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11 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 types of conclusions to look for in parallell reasoning?
CAPRIV: Comparison, Assertion of Fact, Prediction, Recommendation, If-Then(conditional), Value
Give an example of a COMPARISON conclusion in a parallel reasoning question.
Chocolate tastes better than broccoli
Give an example of an Assertion of Fact conclusion in a parallel reasoning question type.
Sam mus have slept more than 12 hours last night
Give an example of an PREDICTION conclusion in a parallel reasoning question type.
We can conclude from this that peterson will win the election.
Give an example of an RECOMMENDATION conclusion in a parallel reasoning question type.
Therefore, you should get 8 hours of sleep per night
Give an example of an IF-THEN (Conditional) conclusion in a parallel reasoning question type.
Thus, if Erin eats apples she will not have to visit the doctor.
Give an example of a VALUE JUDGEMENT conclusion in a parallel reasoning question type.
Hence, allowing children to watch violent video games is considered poor parenting
What are some other condsiderations when evaluating the conclusion in a parallel reasoning question?
Positive or Negative conclusions.
Level of Certainty.
Define parallel reasoning
When two arguments use the same kind of evidence to reach the same kind of conclusion. Kind has to do with the statements character and temperature.
In parallel reasoning what is meant by a statements CHARACTER?
When two types of conclusions match they can be deemed as having the same character.
In parallel reasoning what is meant by a statements TEMPERATURE?
In parallel reasoning temperature refers to how certain the argument is. Example, an argument whose conclusion of what will PROBABLY HAPPEN is not parallel to an argument whose conclusion states something with SURELY HAPPEN.