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52 Cards in this Set

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adj. 1 wanting to do s.t.: The student was anxious to finish the final examination. 2 worried, nervously fearful: The examination was very difficult, and he was anxious that he may have failed it. -adv. anxiously.
n. a male deer: a stag elk
adj. for or with only men: a stag party
adv. alone, without a woman: He didn't have a date, so he went stag to the dance.
n. 1 a clergyman 2 a parish priest: The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of alcohol.
v. [I;T] -plied, -plying, -plies to answer s.t: He replied to my letter that I sent last month.
n. a cloth covering usu. hanging in front of a window, bathtub, shower stall, or theater stage: We have a plastic shower curtain to keep water in the bathtub.
adj. 1 appealing, interesting: I have an offer of a new job at an attractive salary. 2 causing interest, charming: She is a very attractive woman with many admirers. -adv. attractively.
adj. 1 required to do s.t.: He is responsible for taking care of his younger brother while his parents are away. 2 able to be relied on: She is very responsible and is always on time, so she should be here in five minutes. 3 referring to s.o. who caused s.t. to happen, at fault, guilty: He had to pay to repair both cars, because he was responsible for the accident. -adv. responsibly.
n. 1 [C;U] agreement, understanding: By arrangement with our neighbor, our lawn will be mowed once a week while we are away. 2 [C] something made by putting things together: The flower arrangements at the wedding were beautiful. 3 [C] an adaptation, changed piece of music: The guitarist wrote a new arrangement of the old song.
adj. causing fear: The horror movie was very frightening. -adv. frighteningly.
n. 1 [C] greeting, welcome: I always receive a warm reception at my brother's house. 2 [C] a type of party planned so people can meet a special guest and each other: There was a reception after the wedding so everyone could meet the bride and groom. 3 [C] the entrance of a business: I met my friend at the reception of her office. 4 [U] the quality of a TV or radio signal: Cable TV gives good reception.
adj. 1 wanting to do s.t.: The student was anxious to finish the final examination. 2 worried, nervously fearful: The examination was very difficult, and he was anxious that he may have failed it. -adv. anxiously.
n. a male deer: a stag elk
adj. for or with only men: a stag party
adv. alone, without a woman: He didn't have a date, so he went stag to the dance.
n. 1 a clergyman 2 a parish priest: The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of alcohol.
v. [I;T] -plied, -plying, -plies to answer s.t: He replied to my letter that I sent last month.
n. a cloth covering usu. hanging in front of a window, bathtub, shower stall, or theater stage: We have a plastic shower curtain to keep water in the bathtub.
adj. 1 appealing, interesting: I have an offer of a new job at an attractive salary. 2 causing interest, charming: She is a very attractive woman with many admirers. -adv. attractively.
adj. 1 required to do s.t.: He is responsible for taking care of his younger brother while his parents are away. 2 able to be relied on: She is very responsible and is always on time, so she should be here in five minutes. 3 referring to s.o. who caused s.t. to happen, at fault, guilty: He had to pay to repair both cars, because he was responsible for the accident. -adv. responsibly.
n. 1 [C;U] agreement, understanding: By arrangement with our neighbor, our lawn will be mowed once a week while we are away. 2 [C] something made by putting things together: The flower arrangements at the wedding were beautiful. 3 [C] an adaptation, changed piece of music: The guitarist wrote a new arrangement of the old song.
adj. causing fear: The horror movie was very frightening. -adv. frighteningly.
n. 1 [C] greeting, welcome: I always receive a warm reception at my brother's house. 2 [C] a type of party planned so people can meet a special guest and each other: There was a reception after the wedding so everyone could meet the bride and groom. 3 [C] the entrance of a business: I met my friend at the reception of her office. 4 [U] the quality of a TV or radio signal: Cable TV gives good reception.
adv. maybe, possibly: Perhaps I'll go to the movies tonight; I'm not sure yet.
n. a son of one's spouse that is not one's own natural-born son
adv. clearly, without doubt: He is definitely right (the best, going out, etc.).
adj. 1 unacceptable, not what is wanted: We received an unsuitable offer for our house; it was too low. 2 inappropriate, not suitable for s.t.: The property is unsuitable for building; it's too small. -n. [U] unsuitability /nsutblti/; -adv. unsuitably.
adj. -dier, -diest messy, cluttered: Her untidy room has clothes all over the floor. -n. [U] untidiness.
adv. 1 accurately, precisely: The job must be done exactly as she wants it done.||The race is exactly ten kilometers long. 2 exclam. Right! I agree!: Exactly! You've said just what I was thinking.
adv. right away, promptly: We have to help them immediately.
