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339 Cards in this Set

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If a Maryland State EMS provider is unable to obtain on-line medical consultation for a patient who has a life-threatening injury, what steps must be taken by the EMS provider?
Documentation, additional narrative, mark the “exceptional call” on PCR,
and notify local EMS supervisor immediately.
EMS providers that need guidance from the poison control center should also
ensure that?
Approved base station is on-line to give medical consultation.
Which of the following protocols requires you to: Notify the consulting
physician via radio immediately, if an error is discovered, prior to arrival at
the hospital.
Protocol Variation Procedure
Any act or failure to act in practice or judgment, involving patient care that is
not consistent with established protocol, whether or not it results in any
change in the patient’s condition, requires you to:
Notify your supervisor and local medical director within 24 hours.
When consulting for medication orders, the on-line physician orders you to
give a medication that you believe would endanger the patient’s life, what is
the correct course of action that needs to be taken?
Immediately notify consulting physician as to the reason you cannot care
out the order, document on MAIS, notify local EMS jurisdiction of the
Which of the following protocols requires you to document on the patient care
report what was ordered and the time?
Inability to carry out physician order.
Which of the following protocols requires you and the consulting physician to
immediately notify the State EMS Medical Director (via SYSCOM) of an
incident, In addition, the provider must fax documentation of the rationale of
the incident within 24 hours to the State EMS Medical Director?
Physician orders for extraordinary care not covered by Maryland Protocol.
Under the Physician orders for extraordinary care not covered by Maryland
Protocol, protocol, what criteria MUST be present for Prehospital providers to
proceed with an order:
Both consulting physician and provider must agree that patient’s condition
and extraordinary care are not addressed elsewhere in protocol, and that
procedure is absolutely necessary to maintain life of patient, provider must
feel capable of performing care as directed by consulting physician.
What are the four ways you can assess a patient’s mental status?
Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive
If a patent airway cannot be established, what course of action MUST be
Transport to nearest appropriate hospital-based emergency department.
Based on the pulse oximetry readings, what general patient care is indicated?
SpO2 94-100% - monitor, supplemental 02 for comfort via NC
SpO2 91-93% -monitor, hi flow o2 via NRB
SpO2 86-90% -Hiflow 02 via NRB or BVM
SpO2 <85% -02 via BVM, ETT if indicated
Hyperventilation of head injury patients is indicated when they have signs of
herniation such as unequal pupils, posturing, or paralysis: or who is
manifesting a rapidly decreasing GCS: or with online medical consultation.
What are the following rates of hyperventilation in accordance with the
general patient care protocol:
Adult -20 breaths per minute
Child -30 breaths per minute
Infant -35 breaths per minute
If patient’s age is > 12 yo, provide
1 breath every 5 seconds
Patients from birth up to those who have not reached their 12th birthday who
are symptomatic with poor perfusion with a pulse of less than 60 BPM or
Ventilate for 30 seconds, if pulse less than 60 BPM, start CPR
Patients greater than 1 year but who have not reached their 12th birthday, is
symptomatic with poor perfusion and the pulse is absent, begin CPR. If pulse
is greater than _______ bpm, continue assessment.
If a patient presents with any blunt traumatic mechanism which could cause
cervical spine injury and meets ANY of the following criteria, complete
Spinal Immobilization should occur.
-Decreased LOC/ or altered mental status
-Distracting injury
-midline spinal pain/tenderness
-under influence of drugs/alcohol
-focal neuro deficit
-s/s new paralysis
Priority_________: Non-emergent condition, requiring medical attention
but not on an emergency basis.
Priority_________: Less serious condition yet potentially life-threatening
injury or illness, requiring medical attention but not immediately
endangering the patient’s life.
Priority_________: Does not require medical attention.
Priority_________: Critically ill or injured person requiring immediate
attention: unstable patients with life-threatening injury or illness.
In the event of a multiple casualty incident, the ____________technique
will be instituted for rapid tagging and sorting of patients into priority
categories for both treatment and transport.
START/JumpSTART triage
What does DCAP-BTLS stand for?
deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures, bruising, tenderness, lacerations, swelling
All priority ____ patients require on-line medical consultation.
True / False: When utilizing the START/JumpSTART, providers may perform
all skills and administer medications within the protocol.
True / False: Medevac patients with indications for specialty referral center
should be flown to the appropriate type of specialty center if not more than 10
- 15 minutes further than the closest trauma center.
The ALS Provider-patient relationship is established when the ALS provider
initiates patient assessment and:
-ALS drugs administered
-ALS procedure performed
-ALS assessment/provider judgement
True / False: BLS providers have the right to decline the transition of patient
care. When consensus between the providers cannot be gained.
True. a consult is required
List 5 things that must be documented on your Patient Care Report, when
dealing with a suspected abuse/neglect patient.
-pt/caregiver statements
-abnormal behavior
-condition of environment
-name and time of SS/police notification
-Name of receiving provider
If patient is having a seizure, what are three treatments are important to
-Protect pt/do not restrain
-Stop seizure- what caused it?
Midazolam may be administered without a consult for patients with active
seizures _______ _____ increments slow IV push over one to two minutes to
a max dose of _____ for adults. A patient over the age of ______, the dose is
reduced by _____%. Additional doses up to a max of _____, ALS providers
must obtain medical consultation.
1-2mg increments, max 5mg w/o consult, 10mg with consult
Pediatric Midazolam, if child has been seizing for greater than ___ minutes.
