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83 Cards in this Set

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There are a number of symbols used in Macbeth. What the two most prominent and what do they symbolize?
darkness and blood;

they symbolize evil and guilt
What is the one rule of English tragedy that Macbeth violates?
Macbeth does not seem to have any moment of tragic insight
What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?
unbridled ambition
Where is the fatal decision in Macbeth?
The fatal decision occurs at the end of Act 1, when Macbeth commits to killing Duncan.
What is the climax of Macbeth?
When Macbeth kills Duncan.
At the beginning of the play Macbeth cuts off the head of the traitor Macdonwald. Why is that both ironic and foreshadowing?
Because at the end of the play he will have his own head cut off by Macduff.
"The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements".
is an example of what literary device?
"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap."
Is an example of what literary device?
What man dare, I dare.
Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear,

is an example of what literary device?
But now I am cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd, bound in
To saucy doubts and fears... is an example of what literary device?
What is "Birnum Wood" in the play Macbeth?
It is a forrest near Macbeth's Castle
Who the three traitors in the play Macbeth?
(1) Macdonwald
(2) the original Thane of Cawdor
(3) Macbeth
What is a "porter?"
A doorkeeper
Who is the character Hecate in the play Macbeth?
goddess of witchcraft...master of the Weird sisters
Who is the character Fleance in the play Macbeth?
Banquo's son and King James ancestor
Who is the character "Ross" in the play Macbeth?
A nobleman loyal to Duncan and to Malcolm
Who is the character "Siward" in the play Macbeth?
He is an English general helping Malcolm regain his kingdom
What is "Dunsinane" in the play Macbeth?
It is either the name of the hill where Macbeth's castle stood or perhaps the name of the castle itself.
What is a "thane?"
A nobleman, something like a Duke
Who is the character Macduff in the play Macbeth?
He is the Thane of Fife and that man that finally kills Macbeth
Who is Duncan in the play Macbeth?
The King of Scotland
Where did Scottish coronations always occur?
What happens to Lady Macbeth at the end of the play?
She kills herself.
What is Macbeth's reaction to Lady Macbeth killing herself?
He seems ambivalent...he only says that it should have occured later
Why is Macbeth fearless in the final battle?
The Witches told him no man born of woman could harm him
What nation’s army does Malcolm bring with him to Scotland to overthrow Macbeth?
Besides killing Duncan and Banquo, who else does Macbeth kill? Why is it so tragic?
He kills Lady Macduff and her small son. It is tragic because Macduff had fled thinking Macbeth would not dare to hurt his family
How does Macbeth suggest the Doctor cure Lady Macbeth?
By erasing her memories
What symptom does Lady Macbeth exhibit to the Doctor?
She sleepwalks and rubs her hands together whilke she walks as if washing them.
Malcolm lies to Macduff saying that he will be worse than Macbeth. Why?
to test Macduff
During his second visit with the Witches, what is the last piece of information Macbeth demands to know?
Whether Banquo's son will really be kings
What three things do the Weird Sisters tell Macbeth in their second meeting?
(1) Beware the Thane of Fife
(2) Not to worry until the the forrest known as Birnum Wood starts coming toward his castle
(3) That no man born of woman can hurt him
Who actually kills Macbeth, ending his tyrannical reign?
How do the murderers sent to kill Banquo leave the job incomplete?
They let Fleance escape
Which prophecy does not come true during the course of the play?
Banquo’s sons will be kings
Who does Macbeth fear may benefit from his murder of Duncan?
Banquo’s Sons
Right after Duncan is murdered, Ross and old man are talking about some strang things that happened. What were the two things they mention?
A small owl had killed a falcon and a Duncan's horses had eaten each other
Why is Ross' comment about a small owl killing a falcon important?
Because it is so unnatural just like Duncan's death. That is, Duncan was killed by something far inferior.
Who flees Scotland immediately after Duncan’s murder?
Malcolm and Donaldbain
Why do Malcolm and Donaldbain flee Scotland when their father is killed?
They do not know who to trust
To what mythological character is the sight of Duncan's murder compared?
to seeing the Gorgon...which turned men to stone (her other name was Medusa)
Who is knocking at the gates as the Macbeths complete the murder of Duncan? Why is it foreshadowing.
