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11 Cards in this Set

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What does SEAL stand for
Situation-Visualize the situation (what type of game)
Entities- name/list the entities
Action-what is being done
Limitations-are there any limitations
Kaplan 5 step method for logic games are:
1. Overview (SEAL)
2. Sketch - sketch according to game type.
3. Rules - Think through what each rule means and does not mean, contra po rules.
4. Deduction - Combine rules with common elements, determine what must be true
5. Questions- Attack Systematically
What are the types of logic games
1. Sequencing (strict, loose)
2. Matching games
3. Distribution games
4. Selection games
What does BLEND standfor
Blocs of data?
Limited Options?
Established Entities?
Numerical Restrictions?
Duplicaions of entities in multiple rules?
What is another way to attack the logic games
i always found games to be a progressive puzzle... and therefore always answered questions as i received them (only a few times did i mix it up and do a later problem before an earlier).

a lot of the middle questions end up leading you directly to the inferences. i would highly suggest just going with the flow - i found myself taking too much time trying to solve the puzzle as a whole instead of piece by piece, if you catch my drift.

fyi, i always rocked this section, this is just what worked best for me and felt the most natural
Name the different logic game types
Sequencing - Strict
Sequencing - Loose
Define a strict sequencing game
Ordering entities with respect to defined positions
Define Loose sequencing
Ordering entities with respect to each other
Define matching games
Matching two kinds of entities to each other
Define distribution/grouping games
forming several small groups out of a larger group
Define selection games
Choosing a small group of a larger group.