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165 Cards in this Set

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Elementary school children in the U.S. grow, on average, _____ in a year.
2 to 3 inches
Throughout the lifespan, which of the following is the only time when girls are, on average, taller than boys?
by age 11
Body weight that is more than 20% above the average of a person of a given age and height is called...
Which of the following is NOT a fine motor skill?
jumping rope
Which of the following is a fine motor skill?
typing on a keyboard
At approximately what age should a child be able to tie his/her shoes?
7 years old
At approximately what age should a child be able to manipulate objects with almost as much capability as an adult?
11 to 12 years old
Approximately how many children and adolescents have a psychological disorder that produces some impairment?
1 in 5
What percentage of preteens suffers with depression?
What percentage of children ages 9 and 17 suffer with an anxiety disorder?
Which of the following is the most likely reason why children's psychological disorders are neglected?
Most children do not exhibit symptoms entirely consistent with those of adults.
Which of the following is NOT considered one of the prevalent disorders that affects children with normal intelligence?
psychosomatic illness
Severe and early loss of hearing is associated with all of the following EXCEPT
abstract thinking
What is the term for a substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech, and is the most common speech impairment?
What is Vygotsky's term for the level at which a child can almost, but not quite, understand or perform a task?
zone of proximal development
According to research by Valliant & Valliant, which of the following characteristics is most highly associated with adult success?
childhood industriousness
____ is an individual's overall and specific positive and negative self-evaluation (more emotionally oriented); wheras ____ reflects beliefs and cognitions about the self.
self-esteem; self-concept
According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, which of the following stages reflects concrete interests of the individual considered in terms of rewards and punishments?
preconventional morality
According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, what stage reflects a person's use of moral principles, which are seen as borader than those of any particular society?
postconventional morality
Which of the following psychologists developed the three stages of moral development for women?
Carol Gilligan
Which of the following is considered to be the centerpiece of friendship during middle childhood?
mutual trust
Status is
the evaluation of a role or person by other relavent members of a group
What is the term for the collection of social skills that permits individuals to perform successfully in social settings?
social competence
What is the term that means the use of strategies for solving social conflicts in ways that are satisfactory both to oneself and to others?
social problem-solving
The segregation of friendships according to gender occurs
in almost all societies and in nonindustrialized societies.
Boys' play tends to come in bursts rather than in more extended, tranquil episodes, due in part to
boys' concern over dominance hierarchy, leading to equal status of different members.
According to psychologist Carol Beal, the motivation of middle-school-age girls to solve conflict among friends is due to
the desire to make social interaction nonconfrontational.
During the middle-school years, all of the following occur EXCEPT
peer relationships are more influential than family relationships.
The prevalence of three-generation families who live together is greater among
African American families.
What percentage of children in the U.S. live in "blended families"?
Girls begin their growth spurt around age ___, while boys begin theirs around age ___
10; 12
Male sex hormones are called ____, while female sex hormones are called _____
androgens; estrogens
The ____ gland signals the body to increase production of growth hormones that interact with the sex hormones to cause the growth spurt and puberty.
What is the term for the onset of menstruation?
The visible signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involve the sex organs are called
secondary sex characteristics.
By age 8, ____ Caucasian American girls and ____ African American girls develop breasts or pubic hair.
1 out of 7; 1 out of 2
In boys, the penis and scrotum begin to grow at an accelerated rate around age ____, and reach adult size in ____.
12; 3 or 4 years
A primary sex characteristic in boys is
The surge in hormone production that triggers the beginning of adolescence may lead to rapid mood swings. Boys may have feelings of ____, while girls may feel _____.
anger and annoyance; anger and depression
During the teenage years, the average girl requires ____ calories a day, and the average boy requires _____.
2,200; 2,800
What is the ratio of adolescents who can be classified as obese?
1 in 20
Obese adolescents stand an ___ chance of becoming obese adults.
Which of the following terms relates to an eating disorder characterized by binges on large quantities of food, followed by purges of the food through vomiting or the use of laxatives?
What is the area of the brain that undergoes considerable development during the adolescent years?
prefrontal cortex
According to information processing explanations of cognitive development during adolescence, one of the most important reasons for advances in mental abilities is the growth of...
Which of the following is NOT a primary factor in determining a typical adolescent female's self-esteem?
Which of the following is NOT a primary factor in determining and adolescent male's self-esteem?
In Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development, which of the following is the positive outcome of the fifth stage, called identity-versus-identity-confusion stage?
develop awareness of uniqueness of self; knowledge of roles
Psychologist James Marcia suggests that adolescent identity can be seen in terms of two characteristics, which are
crisis or commitment.
According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who prematurely commit to an identity without adequately exploring alternatives is called
identity foreclosure.
According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who consider various identity alternatives, but never commit to one or never even consider identity options in any conscious way is called
All of the following are considered important influences in whether or not an adolescent suffers with major depression EXCEPT
divorce or breakup of the nuclear family.