It is Macduff; later on he is the once that exposes and kills Macbeth
What is ironic about the drunen porter playing like he is opening the door to hell?
Because what has just gone on inside is hellish
What is the primary purpose of the drunken porter scene?
comic relief
Why is Lady Macbeth unable to kill Duncan when she has the chance?
He looked to much like her daddy
Before Macbeth kills Duncan he hallucinates. What does he see?
a bloody dagger floating in the air in front of him
What does Banquo say when at the end of Act 1 Macbeth asks him to stick with him?
He say she will if he can keep his conscience clear doing so.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 to put on a false face. She then uses a wonderful metaphor to drive home her point. What is it?
She tells him to look like a flower but be a serpent hidden underneath it.
When Lady Macbeth accuses Macbeth of going back on his word she says she would rather do something really gruesome than break a promise. What does she say?
She says she has nursed a baby and would rather take a baby from her breast and smash it against a wall than break sucha promise.
When Lady Macbeth makes the point about having nursed a baby it raise san interesting question. What is it?
What happened to the baby she nursed
What is Macbeth's relationship to Duncan?
He is both subject and cousin
When Macbeth tries to back out of killing Duncan, Lady Macbeth lets him have it. What does she accuse him off?
not loving her, being a liar, and being a coward
What covers the outside of Macbeth's castle that seems to make it seem so safe?
lots of bird nests
Why is the scene describing the outside of Macbeth's castle included?
To show you can't tell what is underneath simply by looking at the outside of something
What does Lady Macbeth mean when she asks murdering spirits to "unsex her?"
She wants them to get rid of her feminine kindness
How does Lady Macbeth respond when she finds out Duncan is coming to their castle?
She gets giddy with excitement over the prospect of killng him
What are Macbeth's and Banquo's response when the Weird Sisters dissappear after their first meeting?
They wonder if they were hallucianting
Macbeth first met the Weird sisters returning home. Where had he been?
In battle
What did the original Thane of Cawdor do to lose his title?
He betrayed his country
Macbeth and Banquo fought 2 battles back to back. Who did they fight against?
Macdonwald and the Norwegians
What does the sergeant compare Macbeth and Banquo to when he tells Duncan how savagely they tore into the Norwegians?
he compares them to cannons loaded with twice as much powder as they should be
When the sergeant gives the King his report in Act 1 to what does he compare the two struggling armies?
exhausted swimmers
What is the significance of the phrase "fair is foul and foul is fair?"
It tells the reader nothing is quite what it seems. Sin Macbeth
Who are the only characters on stage in the opening scene of Macbeth?
the Weird Sisters
Macbeth was written shortly after the Gunpowder Plot. In Macbeth, Shakespeare appeals to King James' pride by including one of the King's ancestors in the story. Who was it?
What day of the year do the Brits celebrate the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot?
November 5th
Why did Shakespeare write Macbeth so shortly after the Gunpowder Plot?
He probably did so to show King James what he thought of rebellion and disolyalty...to separate himself from disloyal Catholics.
What year was Macbeth written?
1605-6...right after the Gunpowder Plot
Who did those in the Gunpowder Plot intend to blow up?
King James and Parliament
Who was the first man caught in the Gunpowder plot?
Guy Fawkes
Why were there such good records of everything that happened in Shakespeare's day?
Back then England was a police state
What was the name of the Jesuit priest the Pope sent to England to secretly convert the country back to Catholicism?
Edward Campion (rhymes with Champion)
Was Shakespeare Protestant or Catholic?
What was Shakespeare's wife's maiden name?
Anne Hathaway
What was the name of the play Shakespeare and his fellow classmates did when in school?
Ralph Roister Doister
Who was Shakespeare's favorite poet when he was growing up?
What was Shakepeare's mother's family name?
How did Shakespeare's father supplement his income?
By dealing in an illegal wool trade
What was the most valuable commodity in England when Shakespeare was growing up?
What political offices did Shakespeare's father hold?
A councilman (alderman) and later Mayor
What was Shakespeare's father's trade?
He was a glovemaker
What happened to Shakespeare's two older sisters?
They died in infancy
Where was Shakspeare born?
Stratford Upon Avon