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77 Cards in this Set

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from Marxism, suggests that under Capitalism we live estranged from our true human natures
a story of some complexity that corresponds to another situation on a deeper level, a dual perspective giving...(e.g. interest and wit)
repetition of an identical consonant sound at the beginning of stressed words, usually close together - look at the effet it creates... (e.g. draw together unlike ideas for contrast, suggest meaning through the sound effect, link similar things for emphas
a reference to an event, person, place, work of literature etc. that gives additional layers of meaning to a text or enlarges its frame of reference
where language and tone are (usually deliberately) unclear and may have two or more interpretatins or meanins
where the writer's attitude to, e.g., a character or event is not clear-cut, but may seem to hold at least two responses
contrasting ideas by balancing words of opposite meaning and idea
an exclamatory passage where the speaker or writer breaks off in the flow of a narrative or poem to address a dead or absent person, a particular audience, or object (often personified)
repetition of similar vowel sounds close to one another - can create atmosphere in descriptive poetry
often confused with 'mood', it refers specifically to place, a setting, or surroundings
a sudden descent from the sublime or serious, to the ridiculous or trivial
German term for a novel focusing on the development of a character from youth to maturity
Blank verse
unrhymed poetry not broken into stanzas, keeping to a strict pattern in each line, usually in iambic pentameter - clost to the rhythm of speech
a break or pause within a line of poetry by comma or full stop or unmarked pause, used for emphasis, or to change direction or pace
an exaggerated representation of a character often by emphasising a small number of features, usualy for comic or satiric purposes
everyday speech and language as opposed to literary or formal register - the inclusion of the odd colloquial word or phrase in an otherwise formal work can be striking
a witty thought or idea or image, a fanciful or deliberately far-fetched comparison, as found in 16th and 17th century English poetry
refers to objects or aspects that may be percieved by the senses
an association that a word may suggest
where the final consonants are the same in two or more words close together
Couplet (rhyming couplet)
two consecutive rhyming lines of verse - may clinch or emphasise an idea
the technique of making the familiar seem new and strange, and thus making us see more vividly - may be done through point of view
how the ending of of a novel or play turns out, how the plot is unravelled or revealed - literally, from the French, 'unknotting'
the writer's choice of words or vocabulary
describes the tone or intention to preach a (usually) moral, political or religious point - usually has a negative connotation
Dramatic irony
tool especially in drama, used for tragic or comic purposes - where a character(s) is/are unaware of somethign that the audience/reader and possibly other characters on stage are away of
a mournful lament for times past or the dead - has particular poetic from but can be used more generally - 'elegiac' describes a meditative mood in prose or vers, reflecting on the past
End-stopped line
a line of poetry where the meaning pauses or stops at the end of the line - a statement or idea can stand out clearly, and provide a pause for reflection
the opposite of end-stopped line, the sense flows over from one line to another, perhaps even to the next stanza - can reflect a build-up of emotion or create dramatic effect
a concise, pointed, witty statement - epigrammatic' style in prose or poetry
the shape of a work, the arrangement of its parts, the patterns, divisions and structures used - in poetry, there are traditional, metrical and rhyming 'forms' (ode, ballad, sonnet etc.) and modern, non-metrical forms
Free verse
verse written without any fixed or traditional structure in metre or rhyme - very flexible because it follows the speech rhythms of the language
a specific type or kind of literature, such as drama, prose, poetry, essay, autobiography
a reader can go acceptingly along wih assumptions and values in a text, or go 'against the grain', resisting and questioning values and assumptions in that text - also apply to other situations...
a deliberate exaggeration for various effects, comic, tragic, etc.