The rate of adolescent suicide in the US has ___ in the last 30 years.
When one suicide leads to attempts by others to kill themselves, this is called
cluster suicide.
Because of the adolescent's development of ____, the balance of power in the relationship between parents an adolescent becomes more ___ toward the end of adolescence.
autonomy; egalitarian
A divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, values, aspirations, and world views is known as
generation gap.
When adolescents and their parents disagree, it is usually regarding
music preference or style of dress.
Groups of people with whom one compares oneself are called
reference groups.
Groups of 2 to 12 people whose members have frequent social interactions with one another are called
If an adolescent student is liked by some and disliked by others, that adolescent is considered
The natural physical decline brought about by aging is called
Which body part continues to exhibit growth both in size and weight during early adulthood?
Regular exercise is related to all of the following EXCEPT
increased physical injuries.
Physical declines brought about by environmental factors of an individual's behavioral choices are called
secondary aging.
Which is the most likely cause of death for African Americans?
____ of adults in the US are obese.
One third
The landmark legislation which mandates full access for people in wheelchairs to public establishments such as stores, office buildings, hotels, and theaters is called the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
What is the name for the new field of sutdy that researches the relationship among the brain, immune system, and psychological factors with regard to stress-related events?
According to researchers Arnold Lazarus and Susan Folkman, the assessment of whether one's coping abilities and resources are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challege posed by the potential stressor is called
secondary appraisal.
If a student assesses the situation to determine how much time it will take to adequately study for the upcoming exam, this is an example of
primary appraisal.
If a student assesses the situation to determine how much time he/she has available to devote to studying for an upcoming exam, this is an example of
secondary appraisal.
Which of the following is NOT considered a psychosomatic disorder?
When a person attempts to control stress by using conscious regulation of emotions, this is known as
emotion-focused coping.
When people unconsciously try to prevent themselves from experiencing emotions to avoid the pain brought about by the experience, this is known as
emotional insulation.
Information that is gathered as we grow up, and stored away for future use (e.g. education during childhood and adolescence) is an example of what Schaie calls
acquisitive stage.
The culturally-determined psychological timepiece providing a sense of whether we have reached the major benchmarks of life at the appropriate time in comparison to our peers is called
social clock.
According to Erikson, the focus of a person's early 30s is
developing close, intimate relationships with others.
According to psychologist Bernard Murstein, the first stage of his stimulus-value-role is based on
physical characteristics such as the way someone looks.
In Bernard Murstein's stimulus-value-role (SVR) model, how many contacts must a couple have before reaching the third stage, known as the role stage?
eight or more contacts
According to Robert Sternberg, infatuated love develops when only ___ is present.
According to Robert Sternberg, when two people enjoy each other's company and their relationship but no longer feel as much sexual interest for the other, it is called
companionate love.
Which of the following reflects a secure attachment style?
someone who finds it easy to get close to others and is comfortable depending on them
What percentage of people eventually marry?
Which of the following is a reason for the decline in the fertility rate?
women joining the workforce
What percent of gay men and lesbian women are parents?
Psychologist George Valliant believed that a stage entered between the ages of 20 and 40, when young adults become centered on their careers is called
career consolidation.
According to Ginzberg's theory, the third stage, which occurs in early adulthood when people begin to explore specific career options, either through actual experience on the job or through training for a profession, and then narrow their choices and make a commitment, is called
realistic period.
In what percentage of households in the US do women earn as much as their husbands?
When women and minorities hit an invisible barrier within an organization that, because of discrimination, prevents individuals from being promoted beyond a certain level, it is called the
glass ceiling.
What type of motivation drives people to obtain tangible rewards such as money and prestige?
extrinsic motivation
At what age level do most people become aware of the changes in their bodies related to the aging process?
middle adulthood
Sue's bones have become brittle, fragile, and thin. Her doctor tells her she has
By what age have most people lost, on average, 10% of their maximum strength?
Which of the following is the most frequent causes of eye problems that can result in blindness in middle adulthood?
The loss of ability to hear high-pitched, high frequency sounds is known as
At what age do most men begin experiencing hearing loss?
The cessation of menstruation is known as
At about what age does menopause typically begin?
What percent of women experience severe distress during menopause?
How do most researchers today view menopause?
It is regarded as a normal part of the aging cycle.
A physical change that occurs frequently in men during climacteric is
enlargement of the prostate gland.
Surveys indicate that most adults in middle adulthood are afraid of having
Which disorder tends to appear during middle adulthood?
Intelligence that reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory is called
fluid intelligence.
The process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called
selective optimization.
What approach to personality development is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age-related crises?
normative-crisis model
Theorist Ravenna Helson focused on ____, which suggest that it is the particular events in an adult's life, rather than age per se, that determines the course of personality development.
life events model
Which of the following developmental psychologists believed that between the ages of 45 and 55 is important regarding "keeping the meaning" versus rigidity?
