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95 Cards in this Set

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breast self exam pt teaching
staring at age 20
should be performed 1 week after onset of menses
client should notify provider is discharge or bleeding
where is ovum fertilized
outer third of fallopian tube
nutrient that can reduce incidence of neural tube defect
folic acid
0.4mg daily recommended for prevention
1 mg daily for treatment
what hormonne maintains the corpus luteum during early preg.
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
what is goodell's sing
softening of cervix
what is chadwick's sign
blue-purple discoloration of cervix
describe function of hCG
produced by the developing embryo, hCG's function is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum and thus maintain progesterone (and estrogen) production that is critical for pregnancy. hCG may affect the immune tolerance of the pregnancy. Early pregnancy testing measures hCG level.
when does the corpus luteum disintegrate
@ about 4 months when the placenta takes over
what does the corpus luteum secrete in early preg.
progesterone to maintain the endometrium until the placenta takes over
vaginal secretions pH during preg.and normal reproductive years
acidic; 3.5-6
tidal volume during pregnancy
increases through preg. by 30-40%
vital capacity during preg.
O2 consumption during preg.
breathing pattern during preg.
thoracic, shallow is common
estrogen induced edema and vascular congestion during preg. results in
rhinnitis, epistaxis,
blood volume change in preg.
↑40-45%, peaks in 3rd trimester
vascular resistance change during preg
cardiac output change during preg.
pulse change during preg.
↑10-15 bpm
BP change in preg.
↓ in 1st & 2nd trimester- returns to pre- preg by 3rd trimester
what is physiologic anemia of pregnancy
↑ rbc by 30% and ↑ of plasma by 50%
iron absorption change during preg.
moderately ↑
t/f pregnancy is hypercoaguable state
true b/c ↑ plasma fibrinogen
GI changes in preg
slowed peristalsis and slow gall bladder emptying and hemorrhoids b/c of smooth muscle relaxation from progesterone
what is the mask of preg.
pigmentation changes in preg. client
chloasma, linea nigra, striae
normal weight gain during preg. for normal weight client
25-35 lbs
normal weight gain during preg. for under weight client
25-35 lbs
normal weight gain during preg. for over weight client
15-25 lbs
weight gain by trimester in lbs
2nd- 12-15
3rd- 12-15
subjective signs of preg.
aka presumptive: amenorrhea, n.v,fatigue, breast tenderness, urinary frequency, quickening
objective signs of preg.
aka probable: changes in pelvic organs, Goodell, Chadwick, Hegar, and McDonald's signs, uterine souffle, abd. enlargement, BALLOTMENT, Hcg TEST . IT' S WHAT THE PROVIDER OBSERVES
positive signs of preg.
aka objective: fetal heart beat (10 weeks ega w/ doppler & 17 weeks w/ fetoscope), fetal movement (20 weeks), ultrasound visualization of fetus
psych. tasks of preg. (Rubin's)
1-ensuring safe passage
2-seeking acceptance of baby by others
3-seeking commintment and acceptance of self as mother (binding-in)
4-learning to give of onself on behalf of one's child
what is couvade
unintentional development of physical symptoms similar to preg. in the male (↑ appetite, backache, diff. sleeping)
Hegar's sign
softening of the lower uterine segment (isthmus)
McDonald sign
uterus becomes flexible at the uterocervical junction-easing of flexing of body of uterus against cervix
define abortion
birth before 20 weeks
define term preg.
normal duration of preg. (38-42 weeks)
define preterm
birth after 20 before 37 weeks gestation
fetal movement felt by mom can be felt as early as 16 weeks as late as 22 weeks
multiparous usually report earlier than primigravida
McDonald's method of fundal height assessment
used to determine the age of gestation by measuring from the fundus (obtaining the fundal height) to the symphysis pubis. The distance in centimeters will determine the age of gestation from 22-34 (=/- 2cm is WNL) weeks.
danger signs during preg.
1-sudden gush of fuid
2-vag. bledding
3-abd. pain
4-temp above 101F
5-dizziness, blurred vision, double vision, seeing spots
6-persistent vomiting
7-severe HA
8-edema of face, hands, legs, feet
9-epigastric pain
12-absence of fetal movement
common discomforts in preg
N and V d/t ↑ hCG, gastric overloading, slowed peristalsis,
Usually resilved by 16 weeks
PT TEACHING for N/V management
-small frequent meals
dry crackers before getting out of bed
avoid strong odors
restrict fats
accupressure wristbands
vit. B6 (pyridoxine)
exercise during preg.- pt teaching
-low impact, keep HR below 140 bpm, avoid hot tubs
use perceived rate of exertion is more reliable than HR : if unable to talk or has difficulty breathing effort is too high
constipation during pt teaching
↑ fiber, ↑ fluids, prunes and prune juice (start slowly), exercise, good posture, colace
hemorrhoids during preg. pt teaching
avoid straining, warm bath, prevent constipation, witch hazel cpmresses, epsom salt compresses, analgesic ointment, iron tablets may be constipating
Round ligament pain pt teaching
shooting pain in inguinal area, worsened by activity,
To relieve:flex knees on abdomen , warm bath and heating pads, rest, change positions,
breast care
clean with warm water, no drying soap, supportive bra
what is the Cardiff count to 10 method
Beginning at 27-28 weeks
Mom can monitor's her unborn child's well-being
Begin at the same time each day (usually in the morning, after breakfast)
Lie quietly ON SIDE
Count each fetal movement, noting how long it takes to count 10 fetal movements (
Expected findings – 10 movements in 1 hour or less
Warning signs
-no movements in morning
- more then 1 hour to reach 10 movements
less then 10 movements in 3 hours(non-reactive- fetal distress)
longer time to reach 10 FMs than on previous days movement are becoming weaker, less vigorous
Movement alarm signals < 3 FMs in 8 hr
warning signs should be reported to care provider immediately; often require further testing.
fetal activity monitoring methods
Cardiff count to ten
non stress test
Possible effects of DM on fetus
congenital anomalies
IUGR, if vascular damage
↑ risk of fetal death r/t uncontrolled glucose
↑ risk of poly hydramnios
Anemia feect on mom and fetus
MOM: ↑ risk of infection, fatigue, ↑ risk of PIH, ↑ risk of PP hemorrhage, delayed tissue healing, cardiac failure w/ severe anemia
Fetus:↑ risk of low birth weight, stillbirth, and neonatal death
PT teaching r/t anemia
iron supplement 27mg
if anemic dose should be higher (60-120 mg daily)
take iron on empty stomach with orange juice
may have tarry stools, keep iron pills away from children-could be fatal
Sickle Cell pt teaching
folic acid supplement
avoid dehydration, high temperatures,
treat infections early, infection prevention,
Thalassemia pt teaching
folic acid supplement
HIV patient teaching
asymptomatic pt: pregnancy does not accelerate disease
symptomatic: preg. does accelerate disease

