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49 Cards in this Set

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"What I'd like to do now is share with you the kind of work that I do for my clients, and
also show you the unique tool that I use called The Living Balance Sheet. I'd like you
to feel free to stop me to ask questions at any time so that when we're finished here
today we can decide whether or not it will make sense for us to continue. In a minute
I'll show you how it works, but as I do, I want you to understand that one of the things
that makes The Living Balance Sheet unique is that it will benefit both of us for as
long as we decide to work together.
The Challenge
My experience in working with clients has made a few things very clear.
We've found that people are faced with some difficult challenges in their
pursuit of financial security and success. Individually, these challenges can
create major obstacles for people to overcome, but when combined they
create an absolute barrier. As a result, when we first meet with them, many
of our clients feels as though their life's work and earnings to date should
have gotten them farther than where they currently are, which puts pressure
on them to make more, save more and earn higher returns on their
So let’s talk about wealth building. We have a keen and unique understanding
of what causes many people to experience financial disappointment
The Challenge [cont’d]
while others seem to enjoy financial success. It's very clear to us. It's not a
mystery. It's not a specific product. If there was one "magical” product that
could make a difference in people's lives, everybody would already own it. It
would be on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and we probably
couldn't get in the door to buy it because we'd be so far back in line. So it's
not one product. It boils down to an understanding of what people are
trying to achieve in their financial world, and the impact of a few major challenge
areas that affect the financial decisions they make and the strategies
they employ. My ability to help clients see these issues clearly has a great
impact on how they approach their finances going forward, and dramatically
enhances the amount, protection and spendability of their wealth
Financial Disorganization
For example, most people we meet are financially disorganized. That doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have their financial affairs in order or that they don't keep good records. While that is often the case and it presents yet another barrier to success, the financial disorganization I'm referring to has to do with the interdependent nature of their financial strategies. You see, when people make a financial decision, they tend to make it with a focus on one particular area. For example when they look to put money away for children's education they look for a good college savings vehicle. When they are buying a house they look for a low-rate mortgage that they can afford the monthly payments on. When they buy things on payment plans they look at their monthly cash flow to see if they can afford it.
Financial Disorganization cont...
But every financial decision they make not only impacts the
one area they're looking at, but it affects every other area of their finances
as well because each decision made affects other decisions yet to be
made. Sometimes, these interdependent impacts are positive and sometimes
they are not, but they are always present and often un-noticed. Being
disorganized financially can increase one’s costs and risks, and lower the
chances of achieving real success.
Financial Disorganization cont...
Only by studying financial strategies across all areas of a person's finances
can we structure strategies to have a positive impact across the board. But
people lack the tools necessary to do such a study. By using The Living
Balance Sheet, we are able to help our clients get organized in a way that
they had never seen before, and even more important, we help them stay
organized all the time without lifting a finger.
In addition, I have learned that change occurs continually in our lives. So,
what may have been “in order” or appropriate at one point in time, may
become outdated and inappropriate as changes occur in the economy, tax
laws, products, and especially what’s most important to my clients.
Because of the interdependent nature of their finances, a change that
occurs in one area of their lives affects their financial condition in all areas.
But without a tool to identify and measure these impacts, they are unlikely
to see them, much less properly address them.
Cost of Living Factor
One of the biggest challenges that people I work with have is that they've been miscalculating what their real cost of living is. They have tried, often with advice from friends, family or other professionals, to estimate their
future needs for wealth and cash flow based upon an unrealistic expectation of future cost of living increases. For example, if I were to ask you whether you thought that inflation was high or low over the last decade
what would you say? Most people would say low and I would agree with that. You can hear it on the radio or read it in the paper that it's been running around two or three percent. That's a lot better than it was in the
late 70's and early 80's when we had double-digit inflation. Some countries have runaway inflation, but clearly, we benefit from having low inflation, and
that sort of lulls us into thinking that we also have low cost of living increases. But let me ask you another question - have you had pay raises over the past ten years? Have they
Economic Forces
The reason for this is that the cost of living in our lives is not only impacted
by inflation. It's the result of other economic forces that we have to contend
with, but that we never really hear much about
New Goods and Services
Things such as iPods and plasma TVs and golf balls that fly further and
straighter and the fourth computer we just bought because it has more
things than the third one had, and DVD players and GPS for the car, or even
a car that parks itself. The advancement of technology and the expanding
opportunity to purchase new goods and services provides so many more
things to say “No” to. Most of us didn't even own a cell phone 20 years ago
and now our 10 year olds have them. All of those new and improved gadgets,
all of those new things that are purchased and make up part of our
lifestyle also work against our ability to build and protect our wealth.