What is the dose of Midazolam for a pediatric patient?
0.1 mg/kg, maximum of 5mg
Other than IV, what other route can Midazolam be administered to pediatric
________________________ can cause altered mental status but is not
commonly a cause of total unresponsiveness to pain.
In the altered mental status protocol, treatments include initiation of IV LR
fluid therapy ____ ml/kg bolus, titrated to a systolic pressure of _____ mmhg.
20ml/kg titrated to 100mm/hg
What three symptoms are indicative of a narcotic overdose?
-Pinpoint pupils, Decreased RR/Drive, Decreased LOC
Adult patients that you suspect of having a narcotic overdose are given
________________ via ____, _____, _____, and ______ (if available). The
dose is _____ given slowly, to a max dose of _____ mg.
Naloxone (Narcan) 0.4-2mg IV/IO/IM/IN max 2mg-consult to repeat
: For pediatrics: If age-related vital signs and the patient’s condition indicate
hypo perfusion, administer fluid bolus of ____ ml/kg, followed by _____
ml/kg if the patient’s condition does not improve, you can give additional
boluses of _____ml/kg.
Pediatric dose of narcan is _____ mg/kg slow IVP/IO/IM/Intranasal, to a
maximum of _____ mg.
0.1mg/kg max 2mg IV/IO/IM/IN
Children that fall under the category of being volume sensitive include:
Chronic Heart of Lung disease, neonates, Renal failure Pt’s
What is the initial bolus of fluid for volume sensitive children- _______ ml/kg
LR IV/IO, second and subsequent doses of ______ ml/kg LR IV/IO may be
If a parent or guardian of a child or infant less than 2 years of age describes of
the following signs/ symptoms:_______________, Skin color change,
marked change in _______________ tone, ____________ or
______________ not associated with feeding or a witnessed foreign body
aspiration: What condition may you suspect even if the child is acting normal
upon your assessment?
Flaccid muscle tone ,apnea, Cyanosis, choking or gagging w/o FBAO
suspect Apparent life-threatening event (ALTE)
If a parent or guardian wants to refuse care or transport for a patient that meets
the ALTE protocol, what must be done prior to leaving the scene?
Consult with a pediatric base station
What does the acronym SAFER stand for?
Stabilize, Assess, Facilitiate, Encourage, Refer
Defibrillation is more important initially if the patient can be ventilated
without ________________________.
The goal is to immediately ___________ as soon after CPR as possible.
If unable to initiate IV or perform endotracheal intubation within _____
minutes, continue with appropriate care and transport the patient as soon
possible to the appropriate hospital.
What is the next appropriate treatment following a single shock?
resume CPR immediately
What four drugs can be administered down the pediatric or neonate ET tube?
Epi, Narcan, Atropine, Lidocaine
Narcan, Atropine (1mg/ml), and epinephrine (1:1,000) shall be diluted in
____ ml of lactated ringers for pediatric dosing via ETT
List common signs and symptoms of a patient experiencing bradycardia:
CP, SOB, Hypotension, N&V, Decrease in LOC, CHF/Pulmonary Congestion, possible AMI
What is the preferred treatment for a patient that is hemodynamically
unstable with bradycardia?
Trans-cutaneous Pacing (TCP)
What is the recommended dose of atropine for a patient with sinus
0.5-1mg q 3-5 minutes, max 0.04mg/kg
True / False: Atropine should be used with caution in a second degree type
II block and a new third degree block with wide complexes.
True, consult required
If a bradycardic patient does not respond to TCP or atropine, what is the
next drug and dose you would consider?
dopamine2-20 mcg/kg/min
True / False: A patient who is bradycardic, in a third degree heart block with
ventricular escape beats can be treated with 150 mg of Lidocaine.
Do not delay TCP for what two interventions:
Sedation and Atropine
What 2 drugs can you consider giving to a patient in experiencing
discomfort from TCP?
Morphine, 0.1mg/kg or midazolam 1-2mg
According to the pediatric algorithm for pediatric patients with
bradycardia. Perform chest compressions if the pulse on the child is
What is the pediatric dose/concentration of Epinephrine if given IV/IO?
0.01mg/kg 1:10,000
What is the pediatric dose/concentration of Epinephrine if given ET?

0.1mg/kg 1:1,000
How often can the Epinephrine be administered to the Pediatric patient?
Every 3-5 minutes
Hemodynamically unstable is defined as a systolic B/P of less than ____
in neonates, ____bpm for infants (<1 yr old), and less than ____

systolic B/P for children greater than 1 yr old.
60, 70, 70+2xAge
What is the pediatric dose of atropine? ________ via what route________
0.02 mg/kg iv/io/ett
What is the max single dose of atropine for a Child
How many times can atropine be repeated?
atropine can be repeated once
In a pediatric patient experiencing bradycardia, which drug do you administer
epinephrine before atropine
True / False: You cannot use TCP for a pediatric patient experiencing
symptomatic bradycardia.
List the possible causes of bradycardia?
Start pacemaker at age appropriate heart rate:
Is TCP indicated for an adult patient in a witnessed cardiac arrest?
What is the max dose for Epinephrine in a cardiac arrest?
No max, 1mg 1:10,000 q3-5minutes
To confirm that a patient is in asystole, what must you do?
check 2 leads
What is the sequence of joule settings when defibrillation is indicated in a
pediatric patient?
What is the dose of epinephrine given to a pediatric patient in pulseless VF,
V-tach, or asystole?
