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52 Cards in this Set

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divisions within a given play; typically , plays have five-, three- or or one-act structures although three acts are most common


the conversion of a literary work to another genre or medium; for example, a novel to a play or a play to a film; requires changes


the character or characters who prevent the protagonist from achieving her goals; not necessarily the villain


theatrical convention in which a character, in the presence of other characters, speaks directly to the audience and is understood to be unheard by the other characters onstage


the intentional movements and positioning of actors onstage, typically determined by stage directions or the play's director


particular rules and practices both actors and audience are familiar with, such as singing being a normal thing to do in the world of a musical, or accepting that three years may have passed between Act one and Act Two of a play; occasionally involves suspense of belief


the clothing, hair, and makeup worn by a particular character; often an important or revealing element of characterization


a secondary or minor character whose traits contrast with a major character, highlighting the major characters' qualities (Sister James)

fourth wall

the imaginary barrier that divides the stage form the audience and maintains a separation between both worlds; if a acknowledges the audience exists, this is referred to as "breaking it"


the lengthy speech spoken by a single character, that has the effect of making internal thoughts audible; addressed to other characters or the audience


short for "properties"; any objects used onstage by actors that are movable and do not constitute the set itself


the story's central character or one of the central characters; not necessarily the hero


a segmentation within an act that typically indicates a change between time and/or location


the representation of a particular location onstage through stage design and decoration


the monologue given by a solitary character speaking to herself;

stage directions

actions or directions indicated by the playwright in the text of a play, describing the physical movements, types of speech, or emotional reactions of characters; typically, italicized and played between the brackets

individual racism

stems from a person's assumptions, beliefs, or opinions; manifests in speech and action, conscious or unconscious. felt from larger forms

institutional racism

major structures/groups that establish and create social laws. social laws create a lack of opportunity and access based on race

internalized racism

racism turned inward; when people of color absorb races messages and apply them to themselves

intraracial racism

racism within a race, people of color absorb messages and portray to others

gender identity

how a person identifies themselves based on gender. socially constructed


social and cultural categories (race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, ability/disability) all contribute to the formation of one's identity and can't be viewed independently


favoring one class over another, class determines worth as human being. marxist theory asks us to challenge this


parts working together to make a whole

centrally focused

movement if away from center

objects at top feel lighter, freer, precarious

objects at bottom feel settled/grounded/safer

"good/bad/cool girl"

sexuality and pretending to be something you're not


reading from left to right, shapes/diagonals

marxist theory

looking at socioeconomic class portrayed in text. supporting, critiquing, or both?

antebellum south

before the war


just as important as image

lack of =tension, intimacy

more= isolation/distance

deliberate sequence

establishes meaning, order creates story


writer/illustrator chooses to capture/depict a moment in a story


space between panels


bigger= strong it feels and more imposing

smaller= vulnerable. reflects to relationship of size of different objects to one another within an image

gender expression

how you express your gender


society in which men occupy most/all positions of power

feminist theory

women/men are equal, socially economically see how a text engages in gender roles


signify different things depending on context. lightness signifies ope, darkness suggests evil, unknown, hopelessness, fear


assigning money value to something ex. clouds in "feed"


angle looking, birds eye= all knowing

close up= tells what is important, sense of intimacy


horizontal= stable

vertical= imply sense of movement, excitement

diagonal= imply movement, falling down, instability

Bechdel test

used in movies; to pass, 2 females named, both female characters have a conversation, conversation about anything but men.

Vatican II

mass in local language, community outreach, minor input from women, series more social, work with other churches

Vatican I

mass in latin, church separate from secular world, no input from women, services: quiet reflection, isolation


how mind connects what happened in panels

Dutch tilt

camera angle that produces unease in viewers, skewed world.


people being restricted in work force. ex. salary not being talked about


individual vs. community. marxist theory asks us to recognize individual is just as important as community

sex vs. gender

chromosomes vs. how brain behaves with actives we associate with male or female

traditional gender roles in men

brave, strong, rational, confident, decision maker

individual patriarchy

man of the house, triton in little mermaid

institutional patriarchy

how social, cultural, or legal institutions perpetuate the power of men. ex. entertainment

traditional gender roles of women

compliant, care taker, nurturing, weak, kind/gentle emotional (irrational)