Product Wear and Tear
And it's not just a matter of purchasing a new item once it's available. Not
only are we adding new items to our personal shopping basket of goods and
services, but when those goods or any others in our basket break down or
wear out we find ourselves replacing them. This too causes a drain on our
ability to save and invest for our futures. We don't read statistics about this
or hear this on the radio, but silently the requirement of replacing the old
with the new takes its toll on wealth building results.
In addition, taxes of all types must be considered. Federal income taxes,
state income taxes and sometimes even local income taxes, estate taxes
and capital gains taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, sales taxes, social
security taxes, Medicare taxes and more, all creep up into our lives and eat
away at our ability to live for today and also save for tomorrow. In fact,
when you add up all of the taxes we pay, we find that many people are paying
nearly 50% of their earned income in total taxes and yet they often use
strategies and products that make this problem even worse without even
realizing it.
Lifestyle Upgrades
Another area that puts pressure on us financially is this whole idea of a better
life. It's what leads us to buy the new things that come out as well as the
things we've always wanted. We may want things like a bigger home, a
nicer car, a better country club, a better vacation spot, first class vs. coach,
hotels with spas and ocean views. Most of our clients are naturally wired to
want more and more, and this fact has a great impact on saving and wealth
Life Events
And then there’s just life itself. It's the unexpected bumps in the road that
life throws at us that we have to respond to. It could be that car accident, it
could be a handicapped child, it could be the temporary loss of a job, it
could be a wedding that's bigger than we planned for, it could be a child
that takes 6 years instead of 4 to finish college, it could be Stanford vs. a
state university, a downturn in the market, dying too soon, living too long, or
any of the other many things in life that are so unpredictable. These things
continue to put pressure on our life in a way that can't really be planned for
or even imagined. Others may say that you can plan your life, but you really
We find that it is this miscalculation, or lack of understanding of these economic
based forces that often make the difference between financial success
and failure. Because these forces do exist, we must be organized, we
must be precise, we must be protected against the unknown, and we must
have a tool that monitors our progress. The strategies we share with our
clients must be tested and their decisions must take all areas of their financial
situation into consideration. Our clients tell us that The Living Balance
Sheet experience helps them take their financial blinders off so they are in
a better position to make wise and effective financial decisions. As I mentioned
before, our help in this area is often the biggest tangible takeaway
they get from using The Living Balance Sheet. They say that "for the first
time in my life I really feel like I get it - I see what I'm up against and what
has been holding me back, and what it will take to be more successful.”
Financial Myths
The third major challenge our clients face is the constant bombardment of
financial myths. They read magazine and newspaper articles, hear financial
entertainers on the radio and television, are deluged with advertisements
and get advice from people they know, both professional and nonprofessional.
Yet what they are told is often out of context with their
particular situation. The advice is offered as universal individual instructions
which fail to take into consideration a particular client's financial condition
Financial Myths
Some of these myths have little or no merit in reality, while others only
make sense in certain specific circumstances. Yet when we begin to work
with new clients, we often find that they have accepted these myths as
reality with potentially damaging results.
Finally, I have discovered that people are often frustrated, confused, and
even overwhelmed by the ongoing task of dealing with numerous financial
institutions and advisors. They wonder if all of the pieces to their financial
puzzle are arranged correctly.
I have found that what they really need is a simple-to-use, single access
point that they can enter to view all of their financial affairs at the same
time—something that will put them on track and keep them on track—
something that anticipates, warns, reminds, and suggests actions automatically,
about all of the ever changing pieces in their financial picture. Previously,
this “something” never existed, but it does now, and it’s called The
Living Balance Sheet.
For You
So, for you, The Living Balance Sheet represents the opportunity to get complete
financial organization, automatically maintain that organization, adapt
immediately to all of the changes in your life and in what’s important to you,
and coordinate all of your financial instruments and advisors in a way that
brings the most value to all of your decisions and strate
For Me
For me, The Living Balance Sheet is the most amazing and creative tool in
our industry, allowing me to not only identify the best and most efficient
strategies for my clients, but to communicate them in a way that is both
logical and understandable.gies.
Wide-Angle View
Show your prospects a picture of a completed Living Balance Sheet, either
on screen or using The Living Balance Sheet Introduction Booklet (PUB4006
is available at no cost for order on Guardian online).
What makes The Living Balance Sheet so unique is that it is designed with
all four financial Domains that, together, make up a person's complete
financial picture. These Domains are Protection, Assets, Liabilities and Cash
Flow. This gives us a truly unique view of our clients' finances in a way that
has never been available before and enables us to measure all of their
financial strategies for maximum efficiency. Let me explain how it works and why it is so beneficial for our clients
Traditional Balance Sheet
At this point, we could probably agree that there is nothing unique about a
simple balance sheet. They've been around for years and are very commonplace.
Have you ever used a balance sheet, or do you know how it works?
It's simply assets minus liabilities equal net worth. In other words, what
someone owns minus what they owe is really what they're worth today. But
what this represents is far more than just a snapshot of one moment in
time. If this were your Living Balance Sheet it would represent your entire
life's work—all that you have accomplished financially from the day you were
born until now. Helping our clients understand the numbers of their Living
Balance Sheet is important, but helping them understand what it represents
is critical. In fact, while the numbers of your balance sheet change
constantly, what it represents never changes. It will always be an up-todate
measurement of your life's work.
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow
However, what makes The Living Balance Sheet different and very beneficial
to our clients is the addition of Protection and Cash Flow considerations
on the same view. That instantly changes what is normally a simple tool
called a balance sheet into something that has never existed before. It's a
new invention that provides a wide-angle view, a panoramic perspective of
our clients' overall financial picture. Everything that they are doing, every
product they own, every strategy that they might want to evaluate can be—
and should be—viewed with all four financial Domains in mind: Protection,
Assets, Liabilities, and of course Cash Flow.
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow
When looking at a balance sheet, it is important to understand how the
money made its way onto the balance sheet in the first place. It came into
Cash Flow. Sometimes wealth can also leave the balance sheet from Cash
Flow. By understanding the way that financial strategies affect our client's
Cash Flow, we can determine the efficiency of any financial strategy. We
work with our clients to design strategies that redeploy existing Cash Flows
more efficiently in an attempt to not only increase wealth, but also to increase
the future Cash Flow that comes from that wealth.
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow
See this last spot on the Cash Flow line? Net Income represents our client's
standard of living. This is what our clients have left over after their Gross
Income is deployed to provide Protection, saving some money into Assets
and paying for some Liabilities. It represents the part of Cash Flow that is
available to support or build a lifestyle. We help our clients who are looking
to increase their Assets, decrease their Liabilities and improve their Net
Income. This helps provide the funds for tomorrow’s expenses such as Children's
college education expenses, funding weddings, vacations or travel,
retirement, and estate planning. These are all examples of tomorrow’s
expenses. They could be a few years or even decades off into the future.
These are all important considerations, and we get to all of them, but our
philosophy is that we must first protect what we have today—our life's work
—to ensure that our tomorrows will be realized.
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow
At Guardian, the first step in using The Living Balance Sheet is to thoroughly
review and update our clients' Protection Domain. I would never make the
mistake of planning my client's tomorrows while leaving him/her and
his/her family exposed to what might happen today. That’s because
anytime loss occurs, whether it’s from fire, theft, liability, medical problems,
disability or death, the full value of that loss penetrates into our client's
financial condition. The loss always goes somewhere—it may decrease
Assets, increase Liabilities, reduce Net Income or perhaps some combination
of all three. That's the exact opposite of what our clients are trying to
accomplish. The Protection Domain is there to make sure that losses never
affect The Living Balance Sheet, leaving our client's strategies intact so that
their plans for all of those tomorrow items we just discussed can remain
untouched by loss.