____ mg/kg (1:10,000) IV/IO or ET _____mg/kg (1:1,000) diluted in 5 ml
0.01mg/kg 1:10 IV/IO or 0.1mg/kg 1:1 ETT diluted in 5ml LR or NS
List the ten possible causes for a patient that is in pulseless electrical activity
Is sodium bicarbonate indicated for an adult patient in cardiac arrest? If so,
what is the dose? ________, ________________
Yes, w/ consult, 1meq/kg
True / False: Lidocaine (1mg/kg) can be given to a patient who has a return
of spontaneous circulation following cardiac arrest.
True / False: Patients with chest pain may take own RX of nitroglycerin, up
to three doses.
True / False Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for 48 hours, for any patient
who has taken any erectile dysfunction drug or pulmonary anti-hypertensive
If a patient B/P drops more than _____ mmhg after administration of
Nitroglycerin, you must obtain medical consult before further administration.
20mm/hg systolic
If a patient does not have a RX or a previous HX of NTG use what must be
done prior to administration of the drug?
Initiate IV access
What is the maximum dose of Nitroglycerin for an adult with chest pain?
1.2mg- 3 doses of 0.4mg SL
What is the dose of Morphine Sulfate that may be administered following
consultation with medical control? What route can be used?
0.1mg/kg SLOW IVP
Is a consult necessary when administering Aspirin 324 or 325mg PO to a
patient that you suspect is having an MI?
What are the two criteria a patient must meet before you can consider
treatment of hyperkalemia?
Known renal failure/hx of dialysis tx or Crush syndrome. Must have bradycardia w/ prolonged QRS
What are the contraindications for calcium chloride?
Must be used in setting where Hyperkalemia, Ca channel blocker OD or Hypocalcemia is strongly suspected
may not be used when pt takes digoxin and is in suspected Ca channel blocker OD
If the patient has a combination ICD and Pacemaker, deactivating the ICD
_________ or ____________ deactivate the pacemaker.
May or May not
Consult a pediatric base station for children (who have not reached their
_____ birthday) with an ICD device delivering shock therapy or
<18y.o. delivering shocks or malfunctioning
True / False: Suctioning of a new born child is only indicated when the infant
is not vigorous after birth.
In the universal algorithm for newly born, what are the first four treatments
that must be accomplished?
Dry, warm, position, stimulate
If the new born is apneic or is gasping for air and heart rate is less than 100,
what is the most appropriate treatment?
ventilate with BVM, 40-60 breaths /min
Begin new born resuscitation with a heart rate less than _______ bpm.
Premature infants born less than 32 weeks will likely require ongoing ___
ventilations due to the immature lungs.
32 weeks
List four possible causes of a new born with a decreased level of function:
Resp depression
Always suction the _________ before the ___________, in a new born.
Mouth before the nose
Treatment of Premature Ventricular Contractions are indicated in:
-PVC’s in the presence of cardiac symptoms that are:
near the T wave
Sequential or closely coupled
-Runs of or pulsed VT
-After conversion from VT/VF
What is the drug/dose/route used to treat symptomatic PVC’s?
Lidocaine, 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO, max of 3mg/kg
True / False: Medical consultation is not needed to treat PVC’s in an
asymptomatic patient.
False, must consult to treat PVC’s in asymptomatic PT
Inclusion criteria for patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and has
one of the following in a Diagnostic quality 12 lead ECG:
Anterior, Inferior, lateral: ST elevation
greater than 1 mm in two or more contiguous leads and QRS complex
is narrower than 0.12 seconds.
1mm elevation in 2 limb leads
b. QRS complex is narrower than 0.12 seconds.
1.5-2mm+ elevation in 2+ precordial leads
New Left BBB: If patient has in his/her possession a previous ECG
with narrow QRS to demonstrate that the wide complex is a NOS
True / False: If patient meets the above STEMI criteria, than they are
classified as a priority one patient and you must do a consult.
True / False: You must consult with any base station for children less than 15
years old with ST elevation.
False, Must consult with pediatric base station
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is one of the leading causes of death in infants
ages ______-_______, and seems to peak a ___ to ___ months of age.
1-12months. peaks at 2-4 months
For SIDS patients, you should pay special attention to the condition of the
infant, including the presence of _____________ or ______________ and to
the preservation of the ________________, including any _______________
and the condition of the room.
marks or bruising, preserve environment, including linens
What are some signs and symptoms that a patient with tachycardia may
present with?
-Decreased LOC
If your adult patient has a heart rate greater than ____, and is hemodynamically
unstable, you should do what?
150bpm, Synchronized Cardiovert
If an infant has a heart rate of greater than_____ and is hemodynamically
unstable, you must prepare for immediate synchronized Cardioversion.
What is the minimum heart rate for an unstable child need to be for you to
consider synchronized Cardioversion?
A patient in SVT, you first choice would be to? ________________________
Valsalva maneuvers
What is the drug used to treat SVT, and what are the doses? __________________
Adenosine, 6mg rapid IVP, 12mg, 12mg, max of 30 mg
What drug do you consider for a patient experiencing signs and symptoms of
atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter?
diltiazem 10-20 mg over 2 minutes
You have a stable adult patient with a wide complex tachycardia of uncertain
type, what would be your first drug of choice?
What is the dose of the drug used in number 122?
1-1.5mg/kg, then 0.5-0.75 mg/kg
If your patient became hypotensive after administering diltiazem, what drug
and dose could you administer? __________________dose ______________
Calcium chloride, 500mg slow IVP
What is the joule setting for a pediatric patient in SVT?
