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24 Cards in this Set

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Name the 5 major vessels in the heart and lungs.

1) Vena Cava

2) Pulmonary artery

3) Pulmonary vein

4) Aorta

5) Coronary artery

Why is the kidney important?

excretion of nitrogenous waste and for osmoregulation

Name the two types of vessels associated with the kidney.

Renal artery and vein

What are the main reasons a vessel would have muscle?

1) Contracts

2) Reduces the diameter

3) Changes the flow/pressure

What are the main reasons for a vessel having an endothelium layer?

1) Smooth

2) Reduces friction

What are the main reasons for a vessel to have elastic tissue?

1) Stretches under pressure

2) Recoils

3) Evens out pressure

Describe the structure of the artery.

1) Thick muscular walls

2) Elastic tissue

3) Endothelium lining is folded

Why is the endothelium layer in an artery folded?

Allows the artery to stretch and to maintain high pressure

What are arterioles?

When the artery divides into smaller vessels

Describe the structure of an arteriole.

1) One cell thick

2) Smooth endothelium layer

3) Elastics layers but thinner than artery

4) Thicker muscle

What is the role of arterioles?

To direct blood to areas or demand and to control blood flow. They also connect the arteries to the capillaries.

What is the role of veins?

Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart

Describe the structure of the vein.

1) Wider lumen

2) Little elastic and muscle layers

3) Skeletal muscles contract

4) Valves

Why do veins have valves?

To prevent backflow

What is the role of the capillaries?

Allows the exchange of products between the blood and the tissues

Describe the structure of the capillaries.

1) Thin thin endothelium layer

2) No muscle or elastic layer

3) No valves

Why do capillaries have thin endothelium layers?

To decrease the diffusion pathway

What is the role of the coronary arteries?

To supply blood to the heart muscle

How are capillaries adapted to their function?

1) Always found near cells in exchange tissues

2) One cell thick

3) Capillary beds increase the surface area for exchange

What is tissue fluid?

Fluid that surrounds the cells in tissues

What is tissue fluid made up of?

Small molecules from blood plasma eg, water, oxygen and nutrients

Describe how tissue fluid is created.

1) High hydrostatic pressure inside the capillaries is greater than that outside

2) Creates a pressure forcing the fluid out of the capillaries

Describe how water re-enters the capillaries.

1) The movement of the tissue fluid out of the capillaries reduces the hydrostatic pressure

2) Due to the plasma proteins left behind the water potential is lowered

3) Water moves back into the capillary at the venule end via osmomis

How is excess tissue fluid drained?

The lymphatic system dumps the excess back into the circulatory system