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182 Cards in this Set

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Captain James Cook
HMS Endeavor; made important surveys of geography, geology, faunas and flora of pacific Ocean areas; 1758-1779
Alexander von Humboldt
Central and South America; 1779-1804
Edward Forbes
Shetland Sea Benthos; 1830-1840
Charles Darwin
HMS Beagle; South America and Pacific; 1831-1836
Charles Wyville Thompson
HMS Lightning 1868; HMS Porcupine 1870; wrote first oceanography book 'The depths of the sea' 1873
John Murray (and Charles Wyville Thompson)
Challenger Expedition 1872; general contours o the ocean floor, systematic collections of biota, plots of ocean currents and temperature
Victor Hensen
Father of German oceanography; emphasis on plankton biology; plankton are the 'blood of the sea'; International Council for the Exploration of the Seas
Plymouth Laboratory
British school 1930-40; Studied plankton biology in the English Channel; E.J. Allen; application of chemistry and physics to phytoplankton
Louis and Alexander Agassiz
American school 1930; promote marine science; L.A. founded museum of comparative zoology at harvard; A.A. copper mines and expanding MCZ and marine exploration
Gordon A. Riley
Modern plankton studies 1930-60; application of mathematics/modeling; phytoplankton population size, photosynthetic rate, respiration, grazing
Bruce Heezen
Seafloor mapping, plate techtonics 1960
What are the 5 oceans?
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic, Antarctic Circumpolar Ocean
Pacific Ocean
ring of volcantic activity around it; few rivers entering it: Amur and Yangtze
Atlantic Ocean
lots of coast line; rivers: Amazon, Mississippi, Congo; marginal seas: Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean, North, Hudson Bay
Indian Ocean
marginal seas: Red, Persian Gulf, Bay of Bengal; large rivers: Brahmaputra + Ganges, Indus, Zambezi
Arctic Ocean
low salinity; lots of rivers from Asia
Antarctic Circumpolar Ocean
interfaces with three major oceans, westward circulation of water, upwelling of deep water = nutrient rich; highly productive ~50% ocean productivity
Physiographic provinces
continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain
Continental shelf
big changes in sea level ~100-200 m deep
Continental slope
submarine canyons, turbidity currents ~4 degree angle
Abyssal plain
~ 5000 m deep; three major types of sediment: lithogenous, biogenous, aeolian
(abyssal plain) sediments from land
(abyssal plain) sediments of biological origin, dead shells of marine plankton, CaCO3 and SiO2
(abyssal plain) wind blown sediments, red clay
(abyssal plain + aeolian) chemicals formed at low temp and high pressure
crust of the earth; continental crust, oceanic crust, mantle

Continental crust

(land) made up of igneous granite (intrusive) 35 km thick

Oceanic crust

made of of igneous basalt (extrusive) 7 km thick

molten layer; asthenosphere; most dense
crustal balance between the land and sea; pressures equalize geophysically
Age of rocks in continent and ocean
~ 4 billion and ~160-180 million; rocks in the oceanic ridges are very young
at the edges of the continents the oceanic crusts moves down (it is more dense) into the mantle
Alfred Wegener
Plate tectonics; Theory of Continental Drift 1912; supercontinent Pangaea that broke apart and drifted (fit of coastline, common fossils)
Heezen seafloor mapping and plate tectonics observations
rock magnetism, sea floor spreading, ocean ridge system
Rock Magnetism
(plate tectonics) the earth acts as a giant bar magnet and when new basalt is formed it orients to the magnetic poles; continents were not always orients as they are now
Sea Floor Spreading
(plate tectonics) basalt was youngest at the ridges and became progressively older; depth of the sediments got progressively thicker with distance; deep trenches were around continental margins (subduction)
Ocean Ridge System
(plate tectonics) upwelling of magma in the oceanic ridges and spreading and subduction
Plate tectonics
unifying concept; location and frequency of earthquakes concentrated along ridges and margins; major plates were bounded by areas of high seismic activity; plates consisted of crust (lithosphere) and the upper layer of mantles
Major ions of sea water
Chloride Cl-, Sulfate SO4 2-, Bicarbonate HCO3-, Sodium Na+, Magnesium Mg 2+, Calcium Ca 2+, Potassium K+
Properties of water
dipole (negative and positive charge); easily dissolve salts; form H bonds and act as larger molecule =higher boiling and freezing point than similar sized molecules
How salts got into ocean
they are the ions left behind after a variety of complex reactions, biological and geochemical processing, chloride from volcanic gases = chloride in ocan is an excess volatile
Processes that ADD ions to seawater
chemical weathering, cyclic salts
Chemical weathering
action of water and CO2 on rocks producing calcium, bicarbonate and silicate ions
Cyclic Salts
rainwater very much like seawater = dominated by sodium and chloride; chloride entering the ocean came primarily from the ocean; seawater is in a long-term steady state for chloride
Processes that REMOVE ions from seawater
ion exchange, carbonate formation, reverse weathering, opal formation, sulfate reduction, evaporite formation
Ion exchange
charge balance; clay particles lose Ca 2+ and exchange for Na+ and K+ in estuaries
Carbonate Formation
CaCO3 from skeletons of organisms makes sediments
Reverse Weathering
ions in solution precipitate onto solid surfaces by adsorption or co-precipitation of minerals from seawater; CaCO3 sphere gain weight in shallow but lose weight in deep
Carbonate compensation depth
(reverse weathering) the point where the net change in weight of the spheres is zero
Opal Formation
SiO2 and H20 is produced by organisms as skeletons, especially diatoms (algae, high latitudes) and radiolarians (protozoa, low latitudes near equator) Si is part of the long-term buffering system of the ocean
Sulfate Reduction
Sulfate SO4 2- to sulfide S2; process runs when oxygen is not present, carried out by bacteria; occurs a lot around hydrothermal vent systems
Evaporite Formation
different mineral precipitate out as seawater evaporates
Major vs Minor vs Trace constituents of seawater
major ions behave conservatively; minor and trace behave non-conservatively = generally governed by organisms
Alfred Redfield
physiologist at Harvard; observations about nutrients in sea water; biochemical circulation
Biochemical circulation
(Redfield) biologically active elements circulation in a very different fashion from the general water circulation; twin processes of synthesis and regeneration can be separated in space
Redfield Ratio
106 C: 16 N: 1 P
gradient in salinity
gradient in temperature
gradient in density
p (rho) specific gravity of water, determined by temperature, salinity, and pressure; S = 35% @ 20C and 1atm
(density) Antarctic Intermediate water; S = 33.8% T = 2.2C
(density) Antarctic Bottom Water; S = 34.62% T = -1.9C
Sound propagation of sea water
velocity decreases with decreased temp; velocity increases with increase pressure; temp effects dominate in shallow water; pressure effects dominate in deep water
SOFAR zone
sound fixing and ranging; area of channeled sound; sound travels at high speed at the bottom of the mixed layer, a thin high velocity layer just above the pycnocline ~ 80m
Shadow zone
beyond the area of divergence, a region into which very little sound energy penetrates
marine fish; must drink seawater; excrete small amts of concentrated urine
Incident light
(optical properties) light at surface of sea direct or diffuse (scattered)
(optical properties) influenced by sea state, waves, foam patches, bubbles
(optical properties) way the amount and spectral composition change with depther
Adsorption and Scattering
(optical properties) reason light decreases with depth

l(z) = l(o) e^-kz

attenuation coefficient (k) different colors attenuate at different rates, red light is attenuated more rapidly than blue; blue penetrates deepest in pure water; when dissolved organic matter present green light penetrates

Coriolis Effect

points at different latitudes on the surface rotate at different velocites; net effect of the earts roation and redistribution of heat is to form belts of prevailing winds

Eckman Spiral

wind drives the surface water in a direction of 45 degrees to the right of its path; deeper waters continue to deflect to the right but more at a slower speed with increasin depth


circulation around a low pressure system (counter-clockwise); northern hemisphere


circulation around a high pressure system (clockwise); southern hemisphere


deep cold water rises to surface; under lows (cyclonic); high primary productivity


cold water sinks below warm water; under highs (anticyclonic); low productivity; oligitrophic

Geostrophic currents

water piles up in the center of the mid ocean gyres because of the Coriolis effect and forms a hill; gravity tends to pull water down creating geostropic current


large system of rotating ocean currents created by Coriolis effect


low in nutrients

Langmuir circulation

driven by the wind; windrows tend to develop in the direction of the wind as a resutl of alternate rows of upwelling and downwelling; mixes plankton, organisms accumulate in downwelling