0.5, 1, 2 j/kg
What is the dose of adenosine for a pediatric patient? _____-_____ mg/kg
0.1-0.2 mg/kg
If calculated joule setting is lower than synchronized Cardioversion device is
able to administer, what should you do?
synchronized cardiovert at the lowest joule setting
What is the pediatric dose/route of Lidocaine for a child in VT?
1mg/kg, then 0.5 mg/kg IV, IO, ETT
What do you do with a person that has a valid “DNR-A” form?
Full care until Arrest
What do you do with a person that has a valid “DNR-B” form?
Palliative care until arrest
List the acceptable forms of DNR in the state of Maryland?
molst or Medical alert bracelet/insert
MD or out of state DNR/MOLST form
Direct orders from MD-onscene
Orders via sys com from MD
What area of the body does frostbite usually affect first?
Feet/toes, then nose, ears, fingers
The frost-bitten skin will initially appear: ______________________, than
turns: _______________________________________________________.
cold, white, waxy, then turns black and blue
True/ False You must rub affect frost-bitten areas in order to start the
rewarming process.
Protect the patient with frost bite from further _______ loss.
What drug could you consider for a patient that has frost bite?
Morphine, 0.1mg/kg IV/IM/IO
Patients with severe hypothermia have many of the same symptoms as
patients that are in mild to moderate hypothermia. List one symptom that
differentiates a patient from mild/moderate hypothermia and severe
hypothermia? ___________________________________________________
Lack of shivering is a sign of severe hypothermia.
Rough handling of a hypothermic patient could cause what problem?
cardiac arrest
True/ False If you have a patient that is pulseless, apneic, and you suspect is
hypothermic, the patient should be resuscitated. (Does not have injuries
incompatible with life)
True, pt is dead once warm and sad
How should you re-warm a patient with hypothermia?
passively, with a warm environment and heated 02 if available
True / False You should consider longer medication intervals with a
hypothermic patient, only after medical consultation.
true-double the time between doses
How many shocks with an AED can you administer to a hypothermic patient
without medical consultation?
List some common signs and symptoms of depressurization syndrome?
history of diving or altitude chamber use. Headache, nausea,vomiting, tingling in extremities, seizures, coma, death
True / False Aeromedical transport is not indicated for a patient with
depressurization syndrome.
Can you transport a patient exposed to a hazardous material by air?
It is essential that the EMS provider in charge notify _______________ and
___________________of a hazardous materials event in which there may be
consultation and transport.
EMRC/SYSCOM and Recv Facility
Triage and _______________________ if indicated for a hazardous materials
Heat Cramps:
moist, clammy, skin, dehydrated, cramping, possible N&V, normal to slightly elevated temp.
Heat Exhaustion:
weakness, dizziness, N&V, elevated body temperature
Heat Stroke:
Any of the previous with Alteration in mental status
True / False You give electrolyte-rich fluid to a patient that you suspect of
having a heat related problem.
What two treatments should be given to a patient you suspect of having heat
Active cooling and IV fluid
Initiate fluid therapy of _______________ ml/kg bolus and titrate to a systolic
pressure of _________________ mmhg, for a patient with a heat related
20ml/kg, 100mm/hg
For near-drowning patients, abdominal thrusts are:
contraindicated unless FBAO is present
True / False All near-drowning victims should be transported even if they
appear uninjured or appear to have recovered.
True / False Overpressurization symptoms are often occur rapidly making
assessment easier.
What must you do prior to starting an IV in a burned area of skin?
Patients presenting with nausea and/or vomiting due to underlying injury,
medical condition, active motion sickness, or medication side
effect/complication may be administered _________________. The Adult
dose is ______mg slow IV over ________minutes or _______mg IM.
Zofran, 4mg over 2 minutes
What is the proper way to transport a patient you suspect of having
Left Lateral Recumbent
Describe what you must do with a cord only presentation, during child birth?
Support head with v formation of fingers, keep pressure off cord and monitor cord pulse
During child birth, if the head will no come out of the vagina, what must you
do to keep the infants airway open?
insert fingers in v formation to support mouth and nose
Suctioning a infant after birth should be done how?
Mouth then Nose
Heavy vaginal bleeding is a sign of what?
Injured placenta
What can you do for post-partum bleeding?
uterine massage from pubis to umbilicus
Should you attempt to remove conceptual products out of the vagina if there is
heavy bleeding?
What are some signs and symptoms of non-traumatic hypoperfusion?
decreased LOC/AMS
decreasing PP
Dilated pupils
In a non-traumatic hypoperfusion patient, if the lungs are clear you can initiate
fluid therapy, 20 ml/kg, to a systolic of 100 mmhg
If rales are present in a patient with non-traumatic hypoperfusion, can you
give IV fluid, and if so, how much?
Yes, 250-500ml
What is your first drug of choice for a patient with non-traumatic
dopamine, 2-20 mcg/kg/min
What is the appropriate fluid bolus for a volume sensitive pediatric patient,
with non-traumatic hypoperfusion?
10 ml/kg, followed by 10 ml/kg
What is the maximum dose of LR that you can administer for an adult patient
without medical consultation?