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow
So we always start with protection—always. We have to protect what we
already have before we try to move forward or we run the risk of moving
backward. I want you to buy into that Mr. Prospect. I want you to have a
good feel for how right that is so that it sets up a foundation such that if my
phone rings one day and something unexpected has happened, I don't just
Addition of Protection and Cash Flow [cont’d]
say ,"Sorry we didn't address that protection issue, but hey, your mutual
funds are doing OK." When you've been involved in a lawsuit, a car accident,
your home is destroyed by fire, you have a beach house in Florida that
was washed away by a hurricane, you became disabled and can never work
again, or you die prematurely, I have to know, if we're going to work together
over the long haul, that we've addressed those things. If we work
together, we will build wealth for your future, but we need to do so with the
knowledge that your life's work—your Living Balance Sheet—is protected. Is
this something that makes sense to you?
Four Domains Working Together
As I mentioned earlier, we often find people working in just one financial
Domain at a time—only focusing on their asset allocation for example— and
we find that they are completely unaware of how the absence of
Protection, or Liabilities like taxes or credit card debt, or even the Cash Flow
strategies on that asset affect the potential for building wealth. So what
The Living Balance Sheet demonstrates is the whole notion of interdependence
between the four financial Domains: Protection, Assets,
Liabilities, and Cash Flow
Each Living Balance Sheet Domain Affects the
Other Three
What people do or don't do in any one of the four Domains affects what
happens in the other three.
Select one or two of the examples below…
• How would your Assets, Liabilities and Cash Flow be affected if you were
involved in a lawsuit that you were not properly protected against?
• What would happen to your family's cash flow if you died prematurely
without your human life value fully insured? DISCUSS…
• What about the embedded income tax liability that must be paid before
enjoying your 401(k) assets? DISCUSS…
• What cash flow would be required, after tax and after interest, to buy
your partner’s stock from his estate? DISCUSS…
• What affect does the way you manage your insurance portfolio have on
your ultimate retirement cash flow? DISCUSS…
• How would a 50% estate tax affect the real rate of return on your assets?
You see, if we pay attention to the interdependence of the four financial
Domains of The Living Balance Sheet, we can increase the output f
Each Living Balance Sheet Domain Affects the
Other Three [cont’d]
Assets, and minimize the impact of debt and taxes, which will lead to
improved ultimate Cash Flow. All the while, we will maintain Protection in
the event that the unexpected occurs. This approach helps our clients
achieve and maintain a new level of “financial balance,” which is one of the
tangible benefits of using The Living Balance Sheet. With this wide angle
view, we're able to test anything that our clients are doing or anything that
they might want to do with these four domains speaking to us to see if we're
making progress towards the ultimate goal, which is to build net worth and
improve lifestyle.
Each Living Balance Sheet Domain Affects the
Other Three [cont’d]
We are immediately able to address the issues of inadequate and/or inappropriate
Protection while at the same time enhancing Asset performance.
By viewing financial strategies across all four domains of The Living
Balance Sheet at one time, we can also reduce unnecessary expenses and
risks and improve savings and cash flow decisions.
Each Living Balance Sheet Domain Affects the
Other Three [cont’d]
But here's what doesn't happen. I don't say to my clients, "Here's where you
are and here's where you need to be, so how much are you willing to pay to
get there?" That's amateurish; anybody can do that. What I'm trained to do
is to say, "You told me you want to accomplish this, but you're currently not
on track to succeed. Let me show you how we can use your existing current
cash flows and resources more efficiently to accomplish what is really
important to you.” So I don't want you to be thinking of this right now as
something that takes money out of lifestyle. We always begin by working
with our clients' existing Assets, Liabilities and Cash Flow to create a more
efficient result overall.
