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47 Cards in this Set

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What is Organizational Behavior?
An interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work.
Why Study OB
To interact more effectively with others in organizations.
S= A x M x O
Sucess= Ability x Motivation x Opportunity
What are the four Layers of Diversity
1. Personality
2. Internal Dimensions (age, gender, race, ethnicity, etc…)
3. External Dimensions ( Geographic Location, Income, Personal Habits)
4. Organizational Dimensions (work location, seniority, functional level)
Affirmative Action
artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, an injustice, and/or outright discrimination. Never required to hire under qualified people.
Managing Diversity
enables all people to perform up to their maximum potential.
What is underemployment?
Occurs when a job requires less than a person’s full potential as determined by his or her formal education, training or skills.
Glass Ceiling
Invisible barrier blocking women and minorities from top management positions.
Four ways to break glass ceiling
1. Consistently exceeding performance expectations.
2. Developing a style with which male managers are comfortable.
3. Seeking out difficult or challenging assignments.
4. Having influential mentors.
Social Categorization Theory
Similarity leads to linking and attraction. Work group members are more pos inclined toward their group and the people within it if fellow group members are similar rather than dissimilar to ones self.
Decision Making Theory
Diversity leads to better task-relevant processes and decision making.
What do managers do?
1. Clarifies goals and objectives.
2. Encourages participation.
3. Plans and organizes
4. Has technical and administrative expertise.
Secret Ingredients to being a successful Manager what does S= A x M x O stand before
Fill In
Espoused Values
stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization.
Enacted Values
are the values and norms that actually are exhibited or converted into employee behavior.
Four Functions of Organizational Culture
1. Organizational Identity (Why I want to be a member of the organization)
2. Collective Commitment (Facilitate Employees to be committed to the organizational mission).
3. Social System Stability (The work environment is perceived as positive and reinforcing; conflict and change are effectively managed)
4. Sense-Making Device (Why the organization does what it does and how it intends to accomplish its long-term goals).
4 Developmental networks associated with mentoring
Receptive, Traditional, Opportunistic, Entrepreneurial
Mentoring and its functions
Career Functions
- Sponsorship, Exposure and Visibility, Coaching, Challenging Assignments, Protection
Psychological Functions
• Role Modeling, Acceptance and Confirmation, Counseling, Friendship
A belief about ones own worth based on an overall self-evaluation. Positive correlation between experience and self esteem
Is a person’s belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.
Similar to confidence, but efficacy is more specific
Self Monitoring
Observing one’s own behavior and adapting it to the situation. High self-monitoring is related to job success. Don't overdue high SM
Big Five personality and its application (Remember OCEAN)
1. Openness to experience (creative)- related to creative performance
2. Conscientiousness (hardworking) – related to job performance
3. Agreeable (warmhearted) -
4. Extraversion (sociable) – related to promotion salary
5. Neuroticism/Emotional stability (disimpassioned)
Predictive validity
can personality predict performance?
Construct validity
Whether personality tests can measure what is supposed to be measured.
Faking is a big threat
What are the differences between internal LOC and external LOC?
External Locus of Control – one’s life outcomes attributed to environmental factors such as luck or fate.

Internal Locus of Control – belief that one controls key events and consequences in ones life.

Internals Enjoy…
Greater work motivation
Stronger effort-performance expectations
Higher performance
More job satisfaction
Higher salaries and more promotions
Less Anxiety
emotional intelligence
High Emotional Intelligence is effectively keeping ones emotions under control
Terminal Values
desired end-states or life goals
Instrumental Values
the way in which you get to the goals or the methods you use.
KEY- Instrumental values direct us in determining how we should behave in the pursuit of our goal.
Intrapersonal Value Conflict
I want to be honest by reporting company financials accurately; My coworker values a bonus that would come from reporting booked income early.
Interpersonal Value Conflict
I want to be healthy by exercising regularly; I want to advance my career by working hard and be involved in my children’s life.
Individual-Organization Value Conflict
I want to be healthy; My organization values smoking.
Attitude - Affective component
the feelings or emotions about an object or situation.
Attitude - Cognitive component
beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation.
Attitude - Behavioral component
how one intends to act toward someone or something.
Why does organizational commitment matter?
Because positive job satisfaction relates to positive organizational commitment which leads to positive job performance and less employee turnover.
Three components of organizational commitment Affective Commitment
The employee’s emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the org.
Three components of OC
Continuance Commitment
Awareness of the costs associated with leaving the organization
Three components of OC
Normative Commitment
A feeling of obligation to continue employment.
Withdrawal Cognition
overall thoughts and feelings about quitting a job.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
consists of employee behaviors that are beyond the call of duty.
in this phase of the socialization process, the employee tries to reconcile unmet expectations and make sense of the new work environment.
Encounter Phase
People from _________ cultures give priority to individual freedom and choice
A ________ perception of time is most prevalent in North American culture
The number of different people an individual is networked with and the various social system from which the networked relationships stem reflect the ___________.
diversity of developmental relationships
The most important source of self efficacy beliefs is ________.
Prior Experience
___________ is a goal incongruent emotion.
___________ conflicts occurs when two individuals disagree as a result of their unique combinations of instrumental and terminal values.
Interpersonal Value