If a baby’s feet/butt present first, what should you do?
deliver body, support weight, v to open airway
List some common signs and symptoms associated with an absorption
N and V
ABD pain
For suspected organophosphate poisoning in an adult, what drug must be
Atropine 2-4mg IV or IM Q5-10 minutes
For suspected organophosphate poisoning in an pediatric, what drug must be
Atropine 0.02 mg IV or IM Q5-10 minutes
Can you receive medical direction from the poison control center?
no, must have consulting facility online as well
What is the adult dose of activated charcoal?
1.0 gm/kg
What is the only type of activated charcoal that we can give?
without sorbitol
If you patient is having a dystonic, extrapyramidal, or mild allergic reaction,
to an ingested poisoning, what drug must you consider?
Benadryl 25-50mg or 1mg/kg, max of 25mg
If your patient is having a suspected beta-blocker overdose, you should
consider what drug?
Glucagon, 1mg IVP q5-10 minutes
If your patient is having a suspected calcium channel blocker overdose, you
should consider what drug?
Calcium Chloride 0.5-1g slow IVP
Calcium chloride is contraindicated in a calcium channel blocker overdose if
the patient is taking what?
If your patient is having a suspected organophosphate overdose, you should
consider what drug?
2-4mg q5-10minutes, 0.02mg/kg q5-10
If your patient is having a suspected tricyclic overdose, you should consider
what drug?
sodium bicarbonate 1meq/kg
What is the pediatric dose of Glucagon, for a patient that weighs less than
0.5mg ivp
List 6 signs and symptoms of an inhalation poisoning?
N & V
Burns to face & airway/Stridor/Ashy sputum
True / False Pulse oximetry may not be accurate for a toxic inhalation.
List 4 unique signs/ symptoms for a patient with an injection overdose.
Local pain
puncture wounds
local edema
metallic/rubbery taste
A patient with a snakebite you can apply cold packs for relief of
_______________ only.
Ice packs
If the snake is dead, and it is practical should you take the snake with you to
the hospital?
For suspected narcotic overdose, you should consider use of?
Narcan 0.4 to 2.0 mg
What is the pediatric dose of Narcan? ___________________________
0.1mg/kg max 0.4-2mg
presentation of stimulant toxicity
Chest pain, HTN, anxiety, SVT, agitation, seizures, hyperthermia
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) may resolve with the administration of
_____________. Treating SVT due to stimulant toxicity with ____________
will not work since the substance causing the SVT will still be in the system
and cause refractory SVT after the ____________ has worn off.
Midazolam may resolve stimulant based SVT. Adenosine will not as the stimulant will still be present in the Pt’s bloodstream.
The adult pain scale (0-10), what is the number signifies the least amount of
List the indications for pain management drugs?
Moderate or severe pain, as a palliative measure
What are the two acceptable routes to administer morphine?
What is an allergic reaction? _____________________________________
Localized or systemic exaggerated immune response to a foreign substance
For a moderate to severe allergic reaction, what is the dose of epi?
1:1,000, 0.01 mg/kg IM up to a max of 0.3mg, may repeat up to 3 doses
for severe symptoms, Q5 minutes
What is the dose of diphenhydramine for an adult? Can it be repeated?
25-50mg slow ivp, can repeat with consult
True /False: Patients with moderate to severe respiratory distress may require
high flow oxygen via NRB, CPAP, or BVM while receiving medication via a
For adult anaphylactic shock with hypotension or sever airway/respiratory
distress, what is the dose of epi that may be given?
1:10,000 0.01 mg/kg, IVP, maximum single dose of 1mg
True / False You may give a patient with a mild allergic reaction,
epinephrine 1:1,000 0.3mg IM.
What is the dose of Epi for a pediatric patient having a mild allergic reaction?
1:1,000 0.01 mg/kg IM
For an asthma/COPD patient you need to consider medical consultation for
patients greater than ______ years old, or patients with _______________
45y.o. or with cardiac Hx
When are you required to start an IV on a patient having asthma/COPD
P1 or P2 or with Cardiac Hx
A patient having asthma or COPD you should administer what dose of EPI?
1:1,000 0.01 mg/kg IM
What is the dose of terbutaline _____ mg via ______ route
0.25mg IM
When is medical consultation required for a pediatric patient in the
asthma/COPD protocol?
congenital/chronic heart or lung disease
List the symptoms of a pediatric patient who is experiencing Croup?
stridor, decreasing LOC, resp distres, barkish cough
What is the single symptom that will change your diagnosis from croup to
For severe Croup, if respiratory distress is so severe that respiratory arrest is
imminent: Administer __________________ then you administer
_______________ AND 2.5 ml of ______________________ via nebulizer.
0.01mg/kg 1:1 Epi IM, 0.5mg/kg Dexmethasone PO/IV, then 2.5ml Epi 1:1 via NEB
All patients who receive nebulized Epinephrine must be transported by an
_______________ life support unit to the ___________________ medical
ALS transport to nearest facility
List the significant signs and symptoms that will help you make a diagnosis of
Hx of CHF/COPD, orthopnea, JVD, HTN. A-fib,cardiac drug/beta blocker Rx, dyspnea
Patients can be classified into 4 stages of respiratory distress. List and
describe the four stages?
Asymptomatic-Dyspnea on exertion
Mild - dyspnea resolving with low Fi02 supplemental 02
Moderate- O2 sat less then 93%, elevated BP
Severe, Severe dyspnea, hypoxia, Bp above 180
When should you consider the use of CPAP?