adj. -ier, -iest wanting more of money, food, etc., than one has or is fair, (syn.) avaricious: He overcharges customers because he is greedy.
n. [U] 1 trash; unwanted, broken, or dirty things: I put the rubbish in a plastic bag and threw it away. 2 fig. Brit. stupid, meaningless words: What he says is pure rubbish.
adj. 1 covered with stains or spots: a spotty tablecloth 2 not steady or consistent, containing some bad parts, (syn.) erratic: He has done some good things in his career, but overall his past is spotty.
n. 1 a map, esp. one of the oceans 2 a display of information in the form of a diagram, graph, etc.: The accountant made a chart comparing the company's sales over the last five years.
adj. -lier, -liest 1 offensive to see: His face was burned in a fire, and the scars are ugly. 2 unpleasant, upsetting: Two men shouted at each other and made an ugly scene. -n. [U] ugliness.
v. [T] 1 to take willingly: He accepted my apology for being late. 2 to say "yes," that you will do s.t.: Are you going to accept his invitation to the party? 3 to allow to join: They accepted the new girl as a member of their group of friends. 4 to become used to s.t. that one cannot change: He finally accepted his wife's death (defeat in the election, etc.)
adj. acting wisely: You were sensible to wear boots in the mud.
v. stared, staring, stares 1 [I] to look at s.o. or s.t. steadily with wide-opened eyes: I told my son to stop staring at the fat woman; it wasn't nice. 2 phrasal v. sep. [T
v. [I] -haved, -having, -haves 1 to act in a certain way: As a manager, she behaves with competence. 2 to act well: Children, behave yourselves! See: misbehave
n. the husband of one's mother who is not one's own father
v. [I] paused, pausing, pauses to stop doing s.t. for a brief moment of time: We paused to stop and look at the scenery for a few minutes.
n. [C;U] 1 an organized event in which people try to do a specific activity better than everyone else: She is an excellent runner, and she enters every competition that she can.
n. a very unkind remark about s.o.: It was an insult to tell your brother that he's stupid.
v. [T] /nslt/ to do or say bad, unkind things to s.o.: You insulted me by saying I have ugly clothes. -adj. insulting.
n. [C;U] 1 a feeling of shame, discomfort, or self-consciousness: His face turned red with embarrassment. 2 s.t. or s.o. that embarrasses: The child's bad behavior made her an embarrassment to her parents.
adj. -tier, -tiest 1 without contents, having nothing or no one inside: There is nothing in the box; it is empty.||There is no one in the room; it is empty. 2 fig. having no meaning, purpose, or emotion: He felt empty after his family left him.
n. [U] an evergreen parasitic plant with poisonous pearl-like berries: At Christmastime in some countries, people must kiss when they walk under the mistletoe.
v. [T] 1 to damage s.t., make s.t. no longer useful: She spilled coffee on her white silk dress and ruined it. 2 to spoil s.t., to take the fun or usefulness out of s.t., esp. an event: His stupid behavior ruined our party. 3 to destroy s.t., such as breaking, burning, or knocking s.t. down: A fire ruined everything inside the museum. 4 to cause s.o. to lose all of his or her money: The stock market crash ruined him, so he has no money.
v. 1 [I;T] to feel pain, ache: I fell, and my leg hurts. 2 [I;T] to feel distress or anguish: They still hurt from the money they lost in the stock market. 3 [T] to cause pain, injure: The accident hurt him badly. 4 [T] to cause pain that isn't mental or physical: News of the scandal hurt his chances of winning the election. -adj. hurtful /hrtfl/; -adv. hurtfully.
n. 1 a map, esp. one of the oceans 2 a display of information in the form of a diagram, graph, etc.: The accountant made a chart comparing the company's sales over the last five years.
n. 1 a loud, high cry of strong feeling (pain, fear, anger, etc.): She gave a scream when the man pulled out a knife. 2 fig. s.t. very funny: The new film comedy is a scream.
v. [I;T] to cry out with a high, loud voice in pain or fear: He screamed for help.||She screamed at him, "You stupid idiot!"
adj. paler, palest 1 light in color: That wall is painted in a very pale green. 2 unhealthy-looking: She looks pale and sick. -n. paleness
adj. -lier, -liest foolish, stupid: When he drinks wine, he starts acting silly.
n. 1 a loud, high cry of strong feeling (pain, fear, anger, etc.): She gave a scream when the man pulled out a knife. 2 fig. s.t. very funny: The new film comedy is a scream.
n.pl. men's pants: He had a pair of trousers cleaned and pressed.
adv. in the direction of the level above: He climbed the steps to go upstairs.