w/o prophylactic rate of transmission to newborn id 15-25%
best option for HIV+: ZDV treatment, C?S at 38 weeks before ROM, no breastfeeding (rate of transmission drops below 2%)
AIDS in infants
90% encephalopathy (↓ in cognitive abilities)
delayed development, fail to thrive
neuro issues
hepatosplenomegaly, recurring infections( esp pneumonia)
CD recs for HIV screening
recommend that all preg.pt be screened
screening is voluntary and informed
Recommended caloric increase in preg.
300 calories/day above the prepregnancy daily requirement to maintain ideal body weight and meet energy requirement to activity level
- Begin increase in second trimester
- Use weight – gain pattern as an indication of adequacy of calorie intake.
- Failure to meet caloric requirements can lead to ketosis as fat and protein are used for energy; ketosis has been associated with fetal damage.
classification of cardiac functional capacity
Class I: cardiac disease but no limitations of physical activity and no sx of cardiac insuff.
Class II:cardiac disease w/ slight limitations of physical activity , ordinary phys activity may cause fatigue, dyspnea, anginal pain
Class III:cardiac disease w/ marked limitations of physical activity and less than ord. phys activity can cause dyspnea, anginal pain, fatigue
Class IV:cardiac disease w/o ability to carry out any phys. activity.SX of cardiac insufficiency even at rest
clinical Tx of cardiac disorders
Class I & II: spntaneous labor w/ pain management, careful monitoring recommended
Class III & IV: hospitalization prior onset of labor, vag. delivery possible
epidural anesthesia to reduce stress, maybe low forceps and vacuum assistance
** treat anemia and infection early
**may need to limit weight gain and sodium intake
**screen monthly for asymptomatic bacteruria
** home BP monitoring
**adequate rest
drug tx: diuretics, antihypertensives (esp if BP>150-16-/100-110), antiarrhythmics, anti-coagulants
SX of hypovolemic shock
pallor, clammy skin, diaphoresis, dyspnea, restlessness, confusion, anxiety, tachycardia, ↓ urine output, ↓ BP
Tx hypovolemic shock
O2, IV therapy, type and cross match blood, elevate legs to help heart and brain perfusion, position pt on left side to improve placental perfusion
causes of bleeding and hemorrhage during preg
placenta precia, placenta abruptio, ectopic preg., gestational trophoblastic disease, molar preg (rare), preterm labor, spontaneous abortion
what is gestational trophoblastic disease
group of rare tumors that involve abn. growth of cells in woman's uterus. GTD does not develop from cells of the uterus like cervical cancer or endometrial (uterine lining) cancer do. Instead, these tumors start in the cells that would normally develop into the placenta during preg. This disease begins in the layer of the trophoblast that normally surrounds an embryo. (Tropho- means "nutrition," and -blast means "early developmental cell.") Early in normal development, the cells of this layer form villi. These villi grow into the lining of the uterus. In time, the trophoblast layer develops into the placenta.