Mild to moderate Resp distress with hx/ suspicion of CPH/APE
Pt must be alert
Perform 12-lead ECG and in the face of an ___________________ wall MI
with posterior wall extension MI, consider lowering the ___________ dose of
Inferior, consult for NTG
NTG dose for Asymptomatic CHF:
Mild symptoms:
0.4mg q3-5minutes, max 1.2mg
Moderate/Severe symptoms:
0.4mg + 1in Paste, continue SL NTG to reduce systolic by 20 percent
True / False You can administer nitroglycerin to a patient that has a
prescription or a previous history of nitroglycerin use.
When do you need to consult for use of nitroglycerin?
Inferior or Posterior MI
When can you put an inch of nitro paste on a patient?
Moderate/severe CHF
If blood pressure is low, you should consider medical fluid boluses followed
by _____________________.
Dopamine 2-20mcg/kg/min
List the three parts of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale?
Facial drop/ palsy
Arm drop
Speech slurring
If the patient is a candidate for fibrinolytic therapy and can be delivered to a
hospital within __________ hours of sign/symptom onset, transport the
patient to the ______________________________________________. If
one is not available within ____ minutes then go to the nearest hospital.
Stroke center w/in 3.5 hrs of onset. if not available w/in 30 minutes then go to local hospital.
Consult with the nearest designated stroke center ASAP to allow for
Team prep
True / False You do not have to consult when treating a suspected stroke
patient that is hypotensive.
If a child presents with a suspected stroke, you need to consult with whom?
Local and pediatric base station
What position should you transport a child that you suspect is having a stroke?
Head elevated 30 degrees.

The contraindications for Acetaminophen are:
Persistent vomiting, allergy, admin in past 4 hours, head/internal bleeding
The indication and dose for Activated Charcoal is
Poisoning by mouth (consult to admin)
True/False: Adenosine has a 10 second half-life.
A contraindication for giving Adenosine is
Known hypersensitivity
The peak effect occurs for Albuterol Sulfate is
in 30-120 minutes
Medical direction is required before administering Albuterol Sulfate to the
Pregnant pt or one with a cardiac Hx
Pediatric Acetaminophen: 3-5 years of age ________
1 unit dose (160mg)
Adult Aspirin: _____mg or _____mg chewed
324or 325mg
Adult Calcium Chloride
Pediatric Adenosine: ______ mg/kg to ______ mg/kg ______ IV/IO bolus,
maximum initial dose of 6 mg, maximum second or third dose 12 mg.
0-1-0.2 rapid IVP
Pediatric Acetaminophen: Less than ___________: Not Indicated
3years old
Pediatric Acetaminophen 7-9 years: __________________
3 unit doses, 480mg
Pediatric Albuterol Sulfate: Ages less than two years: ______
Age two or older: _______ by nebulized aerosol
1.25mg, 2.5mg
Adult Adenosine: ________ rapid IVP bolus followed by a _________.
6mg,12,12, rapid followed by flush
Pediatric Calcium Chloride: _________
Adult Atrovent: __________
Adult Albuterol Sulfate: _________
2.5mg repeated once
Pediatric Atropine Sulfate: _________
______________: contraindicated for known systemic fungal infection.
______________: contraindicated for a patient currently taking Digoxin with
suspected calcium channel blocker overdose.
Calcium chloride
______________: Single administration ONLY, 500 ug (2.5 ml) by nebulized
aerosol connected to 6-8 lpm of oxygen in combination with Albuterol 2.5mg.
Pediatric Dextrose: If less than 2 months of age Administer __________ IV/IO.
5-10ml/kg of D10
Adult Dextrose: Administer _______________ IV (1 ampule of 50% solution)
25g (50ml D50)
_______________ for Pediatric: Administer 20 mg/kg (0.2 ml/kg) slow IVP/IO
(50 mg/min) Maximum dose 1 gram or 10 ml.
Calcium chloride
_______________ Pediatric: Ages 1 year but less than 2 years: 250 ug (1.25 ml)
by nebulized aerosol.
Pediatric Dextrose: If greater than 2 years of age – Administer ______________
1-2ml/kg d50
Pediatric Albuterol Sulfate: Age 2 and older: ___________by nebulized
2.5mg repeated once
Pediatric Dextrose If greater than 2 months but less than 2 years of age –
Administer _______________
2-4ml/kg D25 IV
Adult Dopamine: Administer ____________ IV drip titrated to BP of 100
systolic or medical consultation
Pediatric Diphenhydramine: Administer ____________ slow IVP/IO/IM
Adult______________: 1:1,000, 0.01mg/kg IM max. single dose 0.5 mg
Pediatric ____________: Contraindicated for patients less than 12 years of age
Pediatric ____________: Administer 1 mg/kg slow IV/IO or IM Maximum
single dose 25 mg.
Adult Dexamethasone: Administer _________
10mg IV/PO
Pediatric Dopamine: Administer _______ ug/kg/min IV drip titrated age
specific BP or medical consultation selected BP: initial infusion rate 2-5 ug/kg/min.
Adult Diltiazem: For patients older than _____ years of age or borderline blood
pressure, consider initial bolus _______ mg administered IV over 2 minutes.
50y.o. consider initial 5-10mg
_________________Indication and/or recurrent seizures due only to nerve
agent or organophosphate exposure.
Pediatric Epinephrine: Administer _______ mg/kg (0.1 ml/kg) of 1:10,000
IVP/IO repeat every 3 – 5 minutes.
Adult Diphenhydramine: Administer __________ slow IVP or IM
Adult Lidocaine with pulse: Administer ________ IVP bolus followed by 0.5-
0.75 mg/kg every 8 – 10 minutes as needed, up to 3 mg/kg.
Adult Midazolam: ______mg/kg in _____ mg increments slow IV push over one
to two minutes per increment. Max single dose____5 mg.
0.05mg/kg in 2 mg increments, max 5mg, 50 percent for greater then 59y.o.
Pediatric Haldol: Child 6-11 years of age_______ IM or IV, Max of ____ mg.
0.05mg/kg max 2.5mg
Pediatric Narcan: Administer ______ mg/kg IVP/IM/Intranasal (if delivery
device is available), up to maximum initial dose of 2 mg, may be repeated
_______________ Adult and Pediatric: KVO
Lactated ringers
Adult Haldol: Patient 15-69 years of age: ______ mg IM or IV
_______________ for volume sensitive children 10 ml/kg
Fluid, lactated ringers
_______________ Maximum dose of 2,000mL without medical consultation.
Lactated ringers
Adult Narcan: Administer________ mg IVP/IM/Intranasal (if delivery device is
available), repeat as necessary to maintain respiratory activity.

Pediatric Lidocaine with pulse:
1mg/kg initial, 0.5mg/kg q8-10min, max 3mg/kg
Pediatric_____________: 0.1 mg/kg slow IVP/IO/IM (1-2mg/min, max 5mg
Adult ___________: 4 mg slow IV over 2 – 5 minutes 4 mg IM.
Adult ____________: 0.4 mg SL
____________Should only be given after airway has been secured and
ventilations achieved
Sodium Bicarb
____________ generally . up to to 1 inch (1.25-2.50 cm) of the ointment is applied.
Pediatric _____________: Administer 1mEq/kg IVP/IO for patients less than 1 year of age, must be diluted (1:1) with LR
Sodium Bicarb
Never apply _________ to the eyeball or globe.
When treating foreign objects NOT embedded in the eye, flush with
copious amounts of __________ from the bridge of the nose outward.
Preferably sterile water, non-sterile water, Normal Saline, LR
Injury to the eye orbits and the area around the eye, you must
__________and __________ the patient’s head and spine, apply cold packs if the
eyeball is not involved.
stabilize w/ spinal protection
When treating lacerations or injuries to the eyeball or globe, shield the
other eye to __________ movement, protect loss of fluids, __________ the
patient’s head and spine and elevate the head of the backboard to decrease
intraocular pressure.
minimize movement, immobilize, elevate
Impaled objects, __________ and __________ affected eyeball and
_________other eye to reduce movement
stabilize and shield affected eyeball, and cover other eye
Adults with an isolated eye injury can be given an __________ per Pain
Management protocol.
List all five (5) indications for a referral to the hand/extremity trauma
Hand/forearm amputation, partial/ complete finger/thumb amputation, degloving crush injury to hand/forearm
injection injuries, compartment syndrome
True/False Toe injuries from lawn mowers are not candidates for
re-implantation and should go to the local Emergency Department.
True/False Do not submerge amputated parts in water or expose them
directly to ice so they become frost bitten.
Initiate an IV of __________ at 20ml/kg bolus, and titrate to a systolic
pressure of __________mg Hg.
Lactated ringers, titrate to 100mm/hg
Consider additional boluses of fluid administration up to a maximum of
__________ ml without a medical consult.
True/False In pediatrics, for hypoperfusion, you can administer fluid
challenges of 20 ml/kg of LR, IV or IO.
How many fluid boluses can you administer before switching to a bolus
of 10ml/kg?
2 then consult
True/False: Trauma patient’s who have not reached their 15th birthday,
should be transported to a pediatric trauma center.
When hyperventilating a head injury patient, ventilate at a rate of:
Adult-20, child-30,infant, 35
True/False: While time, distance, and proximity are all factors to be
considered in the triage decision, the trauma decision three should be used to
determine who should be transported to the nearest appropriate trauma center and
when the transport should occur.
Maintain spine stabilization for ____________ trauma patients. Patients
with isolated _______________ trauma should not have spinal immobilization
Isolated penetrating do not need spinal stabilization.
True/False Healthcare providers are obligated by law to report cases of
suspected child or elder abuse and/or neglect to the local police authority or
protective services.
In order to make the patient feel more comfortable/secure, every attempt
should be made to have the patient talk to someone of the _________________.
Same Gender
Discourage victims from __________ (i.e. shower, washing, changing
List the four indications for referral to a Specialty Spinal Center:
15 years old or greater, S/s new para/quadriplegia, patent airway, hemodynamically stable
True/False: For a spinal cord injury, initiate an IV LR fluid therapy
20mL/kg bolus, titrated to a systolic pressure of 100mg Hg.
List the four indications for referral of a pediatric spinal injury to a
Pediatric Trauma Center:
15 years old or younger, S/s new para/quadriplegia, patent airway, hemodynamically stable
True/False: If the closest trauma center is greater than ten (10) minutes
away, the trauma arrest should be taken to the closest Emergency Department?
If an adult trauma arrest is suspected (along with multi-system blunt or
abdominal trauma), bilateral ____________________ shall be performed.
Needle decompression thoracostomy
List the criteria for Category A trauma:
GCS 13 or less
SYS bp <90mm/hg in adults, <60mm/hg in peds
RR less then 10 or greater then 28 or PT being ventilated
List the criteria for Category B:
2 or more proximal long bone Fx
chest wall instability
mangled/pulseless extremity
skull fx
penetrating trauma proximal to elbow or knee
List the criteria for Category C:
High risk MOI
List the criteria for Category D:
Comorbid factors, age greater then 55 or less then 15, hx anti coag rx, burns, pregnant greater then 20 weeks
provider judgement

True/False “Option A” is limited to (palliative) care only before arrest.
False, that is option B
True/False “Option B” is maximal (restorative) care only before arrest.
False that is A-1
True/False EMS providers should only request a second instrument (i.e.
bracelet when a form has already been presented), if there is reason to question
the validity of the first produced notification device.
True/False Treat out-of-state EMS/DNR orders as “Option A”?
False, treat out of state as B
True/False Oral DNR orders may be taken over a non-recorded phone line
from the patient’s physician?
False, oral orders must go thru syscom
True/False Revocation of an EMS/DNR order may be obtained by:
A-Physical cancellation or destruction of EMS/DNR order
B-The authorized decision-maker must destroy or withhold the EMS/DNR
Order devices.
List the seven indications EMS providers may pronounce the death.
decomposition, rigor mortis, decapitation, dependent lividity, ALS- pulseless and apnea in MCI,
ALS- Pulseless/apnea w/ injuries incompatible with life
Termination of Resusitation
An individual is dead if, based on ordinary standards of medical practice,
the individual has sustained either:
Irreversible cessation of Respiratory or cardiovascular function
irreversible cessation of all brain function, including the Brain stem
True/False All hypothermic patients’ fall into the presumed dead on
True/False Only and EMT/P can access a Central Venous catheter/device
for life threatening emergencies ?
List the three potential adverse effects/complications from utilizing a bag
valve mask device:
Gastric distention, vomiting, Increased ICP from Vagal stimulation
True/False The King Airway is the first line advanced airway,
endotracheal intubation is the second line advanced airway?
False, ETT is first line
List the two indications for placing a gastric tube into a patient:
intubated pediatric pt or signs of gastric dissension
List the four contraindications for placing a gastric tube:
esophageal varices, nasogastric deformity, esophageal surgery, suspected basillar skull fx
List the four contraindications for placing a nasotrachael tube:
PT on anticoagulants, airway/facial trauma, CSF leakage, skull Fx, patient less that
List the eight potential adverse effects/complications for placing a
nasotrachael tube:
epitaxis, esophageal intubation, facial trauma, R main stem intubation, increase in ICP, Pneumo/tension pneumo
inter cranial tube placement
List the preferred site for needle decompression: _________________
Second intercostal, mid clavicular
List the five potential adverse effects/complications when performing
needle chest decompression:
Intercostal injury, cause pneumo/hemo thorax, lung damage, cardiac injury, infection
When performing direct laryngoscopy for an obstructed foreign airway
obstruction, you must first make sure
pt must be unconscious, gcs less then 8
When performing orotrachael intubation, you must confirm the placement
of the ET tube with a minimum of ___ devices:
What is the maximum length of time that you are allowed to suction in an
attempt to clear a tracheostomy ?

List the contraindication for applying an AED:
PT showing signs of life
What is the joule setting during Cardioversion for symptomatic PSVT or
atrial flutter ?
50j, 100j, 200, 300j, 360j
What is the joule setting during Cardioversion for symptomatic atrial
Initial 200j, 200j, 300, 360j
What is the joule setting during Cardioversion for symptomatic
tachydysrhythmias ?
Initial 100j, 200j 300j 360j
The correct joule setting for pediatric symptomatic
tachydysrthymias is
0.5joules/kg, 1joule/kg, 2 joule/kg
The correct joule setting for pediatric defibrillation in ventricular
fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia is:
2 joules/kg,4 joules/kg,4 joules/kg
True/False: Bag-valve-mask ventilation is the technique of providing
rescue breathing for patients with inadequate respiratory effort or cardiac arrest.
True/False The external jugular vein is utilized as the first attempt to
secure IV access.
False, it is an option if needed
If the adult blood glucose level is less than 70 mg/dl, then administer
_____grams of 50% dextrose.
25grams (50ml D50)
If unable to obtain IV access and the blood glucose level is 70 mg/dl, then

administer __________ (if over 25 kg) or 0.5 mg __________.
1mg glucagon IM, glucagon IM
If blood glucose is greater than__________, then administer __________
300mg/dl administer Lactated ringers 10ml/kg
If blood glucose is less than _____ mg/dl (adult or pediatric patient),
obtain medical consult for authorization before administering a second dose of
50% dextrose.
When administering D10 % to a patient two months of age or less, you
must mix _____ part D50% with ____ parts LR.
1 part D50 to 4 parts LR
When administering D25 % to a patient greater than two months, but less
than two years of age, you must mix _____ parts D50% with _____ parts
LR. You will administer _____ ml/kg.
1 parts d50 to 1 part LR, administer 2-4ml/kg
The preferred site for an intraosseous access in a patient six years of age
or less is:
1-5 cm distal to the tibial tuberosity on the anteromedial surface of the
tibia or medial surface of the distal tibia just proximal to the medial
List the six contraindications for introaosseous access:
Conscious patient with stable vital signs
Peripheral vascular access readily available
Suspected or known fractures in the extremity targeted for IO infusion
Previous attempt in the same bone
Cellulitis at the intended site of the procedure
Patient with known bone disorder
Prior knee or shoulder joint replacement
How many attempts are you allowed for IO access within five minutes: