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20 Cards in this Set

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The arches of the foot are supported by the
metatarsal bones
the socket that receives the head of the femur is the
In the ankle, the only tarsal bone that articulates with the leg bones is the
The patella
is a sesamoid bone
The crural interosseous membrane extends between the
tibia and fibula
The fibula
provides lateral stability to the ankle
What is the role of the fibula in articulations of the leg?
It articulates both proximally and distally with the tibia
The muscle that looks like a fish is the
The muscles that originate on the ischium and sacrum are
lateral rotators of the thigh
The smallest muscle of the sural region is the ___ muscle
The muscles of the quadriceps femoris group insert on (the)
tibial tuberosity
Which group of muscles can brig the thighs together, causing the knees to touch?
The only muscle that acts as a flexor of the knee and originates on the iliac spine is the
What is the longest muscle in the body?
Muscles in which of the following groups originate on the pelvis?
muscles that move the thigh
The knee extensor muscle that also assists in flexion of the thigh is the
rectus femoris
The muscles that originate on the anterior surface of the pubic bone are
adductors of the thigh
Posterior to the medial malleolus, the tendons of three muscles travel. In order from anterior to posterior, they are the tendons of the
tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus are all in the
posterior compartment of the thigh
Muscle groups found along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the leg act primarily to
extend the leg