Coastal upwellings

on the scales of 100s of km along continental margin

Ekman transport

carries surface water away fromt he continenet and upwelled water replaces the water that has moved away

Equatorial upwellings

created by the Coriolis effect acting on the westward flowing equatorial currents; pull water in both directions away from equatorial region; replaced by subsurface water; creates upwelling

Gulf Stream Eddies

very large eddie form north and south of the Gulf Stream; north of stream = warm eddies rotate clockwise (warm core rings); south of stream = cold eddies roate counter clockwise ( cold core rings)


north atlantic deep water; cold and salty, sinks to the bottom because of density; travels south


antarctic bottom water; denser than NADW, forces NADW to surface; creates upwelling rich in nutrients = great productivity


Meridional Overturning Circulation; thermocline circulation; uneven distribution of heating strongly influences ocean currents which impact climate

Intertidal zone

where the ocean reaches the land

Lunar tidal cycle

moon is over head 24hr and 50 min later every day; moon exerts gravitationa attraction which pulls ocean toward moon; two high tides and two low tides on the earths surface at any one time

Spring tides

when the moon and sun are aligned; highest highs and lowest lows

Neap tides

when the sun and moon are not aligned; lower amplitudes

Semidiurnal tidal cycles

twice each day

diurnal tidal cycle


mixed tidal cyles

large land effect

King tides

occur when the earth, moon and sun are aligned at perigee and perihelion


when the earth is closest to the sun


when the moon is closest to the earth


the length of open ocean over which the wind blows


highest point of wave; trough =lowest point


vertical distance from crest to trough


distance between crests


time it takes for wave to go past a point

Capillary waves

light winds over waer cause riples less than 1.74 cm in length

Gravity waves

stronger winds aboue 4 mph cause large waves to form; continue untill they break on surf


caused by earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes and other disturbances of the seafloor; seismic sea waves


El nino southern oscillation; long distance linkage of the atmospher barometric pressure over the pacific/indian oceans; low pressure system oscillates between western pacific/indian ocean and eastern pacific; profouund global impacts on weather

La nina

the opposite exreme of el nino, but does not alway occur after an ENSO


open ocean enviroment


ocean bottom enviroment


from the shore our to 200 m depth


area beyond the 200 m contour

Mesopelagic zone

200-1000 m depth; oxygen minimum at ~700 caused by decomposition; nutrient maximum at ~1000


organisms that drift with ocean currents


organisms that move independently of currents


live on (epifauna) or in (infauna) the bottom sediments

G.E. Hutchinson n-dimensional hypervolume

organisms nitch has many dimensions to it

Fundamental niche

n-dimentional space an organism theoretically occupies

Realized niche

actual space occupied; usually restricted by biological interaction

Principle of Competitive Exclusion

(Gause) no two species in equilibrium can occupy the same niche

Paradox of the Plankton

(G.E. Hutchinson) how can so many species occupy the seemingly homogeneous mixed layer of lake/ocean if the principle of competitive exclusion is correct? many limiting resources or disequilibrium?

then why do so many species occupy mixed layer in lake/ocean? many limiting resources or disequilibrium?

special inherited features that enable a species to function in its niche
changes in tolerance with seasonal environmental change
compensatory process involving a shift in a funtion following an environmental change
dN/dt = rN
density independent growth; exponential growth; dN/dt = rN where N=number individuals in an area at t and r=(b-d)or growth rates; J shaped curve
dH/dt = r N(K-N/K)
density dependent growth; Logistic equation; Verhulst-Pearl; dN/dt = r N(K-N/K) where K=carrying capacity; S shaped curve
Life tables
constructed for organisms with one more more generation per year; demographics=study of birth and death processes that determine age structure of populations
MacArthur and Wilson
published Island Biogeography; first to use r-selection and K-selection
selection for traits that favor rapid population growth at low densities
selection for traits that favor competitive ability at densities near the carrying capacity
there is a continuum of tradeoffs between reproductive capacity and efficiency
between individuals of the same species
between individuals of different species
Interference competition
access to a resource is denied to competitors by the dominant individual or species
Exploitative competition
scramble competition; the direct use of a resource that reduces its availability to a competing individual or species, simply by consumption
Coefficient of competition
(alpha)12 or (alpha)21; incorporates the effects of interspecific competition
competition coefficient that scales the effect of an individual of species 2 on species 1
effect of individual of spp 1 on spp 2
equation for growth rate that incorporates concentration of the limiting nutrient
Joseph Connell
intertidal barnacles Balanus and Chthamalus; intra specific comp very sprong in Balanus, interspecific comp more important for Chthamalus; Chthamalus outcompeted by Balanus
Holling curves
functional responses to prey density; as pre increases predators eat more prey
Components of functional response to prey densities
rate of successful search for prey; search and handling time; hunger level of predator; inhibition of predation by prey
Rate of successful search for prey
relative mobility of predators and prey; size of perception field or predator; proportion of attacks resulting in capture
Search and Handling time
time spent pursuing and subduing prey/ eating prey/ in digestive pause
Hunger level of predator
rate of digestion and assimilation; gut capacity
Inhibition of predation by prey
behavioral/ morphological adaption of prey
benefits one
benefits both
benefit at host's expense
Factors affecting species diversity
time, spatial heterogeneity, competition, environmental stability, predation
Victor Hensen
coined 'plankton' in 1887; greek for wanderer
organisms attached to the air-sea interface; bacteria, protozoa, algae, and larger animals such as Physalia
animals that swim
spend entire life in open water; no benthic stage
organisms that spend part of their lives in the plankton and part in the benthos
species found in water above the continental shelf
organisms normally attached to substrate but they may be occasionally broken off and thus float in the plankton
Blue green algae; prokaryotic, no organelles; reproduce by cell division, have heterocysts, some function as symbionts; chlorophyll a, phycobilins, beta carotene, xanthophylls
special cells with thick walls which are centers of N-fixation
Very small cyanophyta and techniques to find them
Synechocystis and Synechoccocus; epifluorescence and flow cytometry
Cyanophyta with N-fixation
green algae; mostly near shore macroalgae; flagellate cell walls; chlorophyll a and b; carotenes and xanthophylls
cell wall is not cellulose but organic scales form a theca; different flagellae than chlorophytes; Pyramimonas (alternate btwn flagellate cell and benthic stage); Micromonas (common in plankton, very small
golden algae; chlorophyll a and c, and carotenoid=fucozanthin; capable of phagotrophy; mixotrophs; many have cell walls covered with silica scales=silicoflagellate; Distephanus have Si skeleton; Dictyocha fibula
when the both photosynthesise and engulf cells
mixed feeders
coccolithophores; similar to chrysophytes except flagellae are different; Phaeocystis (forms gelatinous colonies, gave rise to oil deposits); Emiliania huxleyi (covered with calcareous plates, fossilize)
yellow-green algae; similar to chrysophyta but lack fucoxanthin; Olisthodiscus (cultured as food for oysters)
spend part of their life history as plankton and part benthic
cryptomonads; biflagellae cells; some are colorless heterotrophs; some are zooxanthellae; Chroomonas (common species)
small yellow-brown symbiotic dinoflagellate present in invertebrates and certain marine ciliates (protozoa)
most are autotrophic but some are hetero/mixotrophic; unicellular flagellates; chlorophyll a and b; have eye spot; Eutreptia (marine spp)
Diatoms; cell walls are made of silica (glass) called frustules; accumulate lips to float; Pseudonitzschia pungens (ASP amnesiac shellfish poisoning)
diatom cell walls made of silica, two halves of cell wall fit together like a petri dish; epivalve and hypovalve (top and bottom)
diatom zygote; does not have Si in the cell wall and it immediately swells up enclosed in a perizonium, when reaches size may incorporate Si into cell wall

Pseudonitzschia pungens

diatom; ASP amnesic shellfish poisoning

Dinoflagellates; produce non-motile zooxanthellae especially when in association with hermatypic corals ; chlorophyll a and c and peridinin; many mixotrophic; responsible for red tides; Gymnodinium (lacks cell walls);
Hermatypic corals
reef building corals
Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning

dN1/dt = r1 N1 (K1 -N (alpha)12 N2/K1)

competition equation, coefficient of competition