Most GTDs are benign & don't invade deeply into body tissues or spread to other parts of the body. But some are cancerous. B/c not all of these tumors are cancerous, this group of tumors may be referred to as gestational trophoblastic disease, gestational trophoblastic tumors, or gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

All forms of GTD can be treated. And in most cases the treatment produces a complete cure. (source: cancer.org)
causes of spontaneous abortion:
faulty implantation, teratogens, placental abnormalities, weak cervix, hormonal imbalance (↓ hCG, ↓ estrogen, ↓ progesterone), maternal infection
Tx for spontaneous abortion
bed rest
pelvic rest
maybe D&C
Rh immune globulin if Rh neg
Sx of ectopic preg
one-side lower abd. pain
referred right shoulder pain
adnexal tenderness/mass
rigid abd.
lower hCG
TX of ectopic preg
menstrual HX, esp LMP
pelvic exam
labs ( will show ↓H&H, , ↑ leukocytes, lower hCG*)
methotrexate IM if pt desires future preg if fertilized ovum is unruptured and < 3.5 cm and pt condition is stable
surgical removal
Rhogam if Rh neg.

* in normal preg. hCG doubles Q 48hrs from3 to 6 weeks' gestation
care of D&C pt
someone should remain w/ discharged pt for 1st 24-48 hours
report any heavy bleed, fever, chills, foul smelling vag. discharge, abd. tenderness
Sx of placenta previa
Painless vagina bleed after 20 weeks
Nursing implications of placenta previa
draw labs
Sx of abruptio placenta
pain disproportionate to the strength of contractions, may or may not be accompanied by bleed
may necessitate C?S in moderate or severe cases
what is hydatidiform mole (molar peg. and what are sx
type of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
placenta characterized by fluid-filled, grape-like clusters
2 types of molar preg.: partial and complete
unclear cause
Sx:prune juice-like vag. bleed.
uterine enlargement > than expected
no FHT
hCG> than expected
very low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
hyperemesis gravidum b/c of ↑ hCG
infection (late sx)
how is molar preg diagnosed
w/ ultrasound
TX of molar preg
evacuation and curettage
oxytocin to keep uterus contracted and prevent hemorrhage
typed and cross match blood
monitor urine output
hysterectomy if older pt has completed childbearing to ↓ chances of future malignancy
what is incompetent cervix and what are sx
incomp. cervix is painless dilation of cervix w/o contractions
sx: low back pain, pelvic pressure, changes in vag. discharge
hyperemesis DX and TX
intractable vomiting in 1st half of preg that causes dehydration and ketonuria and weight↓ of 5% pre-pregnancy weight

tx: restore 'lytes, hydrate, control vomiting (antiemetics, IV), small meals, simple carbs
TPN if necessary, B6, B!, D5W, ginger syrup, acupuncture
herbs to avoid in preg
blue cohosh, black cohosh, chamomille, valeria, comfrey, dong quai, ephedra, goldenseal, gingko, ginseng, horehound, horseradish (fresh)
caution w/ garlic, ginger, turmeric
Immunization during preg
Inactivated viruses:
Influenza: after 1st trimester
Hep A & B
Contraindicated immunization during preg
Measles, rubella, mumps, varicella zoster, smallpox, polio, yellow fever (unless in high-risk area),
Gestational Diabetes (GD) definition
Carb intolerance of variable severity w/ onset or 1st recognition during pregnancy
GD- screening
50g- 1hr glucose test
done b/w 24 and 28 weeks
if plasma glucose >140 do 3-hr diagnostic test
3-hr 100g glucose test
done if 1-hr glucose test result is >130-140
pt eats unrestricted diet that includes 150g minimu of carbs for 3 days prior
Pt ingests 100g oral glucose solution in moring after an overnight fast
plasma glucose is measured at1,2,3 hours
Pt should remain seated, not smoke throughout the test
GD is DX is 2= values are met or exceeded:
fasting: 95mg/dL
normal fasting and 2hr blood glucose
2hr postprandial60-110

2hr postprandial:<140
normal preg H&H
Hgb:11-15 (1g less than nonpreg.)
Hct:32-42 %(5% less than nonpreg)
anemia is < 11mg/dL in preg
fetal assessment of diabetic mother
fetal activity monitoring
what is NST
non-stress test
usual baseline fetal heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute. Once monitor is in place, practitioner will look for certain measurements to see how the baby is faring, including if his heart rate rises when he moves. An NST is considered reassuring if there are accelerations of the fetal heart rate of at least 15 beats per minute over the baseline, lasting at least 15 seconds, occurring within a 20-minute time block. This is called a reactive NST. If these accelerations don't occur, the test is said to be nonreactive. In addition, since many women have mild contractions that they may not even notice, your practitioner will note any of the baby's responses to contractions or if the fetal heart rate dips below baseline.
(source: drspock.com)
what is 1st NST is non-reactive
prolong test for another 20 minutes
what is nitrazine paper used for
assessment of luid with ROM
blue=alkaline=amniotic fluid
nitrazine paper can yeild false positive if sample is contaminated w/ semen, urine, blood, soap, bact vaginosis, soap
what is pre-term labor (PTL)
labor before 37 completed weeks of preg.
Risk Factors of PTL
uterine/cervical problems
hx of cone biopsy
low weight
chronic illness:HTN< renal, cardiac)
previous PTL
previous pre-termbirth
febrile illness
subs abuse
2nd trimester abortion
more than 2 1st trimester abortions
neonatal risks associated with maternal anemia <6g/dL
low birth weight
neonatal death