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20 Cards in this Set

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ensures comparability of the data, increases speed and accuracy of recording, and facilitates data processing.
a standardized questionnaire form
also called a schedule, interview form, or measuring instrument. It is a formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents
typically a questionnaire is only one element of a data collection package that might also include
fieldwork procedures (insrtructions for selecting, approaching and questioning respodnents), some reward, gift or payment offered to respodnents, and communication aids, such as maps, pictures, advertisements, prodcuts, and return envelopes
any questionnaire has three specific objectives.
First it must translate the information needed into a set of specific questions that respondents can and will answer. Second, a questionnaire must uplift, motivate, and encourage the respondent to become involved in the interview, to cooperate, and to complete the interview. Third, a questionaniare should minimize response error
The great weaknesss of questionnaire design is lack of
questionnaire design is a skill acquired through experience making it an
art not a science.
What are the first three steps of questionnaire design?
1, specifiy the information needed 2, specify the type of interviewing method 3, determine the content of individual queesitons.
What are steps 4 through 6 of the questennaire design
4, design the queswtions to overcome the respondents inability and unwillingness to answer 5, decide on the question structure 6, determine the question wording.
what are steps 7 through 10 of the questionaire design?
7, arrange the questions in proper order 8, identify the form and layout 9, reproduce the questionnaire, and 10 pretest the questionnaire.
In personal interviews, respondents see the questionnaire and interact face to face with the interviewer. Thus, ------------ ---------- -----
lengthy, complex, and varied questions can be asked.
ensures comparability of the data, increases speed and accuracy of recording, and facilitates data processing.
a standardized questionnaire form
also called a schedule, interview form, or measuring instrument. It is a formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents
typically a questionnaire is only one element of a data collection package that might also include
fieldwork procedures (insrtructions for selecting, approaching and questioning respodnents), some reward, gift or payment offered to respodnents, and communication aids, such as maps, pictures, advertisements, prodcuts, and return envelopes
any questionnaire has three specific objectives.
First it must translate the information needed into a set of specific questions that respondents can and will answer. Second, a questionnaire must uplift, motivate, and encourage the respondent to become involved in the interview, to cooperate, and to complete the interview. Third, a questionaniare should minimize response error
The great weaknesss of questionnaire design is lack of
in personal interviews, respondents see the questionnaire and interact face to face with the interviewer. Thus, -------,-----,------ can be asked
lengthy, complex, and varied qeustions
in telephone inverviews, the respondents interact with the interviewer, but they do not see the questionnaire. this limits the type of questions that can be asked to
short and simple ones
mail questionnaires are self administered, so the questions must be
simple and detailed instructions must be provided.
in computer assisted invereiwing, complex skip patterns and randomization of questions eliminate
order bias
email questionaires have to be