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43 Cards in this Set

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What is the largest gland associated w/ the digestive system?
What type of gland is the liver?
endocrine and exocrine
Describe the liver's morphology.
-subdivided into lobes
-invested in a CT CAPSULE, composed of fine elastic CT; this layer is covered by serosa
The inferior of the liver is subdivided into hepatic lobules, what do these represent?
The STRUCTURAL UNITS of the liver
The hepatic lobules are centered around the smallest branches of the hepatic vein; hence their name
What separates the lobules from one another?
not clearly defined in man
What are the two main consituents of the lobules?
Hepatocytes and sinusoids
What is the bulk of the liver's lobule composed of?
a parenchyma of epithelial cells called HEPATOCYTES
What performs most of the functions of the liver?
How are hepatocytes arranged?
In plates that are one cell thick
Describe the plate configuration of hepatocytes?
Have the appearance of spokes in a wheel; they radiate out from the center of the lobule.
How many nuclei do hepatocytes have?
usually 2
What lies at the center of the lobule?
central vein
What is the central vein?
The smallest tributary of the hepatic vein lying in the center of the lobule.
What is the second cell type contributing to the lobule?
A system of blood channels
What provides blood to the liver?
Hepatic portal system
The liver is the terminus of the hepatic portal system
What vessel does the liver derive its ability to perform most of its functions?
portal vein
Where does this vessel enter the lobule?
porta hepatis
The portal vein carries blood to the liver from where?
spleen and digestive tract
What vessel accompanies the portal vein?
proper hepatic artery
What key substance does the proper hepatic artery provide the cells of the liver?
Describe the branching of the liver's two main vessels.
They divide into INTERLOBAR branches which follow the ct between the lobes and then into INTERLOBULAR which follow the sparse ct between the lobules.
What comprises the hepatic triad?
Hepatic a, portal v, bile duct
What other type of vessel associate with the hepatic triad?
lymphatic vessels
carry foluminous lymph produced in the liver to the general circulation
What do the triad, lymphatic vessels and surrounding ct form?
porta canal
Describe each component of the porta canal.
-portal vein - a large, thin-walled vessel engorged with blood
- the hepatic a - smaller with a thicker wall
- bile duct - cuboidal epithelium
- lymphatic vessels - irrecular clear spaces lined by endothelial cells
Describe what a terminal vessel is and how blood flows from the terminal vessel to the sinusoids.
Terminal vessels of the portal vein and hepatic artery (terminals of the interlobular vessels) branch at right angles to the portal canal and course in the margins between adjacent lobules. Blood flows from these branches into the sinusoids.
What type of epithelium are the hepatic sinusoids lined with?
discontinuous epithelium
How are the sinusoids distinguished?
Large FENESTRATIONS and large GAPS between neighboring cells. Incomplete basal lamina and absent in some locations.
What are the fixed macrophages considered part of the sinusoid lining?
Kupffer cells
What system do Kupffer cells belong to?
Mononuclear phagocyte system
What is the function of Kupffer cells?
To remove old rbcs from the circulation
What separates the sinusoidal lining from the plates of hepatocytes?
space of Disse
How is the exchange of substances between the hepatocytes and plasma improved?
Microvilli extend from hepatocytes into the space of Disse providing an expanded surface area
What is the specialized cell located in the space of Disse? What's its function?
Hepatic stellate cell; stores vitamin A in cytoplasmic lipid droplets.
What is the direction of blood flow in the lobule? Is it oxygenated or not?
Blood flows in the sinusoids is from the periphery to the center of the hepatic lobule. Since blood branches from both the hepatic artery and portal vein, blood is oxygenated and venous.
Where do all the sinusoids drain in the lobule?
central vein
first tributary of the hepatic veins draining the liver
Describe the formation of hepatic veins.
Central veins form sublobular veins which unite to form hepatic veins
Does the venous drainage course through the triad?
No, it's independent of the triad; therefore hepatic veins are seen in sections of solitary vessels
What constitues the exocrine secretion of the liver?
What type of cells make bile?
What is the bile secreted into?
small canals, bile canaliculi
they do not have walls of their own; are formed by the plasma membranes of adjacent hepatocytes
What borders the canaliculi?
microvilli (project into the lumen)
In what direction does bile flow?
toward the portal triads (opposite of the sinusoidal blood flow)