.
Beractant (Survanta)
A lung surfactant prescribed for newborns who are premature and have respiratory distress syndrome.
Calcium gluconate
Antidote for magnesium sulfate toxicity
Protamine sulfate
Antidote for heparin overdose