Once we begin working with a client, The Living Balance Sheet helps them
become financially organized in a way never before possible. They not only
have a clear understanding of what they have and where it belongs, but
they also appreciate the interdependent nature of their financial decisions
and strategies and have the ability to know where they stand financially at
all times. The system automatically alerts us to important changes or milestones
in our client's financial situation and allows us to provide our clients
with action steps and reminders to make sure that each strategy is
methodically and properly implemented.
The Living Balance Sheet has two distinct sides to it—the advisor's side and the client's
side. On our side, we have the most powerful and accurate financial tools ever created. The
process begins with a simplified data gathering tool that allows us to easily and painlessly
gather our client's basic personal and financial information and have it automatically populate
his/her own personal Living Balance Sheet. By studying the client's current financial
decisions across the four critical domains, we can identify inefficiencies in their current
strategies and recommend strategic solutions along with the action steps necessary to
implement them.
Key Benefits
On our clients' side, they not only benefit from strategies designed to
increase wealth and the Cash Flow which can be derived from it, but they
also get their own personal Living Balance Sheet home page, giving them
access to their financial information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Through the use of automatic account aggregation, the values shown on
their Living Balance Sheet will be accurate and up-to-date.
Key Benefits
If you've ever cleaned out and organized your basement or your garage, you
know what a chore that can be. But it's always a great feeling when you're
done because now you know what you have and you know right where to
find everything. Now imagine if you had an automatic basement or garage
—one that once you organize it one last time, it will automatically reorganize
itself every day without you lifting your finger. If you apply that concept to
your financial world, you're just beginning to see what The Living Balance
Sheet can do for you every day from this point forward. And beyond the
great feeling of being organized and staying organized, you'll also discover
that there is real value in achieving this new level of financial organization
that translates into increased net worth, improved lifestyle, and peace of
Key Benefits
Another benefit that my clients really enjoy is the Vault, which is attached to
their Living Balance Sheet. The Vault allows my clients to store copies of all
their important documents electronically in organized folders for easy
retrieval 24/7. Wills, tax returns, passports, birth certificates and other
documents are always available when our clients need them. They can
even store pictures, video files and audio files in the Vault. It gives them
organization, accessibility and even disaster recovery options they never
had before.
Additional Features
In addition, our clients have constant access to dozens of up-to-date observation
reports about all of the areas of their personal finances. These reports
help our clients stay on top of the financial strategies they implement
and are kept up-to-date as a result of our aggregation system. This makes it
easy for our clients to make future financial decisions in a more informed
manner. Direct access to CBS MarketWatch allows our clients to check on
investment values as they change throughout the day, and they can even
set up watch lists of specific securities they would like to see. They also
have access to all of their rewards program balances from credit card
companies, airlines, hotels and more
Imagine, Design, Live
Is it a battle that can be won? Absolutely! Most of my clients will tell you
that they are better organized, are better protected, have become better
savers, and are more confident in their financial futures than ever
before. This is accomplished through our continued collaboration and by
exploring the interdependent financial strategies available through using
The Living Balance Sheet.
Think about all of things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime—
education of your children, weddings, trips, a summer home, a boat, retirement—
whatever you and your family had always hoped for but were never
really sure if you could make it happen the way you've imagined it. Think,
too, about your legacy objectives, about how you'd like to leave the ones you
love financially.
With the use of The Living Balance Sheet, we can design the strategies to
accomplish all of those dreams, if in fact they are possible. Once we've
populated The Living Balance Sheet with your information, we can conduct
a strategic analysis of your current plans across all four critical domains of
The Living Balance Sheet to identify any inefficiencies or negative impacts
from one domain to another. Next, we create new strategies that are
designed to have a positive impact on all four critical domains of your Living
Balance Sheet. Then we work with you to implement those strategies with a
financial efficiency that will produce more wealth and greater Cash Flow
from that wealth to help realize your dreams.
