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14 Cards in this Set

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The Glorious Revolution

1688. "Bloodless Revolution". Want to be like Dutch Republic (Netherlands). William (Kings son in law) asks him to take over England. Out came the English bill of rights. King and Parliament rule together. Their constitution. **Have now seen government overthrown twice** Biggest problem was took hands off approach w/ colonies. Why colonies got mad 75 years later.

Constitutional Monarchy

William and Mary Bloodline. Parliament rules along side king. England's path to republic govern't.

Town Halls

New England colonies formed small towns with Jail, court, houses. Held local meetings. Free citizens voice opinions, even if you can't vote.

Frame of Government

William Penn. 1682. Pennsylvania's constitution. Detailed plan. He was well educated. Strong idea on what government should be. 2 house assembly. Gives governor veto power. Freedom of religion, right by trial, etc. Property holders could vote. Amendments process was introduced.


Immigration. Indentured servents that came over in families to escape religious battles (mostly german protestants. (Philly/Amish). Usually worked to wheat farms. These "religious refugees" produced diversity.

The Middle Passage

Transatlantic slave trade. This was the voyage from West Africa-->Americas. Death, violence, disease, crowded, cruelty, smelled, etc.

Triangular Trade

Ecomnomics. Trade laws from Britain introduced this. Law mandated. Everything produced had to go to England first so they could make money. Not everyone participated. Unregulated trade found wealth in trading with carribean colonies. Middle colonies and New englad colonies were part of the unregulated trade. Hence why NYC and Boston became wealthy!


Bulletin board style. Pieces of paper with info & opinions and religious statements.

Increased economy->Public spaces->Literacy.

Coffee house was the first public place with broadsides.

The First Great Awakening

1725-1750. Strict religion became to fall apart. Expansion of literacy rates and broadsides. Heightened religious awareness. Revivals and Church attendance went way up. Freedom to speak. George whitefield was a traveleing preacher. Against church establishments/affiliations. Wants personal convition (morality). Jonathan Edwards puts fuel behind his fire and established new denominations. Says every man can preach. Realist.


Ideal that god set laws of morality and science. Creator god, not hands on god. Discounted miracles and supernatural. Christian background. No Jesus, resurrection, etc. Scientists, philosophers, leaders. (Jefferson and Franklin) Said god created the universe and left it alone letting natural law take effect.

Social Contract

Thomas Hobbs wrote in the Leviathan in 1651 that society will always have a natural outgrowth and a government will always come about and so will guiding principles.

Two Treatises on Government

Wrote by john Locke in 1690 stating that King doesn't have free reign. Life, freedom, property, etc. (liberty). If govn't were to take that away it would result in Revolt. "Natural rights". Hence why the revolution came about.

Charles Montesquieu

French enlightenment. Took it a step further stating that absolute power will always corrupt. Established separation of powers. Branches of govn't came about.

American Philosophical Society

In the eighteenth century natural philosophy, the study of nature, comprised the kinds of investigations now considered scientific and technological. Members of the American Philosophical Society encouraged America's economic independence by improving agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation.