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77 Cards in this Set

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The term sexuality refers primarily to one's:
beliefs, values, and behaviors regarding sex.
Of the following, who believes that the gender they were assigned at birth is an incomplete understanding of their gender?
transgender people
Compared to other cultures, the frequency of sexual intercourse in America:
is about average.
Current research indicates what percentage of people has had sex before marriage:
When it comes to sexuality in later years, an AARP study of people 45 years and older indicates more than half the people:
are extremely/somewhat satisfied.
Miller et al. (2001) determined that sexual permissiveness was highest among teenagers who saw their parents as:
not strict.
What is related to alcohol use among college students?
having multiple or casual sex partners
B) failing to discuss risk issues before sex
C) inconsistent use of condoms
In 2008, ________ people were newly infected with HIV.
2.7 million
Approximately 750,000 teen pregnancies occur each year, and ____ percent of these are unintended.
The comprehensive approach to sex education
A) stresses abstinence and responsible decision making
B) offers information on contraception
C) offers information on avoiding sexually transmitted infections
The United States has a lower rate of teen pregnancy than other industrialized nations.
Teens that had sex between 1995 and 2002 were much less likely to use birth control than teens that had sex prior to 1990.
In a recent study of older Americans, more than half indicated sexual activity contributed to their way of life.
Most adults favor sex education courses that present information on birth control.
Open parent-child communication appears to have little effect on the contraceptive practices of sexually active daughters.
A curvilinear relationship exists between parental flexibility and adolescent sexual behavior.
Women are more conservative regarding sex than men.
Teens in 2002 had sex earlier than teens in the 1990's.
Kissing is common in all cultures around the world.
Sex therapy primarily involves sexual education.
Financial issues are the most common stressor for families:
who live in poverty.
B) in the middle classes.
C) who are rich.
Which of the following is NOT true?
A) Divorce and domestic abuse are more common among poor families.
B) More than two times as many happy couples as unhappy couples agree on how to spend their money.
C) Couples' greatest concern with financial issues is that one partner tries to control the money.
D) In over three-quarters of happy couples, each partner is content with how the other spends money.
At what stage are families MOST likely to experience financial stress?
If a person gains satisfaction from spending money on others and himself or herself, this person has which orientation toward money?
The estimated total average cost of a divorce is:
Most couples discover their spending/saving styles:
after they are married.
What percentage of American families is considered middle income?
Which ethnic group has the highest annual income?
Asian Americans
On average, as education increases:
the salary difference between men and women increases.
Regular and systematic balancing of income and expenses is:
Eight steps to resolving a conflict:
1. Choose the right time: Ecclesiastes 3:7
2. Take the Initiative: Matthew 5:24
3. Think before you leap: Proverbs 12:18; 18:21
4. Reaffirm your relationship: Ephesians 4:31-32 Colossians 3:12-14
5. Express your feelings John 11:35
6. Apologize when you are wrong: Matthew 27:3-4
7. Learn to clarify the area of conflict Acts 15:36-39
8. Lead with a compromise Luke 6:31
What can conflict do?
o Strengthen relationships
o Deepens our understanding of the truth
o Helps us exercise our “spiritual muscles:
• Experts in personal and family finance agree
o “As difficult as it is to make money it is easier to make money than it is to manage money wisely.”
o The key 4 Step process to finances
• Pay God
• Pay Caesar
• Pay yourself (investment)
• Pay your debts
• 5 general points for your consideration:
o The Bible has much to say about money and the management of money . . . will see in following slides.
o Money is not the root of all evil . . . it is the love of money that’s evil . . . I Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5
o Jesus used money to teach a number of spiritual lessons Matthew 6:24
o Financial principles found in the Old and New Testaments are rather simple and straight forward.
o The key 4 Step process
“The process of identifying income over a designated period of time, describing how those funds are to be spent for consumption and investment, keeping records of income and expenditures, and developing a plan of appropriate actions in the event of a change in income and/or expenditure patterns.”
Importance of a budget:
1. A budget makes it possible for you to direct your money into channels that will bring
you the most satisfaction/maximize income.
2. It allows one to see exactly where money goes (realistically)... allows for adjustments.
3. Encourages individuals and families to examine and reexamine values and goals.
4. Creates a positive habit & communication.
5. Helps avoid many of the money problems.
Planning/Developing a Budget
1. Determine your total monthly ‘net’ income…$$$.

2. ‘List’ all of your ‘fixed’ expenses.
a. rent
3. ‘List all’ of your variable or (flexible) expenses.
4. Include a short term savings plan.
5. Final step... compare expenses.
Determine your total monthly ‘net’ income…$$$.
a. after state and federal taxes
b. offering to the Lord
c. savings (long term)-(short term…listed later in
the budget…important and shouldn‘t be ignored).
2. ‘List’ all of your ‘fixed’ expenses.
a. rent
b. utilities
c. insurance
d. transportation
‘List all’ of your variable or (flexible) expenses.
a. food…???
b. recreation / entertainment
c. clothes
Include a short term savings plan.
a. emergency…i.e., car, medical, house, etc.
b. Christmas, vacation, specific purchases, and gifts
Final step... compare expenses.
a. add steps 2, 3, & 4
b. subtract from step 1
c. should equal itself out…if not, adjustments must be
Three C’s of Credit
(Whether you can get and keep credit will depend on:)
1. Character: refers to your honesty, sense of responsibility, soundness of judgment, and trustworthiness.
2. Capacity: refers to your ability to pay the bill when it is due…based on what you earn, length of time at your job, etc.
3. Capital: refers to such assets as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, money market funds, real estate, etc.
Why credit cards are good
1. They allow people to buy goods easily.
2. They help keep good records and “recording procedures.”
3. One does not have to carry large amounts of money.
Why credit cards are bad
4. Many call for annual fees.
5. Interest rate is high.
6. Merchants have to charge higher prices.
7. If lost or stolen – a lot of red tape.
8. Can allow for overspending.
9. “Card owners” run a tight ship-on credit.
10. If used frequently, are a record keeping hassle.
Financial Danger Signals:
1. Using Credit to buy things you used to be able to buy with cash.
2. Getting loans or extensions to pay your debts.
3. Paying ‘only the minimum amount’ due on charge/credit card accounts.
4. Receiving ‘overdue notices’ from creditors.
5. Using savings to pay bills that you used to pay from checking.
6. Borrowing on life-insurance with little
chance of repaying.
7. Depending on overtime or moonlighting pay to make ends meet each month.
8. Using your checking account overdraft to pay regular bills.
9. Juggling rent or mortgage money to pay debts…”Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”
10. Using ‘credit card cash advances’ to pay living expenses
What God wants us to know:
1. God is the source
2. Wa re stewards-everything belongs to God.
Three Greek words for stewards
A slave who cared for children. Our families are a gift from God entrusted to us.
A general manager over estate, property, business operations. We have responsibilities in dealing with property, jobs, etc.
Responsibility for financial matters. The dollars we have are not our own.
What God wants us to do
a. Work for our money:
b. Plan our work and trust God:
c. Do not covet another’s possessions:
d. Do not serve money:
e. Give
f. Pay Taxes:
g. Help the needy:
h. Provide for one’s family
i. Avoid debt:
How God wants us to manage our finances
1. Establish the right priorities for your money.
2. Stay current with all financial matters. (Luke 14:28)
3. Never make financial decisions under pressure. 4. Evaluate all purchases and expenditures as either needs or wants. (I Tim. 6: 8,9)
5. Avoid speculative, quick profit schemes. (Prov. 23:4, 5)

6. Do not make financial decisions when you are in an overly
emotional state. (Prov. 10:22 & Psalms 37:7a)

7. Be willing to adjust to both increases and decreases in
your income. (Phil. 4:12, 13)

8. As a general rule, it is better to give money than to lend it.
(II Cor. 9:13)

9. Avoid co-signing for others. (Prov. 19:9)

10. Establish your financial independence from your parents. (Gen. 2:24)
1. Establish the right priorities for your money.
a. Give liberally to the Lord. (II Cor. 9:6 & Psalms 50:17)
b. Practice responsible stewardship.
(I Tim. 6:7 & Mt. 25:14-30)
What percent of take home pay should be spent on consumer credit?
no more than 20%
Is the result of a specific relationship, by which two individuals utilize the emotional, mental, social, physical and/or spiritual elements of their own personalities, to create and maintain a very close, warm, personal, and (physical or psychological) mutual bond.
God's design for marital-sexual realtionship
God has a plan. Gen. 2:7-15
God has set boundaries. Gen. 3:3
God allows consequences. Gen. 3:10
God means what he says. Gen. 3:14 -17
God still cares. Gen. 3:21
God has set boundaries
Sexual Sins:

1. Adultery: Heb. 13:4, Matt. 19:9
2. Fornication: Heb. 13:4, Acts 15:20, Rom. 1:29
3. Homosexuality: Romans 1:27, I Cor. 6:9
4. Prostitution: Deut. 23:17, I Cor. 6:15
5. Incest: Deut. 27: 20,22,23
6. Rape: Deut. 22:25
7. Sodomy: Gen 19:1-11
8. Lasciviousness: Gal. 5:19
9. Licentiousness: Gal 5:19
10. Lust: Matt 5:28
Why are we reluctant to discuss sex?
- Fear.
- Personal embarrassment/ discomfort.
- Lack of knowledge/education.
- ‘Cultural restraints/taboos/acceptance.’
Purposes of sex in marriage:
Complete oneness.
Define/Affirm one’s sexuality and role.
Fulfill Biblical teaching and understanding.
Sources of sexual problems
- Unknowing.
- Guilt.
- Fear.
- External factors.
- Negative personal feelings.
- Not acknowledging the importance of sex in marriage.
- Lack of trust.
- Unresolved conflict(s).
- Absence of human touch.
- Failure to communicate
What can we do to have a happy marital sexual relationship? What the research has to say
- Reach agreement to/with frequency.
- Maintain consistency in achieving orgasm.
- Maintain/Display a strong emotional commitment to spouse.
- Have a healthy attitude toward sexuality, time, location and techniques.
- Achieve an adequate level of sex knowledge.
- Assure availability and privacy.
Suggestions for wives:
- Keep personal attractiveness a priority.
- Take care of personal hygiene.
- Make extended time for lovemaking.
- Utilize some good resources.
- Participate fully.
- Welcome his advances.
- Become active in foreplay.
- Express what pleases you.
- Become creative in initiating lovemaking.
- Reassure him of his masculinity.
Suggestions for husbands
- Cultivate a loving relationship with your wife.
- Tell her you love her many times a day.
- Find opportunities to praise her.
- Always speak to/of her in complimentary ways.
- Continue to communicate and problem solve the ‘concerns of life or marriage’ with her!!!
- Keep the spirit of romance and courtship alive.
- Take plenty of time for sex.
- Discover what is pleasurable for her.
- Be careful of your cleanliness.
- Remember her feelings.
- Communicate what she means to you!!!
Suggestions for both sexes
- Good sex begins while your clothes are still on.
- Exciting passionate sex BEGINS with the other 23 hours of the day.
- Get together regularly, welcome his/her advances, and learn from each other.
- Discuss your sexual relationship and do not ignore a sexual problem.
- Nurture your RELATIONSHIP!!!
3 C's of biblical sex
(The marital sexual relationship)
- Commanded by God
- Commended by Jesus
- Confirmed by the Holy Spirit.
Approximately one-quarter of all Americans receive roughly half of the income in the United States.
Financially well-off people tend to have more fulfilling relationships than poor people.
The median income for women with a bachelor's degree is less than the median for men with an associate's degree.
Pooling money has few disadvantages in a marriage.
Since Americans make more money than most people in other countries, financial issues tend to be of minimal importance in daily life.
No matter how much money families have, they almost always think they need more.
On average, whites have far greater net worth than Blacks and Latinos, and this difference has increased over time.
It is generally wiser to buy a home than it is to rent.
Those known as "twentysomethings" rarely have credit card trouble because they follow the examples set by their parents.
Even though financial matters are rarely discussed in the dating phase, they are the most common topic married couples argue over.