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62 Cards in this Set

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the superior part of the skull (forehead)
Occipitofrontalis (function)
wrinkles the forehead
Orbicularis oculi (location)
around the eye
Orbicularis oculi (function)
close the eye
Orbicularis oris (location)
around the mouth
Orbicularis oris (function)
close or purse the lips
Zygomaticus major (location)
from xygomatic bone to corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major (function)
causes smiling
Depressor anguli oris (location)
Attches to the angle of the mouth inferiorly
Depressor anguli oris (function)
causes frowning
Levator labii superioris (location)
runs superior(vertical) next to mouth
Levator labii superioris (function)
elevates the upper lip (raises it)
Depressor labii inferioris (location)
runs inferiorly (vertical) next to mouth
Depressor labii inferioris (function)
Lowers the lower lip
Buccinator (location)
in the cheek
Buccinator (function)
pushes food over the teeth so that chewing is efficient
Platysma (location)
Very superficial runs all the way from the mandible to the thorax
Platysma (function)
Tenses the skin of the neck
Temporalis (location)
lateral to the skull
Temporalis (function)
elevate the mandible
Masseter (location)
from the maxillae to the mandible
Masseter (function)
closes the mouth (elevates the mandible)
Medial pterygoid (location)
attatches to mandible on the inside
Medial pterygoid (function)
elevate the mandible
Lateral pterygoid (location)
attatched to the mandible on the inside
Lateral pterygoid (function)
depresses the mandible
Hyoglossus (location)
from the hyoid bone to the tongue (one on each side)
Hyoglossus (function)
depresses the lateral side of the tongue
Genioglossus (location)
attatched to the chin and inside of mandible surface
Genioglossus (function)
potracts the tongue (sticks out the tounge) also depresses the tongue
Styloglossus (location)
from the styloid process to the tongue
Styloglossus (function)
retracts the tongue (pulls it back) can also elevate the tongue
Supraphoid muscles (location)
Superior to hyoid bone; floor of the mouth/tongue
Supraphoid muscles (function)
elevate the hyoid; support the tongue
Infrahyoid muscles (location)
inferior to hyoid bone; surround the larynx
Infrahyoid muscles (function)
depress the hyoid bone help with swallowing
Sternocleidomastoid (location)
located on the sternum clavicle, and mastoid on both sides
Sternocleidomastoid (function)
flexes the neck - - both work; rotates the neck - - one works
Scalenes (location)
attatch from cervical spine to the ribs
Scalenes (function)
flextion of the neck - - both work; rotation of the neck - - one works
Iliocostalis *part of the erector spinae group* (location)
from the illium to the cotals (ribs)
Iliocostalis *part of the erector spinae group* (function)
extends the trunk
Longissimus *part of the erector spinae group* (location)
longest muscle
Longissimus *part of the erector spinae group* (function)
extends the trunk
Spinalis *part of the erector spinae group* (location)
closest to the spine (most medial)
Spinalis *part of the erector spinae group* (function)
extends the trunk
Quadratus lumborum (location)
in the lumbar region connects rib 12 with the illium
Quadratus lumborum (function)
extends the spine and is a "hip hiker" (allows hip to rise)
External oblique (location)
"hands in pocket" visual - - on anterior of thorax
External oblique (function)
suport viscera (inside and organs); flexion, rotation, and lateral flexion
Internal oblique (location)
opposite of external oblique location :-\ ...
Internal oblique (function)
Support viscera (inside and organs); flexion, rotation, and lateral flextion...same as external oblique
Transverseus abdominis (location)
abdominal region
External intercostals (location)
external to the rib
External intercostals (function)
aid in breathing (*external)
Internal intercostals (location)
Internal to the rib
Internal intercostals (function)
aid in breathing (*internal)
Diaphragm (function)
big muscle that aids in breathing
Levator ani coccygeus (location)
posteriorly; part of the pelvic diaphragm
Levator ani coccygeus (function)
supports the viscera
Urogenital diaphragm (location)
part of the pelvic diaphragm
Urogenital diaphragm(function)
supports the uterus/viscera