'iamb' is a metrical measure, or foot, in which an unstressed sullable is followed by a stressed syllable - iambic pentameter (five iambs in a line) is the commonest metrical pattern in English poetry - tetrameter (four-iamb line)
refers to innocent simple life in idealised rural setting
concrete descriptions (images) we can see and sense in works of literature
Internal rhyme
where there are rhymes within a line instead of, or as well as, at the ends of lines
a gap or mismatch between what is being said, and what is intended, perhaps between the way a character or group sees him/her/itself, and the way the author wishes us to see him/her/it - exposes hypocrisies and lack of awareness
originally a song performed to a lyre (early harp) - now a sonlike poem expressing personal feeling - prose can be lyrical too, expressive of feelings
a comparison of two things without using a comparing word such as 'like' - to see a striking similarity between to normally unlike things can be an indicator of originiality - it provides richness of sensation and meaning - comparison may be implied rathe
the organisationg of lines of verse into regular patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables to achieve a rhythmic effect
describes an interesting and common effect: the use of words that suggest movement, shape, size, texture (smooth, rough, soft)
refers to people, describes a person's (a character's or the narrator's) frame of mind or state of feeling - may also indicate the emotional response the author hopes to evoke in the mind of the reader
speech, usually of some length, by a single speaker - a 'dramatic monologue' has a listener present and reveals the character of the speaker in a striking way
recurrent elements (images, ideas) in a work - not as significant as themes but have a cumulative effect like a refrain and can assume symbolic importance
Omniscient Narrator
'all-knowing', describing one who stands outside and can see into all characters and happenings
effect of words that imitate the sound of things
where two words of opposite meaning are joined - can suggest something quite complex or provocative
seemingly contradictory statement, but on reflection, it makes sense, contains its own resolution or truth
usually comic imitation of another work
a literary work composed in the style of a well-known author
the identity or character assumed by the author in a work of literature
where the human feelings or sensations are attributed to an inanimate object - human qualitites may also be given to abstract ideas
the events of a narrative in the order the author has chosen to present them - chronology may be distorted for particular effects, as in flashbacks or flash forwards; e.g. a novel may begin with the ending of the story
Point of view
the angle from which the narrative is seen or told - who sees? who speaks? - may shift in a work
main character in a work
stanza or group of four lines that can have different rhyme schemes
repetition in a work of literature of a phrase or lines
aplies to both prose and poetry and has to do more generally with the flow of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables (steady, irregular?)
exposing and ridiculing of human follies in a society, sometimes with the aim to reform, sometimes predominantly to deflate - may be gentle, comin, biting or bitter, or a combination
context in which a work of literature takes place: geographical, social, historical, generalised, conventional, symbolic etc.
where the comparison is made explicit with 'as' or 'like' - make descriptions vivid and unusual
a technique of narration that mirrors oral narration with its hesitations, corrections, grammatical mistakes, interations etc.
a speech by a character alone on stage, thinking aloud, revealing thoughts and emotions, or communicating directly with the audience - tool for revealing psychological complexity
a fourteen-line rhyming poem often in iambic pentameter - rhyme schemes and organisation of lines vary, depending on the type of sonnet, but often set out as a block of 8 lines (octave) or 6 lines (sestet)
blocks of lines into which a poem is organised - in traditional forms of poetry each stanza follows a scheme governing metre, lines and rhymes
the events of a narrative in the chronological order which they actually happened
Stream of consciousness
the impression of a random stream of thoughts
the distinctive traits in an author's work, the 'how' of writing - concerns theme, diction (emotional, abstract, poetic), sentence structure, imagery, sound, etc.
ideas, feelings, thoughts, not dealt with directly in the text but existing underneath - plays: characters don't always express their real thoughts
objects that represent or evoke an idea or concept of wider, abstract significance
grammatical structure of words in a sentence - normal order of words can be slightly displaced to create a particular effect, without losing the sense
central ideas or issues, often abstract, explored or illustrated in a text - can also refer to an argument raised or pursued in the text, like a thesis
the technique of writing to convey the attitude of the writer towards his/her subject, created through aspects of language like diction, syntax, rhythm, which will suggest a 'tone of voice' - emotional meaning
the reverse of iambic, it may be used as a contrast within an iambic line, to stress an idea