Once your strategies have been properly implemented, we'll establish your
personal financial home page, load all of your important documents into
your Vault, work with you to set up the automatic aggregation of your
accounts and set up appropriate alerts within the system. From that point
on, you can go back to living the lifestyle you've worked so hard to create for
your family, comfortable in the knowledge that all of your financial affairs
are properly organized and maximally efficient. You'll be able to enjoy the
journey and feel the sense of accomplishment as your objectives are
We're going to get better results in protection, your assets are going to perform
better, your debts are going to be paid off sooner and your savings and
cash flow management decisions will work more effectively. But it will be
done with the same money—not more. These dollars will just be more
efficiently allocated and deployed.
Our clients achieve greater levels of protection, improved levels of savings,
and enjoy better management of their cash flow. Their assets perform better
than before, they experience better debt and tax efficiency and they
realize a far greater sense of both financial balance and financial success.
Closing the Open
If this is beginning to sound appealing, I want you to understand the obligation part. If we do all
this, what will I expect from you? Most people in my business will tell you that if they do X for
you then they expect you to buy from them or give them referrals, and they make that a requirement
that stands in the way of the relationship. I'm not comfortable doing that, and I find that
it's unnecessary. So I want you to be totally relaxed and confident that there's not some kind of
requirement for us to work together.
What I'm going to commit to is to show you how The Living Balance Sheet may help you, share
with you everything that I know, and everything that my organization can offer—with no strings
attached. I'm just going to trust that we're going to work together, and whatever occurs, if it's
good for you it'll be good for me. I am licensed to sell you life insurance, disability insurance, and
long term care coverage. But I'll never put you under pressure to do that.
Closing the Open
Nor will I ever expect that you refer me to people. I do enjoy a steady flow of referrals because
people think that The Living Balance Sheet and my expertise combine to make a big impact on
their financial lives. If you think that others you know and care about would benefit from meeting
me and taking advantage of The Living Balance Sheet, you will be referring them to me
primarily for their benefit, not mine.
So, I'm not going to worry about me, I'm simply going to focus on helping you, your family, and
your finances. And we're going to see how The Living Balance Sheet can be made to “come
alive” in your life, have you see what your financial opportunities are, and what can be done to
create improvements as we follow your living life.
Closing the Open
That's why we named it The Living Balance Sheet. We're going to let it track your life and let it
warn you, let it remind you, let it report back to you as to where you are. That's what it does. It's
not static, it's not a book, or a binder filled with a bunch of numbers. It's a living, breathing tool
that will help track you throughout your entire lifetime from a financial perspective. It has a
sound philosophy that will always keep you protected, and it uses logic based on financial rules
that are going to ensure that you're successful. And I'll be the one who navigates through this
with you—every step of the way.
At this point, I'm not asking you to make a commitment for the future or today, we're just meeting
one another for the first time. Let's just take one step. What I'd like you to do is to just step
into the water, not jump off the dock. I've got a special Fact Finder which I will use to gather
and analyze information from you, and I'll build for you your own Living Balance S
Closing the Open [cont’d]
then say…
The only difference between this and your actual Living Balance Sheet is
that your facts are missing. So as I gather your information, I'll use it to confidentially
populate your own Living Balance Sheet and let the logic-based
rules we just mentioned begin to speak to us about the things you could be
considering to make improvements in your financial affairs. Let's just do
that for our next meeting, and if you don't want to go any further after that,
then at a minimum you've had the benefit of a portion of my expertise and
learning what The Living Balance Sheet is all about."
What You Can Expect
So what you can expect from me if we do decide to work together is to gain
an understanding of all four of the financial Domains that make up The
Living Balance Sheet, as well as the interdependent relationship between
them and why it is so important, so critical to financial success and stability
that they be in synch with one another and that strategies be designed and
tested on them. You'll be able to see your personal Living Balance Sheet,
and we'll be able to see opportunities for improvement, and we'll work together
to accomplish that. My experience is that you will be very impressed
and want to continue.
Web Site—No Cost
Along the way, you're going to get your own secure, encrypted, financial
home page which will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
no cost to you. Your financial world will be privately organized with its own
web address onto your own Living Balance Sheet, and will be kept organized
and up to date automatically with little effort on your part.