Which of the follwoing psychologists agrees that adults move through a series of stages and potential crises, but believes they also pass through seven stages associated with specific age periods?
According to Levinson, the period of assessment that middle-aged people 40-45 go through may lead to a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite is called
midlife crisis.
Which two developmental psychologists believed that there is a substantial change in personality over time, and that change follows a set, predictable pattern?
Erikson and Levinson
Which of the following are known as the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics?
neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientousness
Most research regarding marital satisfaction...
substantiates the "U-shaped" pattern where marital satisfaction is high at the beginning, drops down around the birth of children, and then gradually rises back to its original high level.
Although the overall divorce rate has declined in the past two decades, divorce among ____ couples is rising.
What are the odds that a woman will get divorced from her first marriage by the time she is 40 years old?
1 in 8
Which term below refers to the experience that relates to parents' feelings of unhappiness, worry, lonliness, and depression resulting from their children's departure from home?
empty nest syndrome
When young adults return after leaving home for some period to live in the homes of their middle-aged parents, this is called
boomerang children.
Couples in their middle age who must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents are called
sandwich generation.
Which of the following are more apt to be involved with their grandchildren?
African American grandparents
In which of the following families is incest most likely to occur?
families of affluent socioeconomic levels
What is the age of the onset of late adulthood?
Which of the following best describes the meaning of "functional age"?
physical and psychological well-being
Which of the following is the definition of "young old"?
healthy and active
According to the terminology that demographers use, people at age 75-84 are called
old old.
One out of every ____ people in the US is 65 years of age or older.
The term "senescence" is another name for
primary aging.
What is the name for the protein that forms the basic fibers of body tissue?
A condition in which the bones become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought about by a lack of calcium in the diet is called
Which of the following is NOT true regarding brain development and aging?
the structure, function, and number of neurons in the brain are significantly reduced
The theory that processing in all parts of the nervous system, including the brain, is less efficient is called
generalized slowing hypothesis.
The notion that the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord and brain become less efficient with age is called
peripheral slowing hypothesis.
Which of the following is the term for cloudy or opaque areas on the lens of the eye that interfere with the passing of light?
Which vision disease, if diagnosed early, can be treated with medication, lasers, and in some cases, a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins?
age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
According to surveys conducted in the US, almost ___ of people 65 and older rate their health as good, very good, or excellent.
Which of the following is the most common mental disorder of the elderly, covering several diseases, each of which includes serious memory loss accompanied by declines in other mental functioning?
According to Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, the "Big Five" personality traits
appear stable across adulthood.
The ego-integrity-versus-despair stage of psychosocial development is characterized by a process of
looking back over one's life, evaluating it, and coming to terms with it.
What is the major task to be accomplished in the body-transcendence-versus-body-preoccupation stage?
learning to cope with and move beyond physical changes
In Peck's developmental stages, body transcendence refers to
moving beyond physical changes.
Bernice Neugarten examined
different ways people cope with aging.
According to Bernice Neugarten, people who attempt to stop the aging process by acting young, exercising, and participating in youthful activities are a(n)
defended personality.
Accumulating knowledge, experience, and contemplation is referred to as
What factor led to the development of the activity theory?
lack of support for the disengagement theory
The theory suggesting that people need to maintain their desired level of involvement in society in order to maximize their sense of well-being and self-esteem is called
continuity theory.
Which of the following can assist in conflict resolution when elderly people live with their children?
establishing ground rules regarding roles
What type of facility provides extensive care?
skilled nursing
What percent of people age 65 and older live in nursing homes?
Learned helplessness is a belief that
one has no control over one's environment.
What percent of African Americans in late adulthood live below the poverty level?
Which of the following stages of retirement means that retirees reconsider their options and become engaged in new, more fulfilling activities?
The absence of a heartbeat and breathing is called
functional death.
When electrical brain waves have ceased, this is called
brain death.
How many other countries in the world have a lower infant mortality rate for the first year of life than the US?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) usually occurs in babies ages
from 2 to 4 months.
By what age do children accept death as universal and final?
In early adulthood, the leading cause of death is
The acceleration of decline in cognitive functioning related to impending death is called
terminal decline.
The suicide rate for men in late adulthood
climbs steadily, especially for men over the age of 85.
People who study death and dying are called
According to Kubler-Ross, what is the third step people pass through as they move toward death?
According to Kubler-Ross, the feelings of sadness that a dying person experiences that are based on events that have already occured, and the loss of dignity that may accompany medical procedures, is called
preparatory depression.
According to Kubler-Ross, what is the final step of the 5 step process of dying?
What do the letters DNR on a patient's medical chart mean?
Do Not Resuscitate
The legal document designating what medical treatments people want or do not want if they cannot express their wishes is called a
living will.
When a person designates a specific person to act as their representative in making healthcare decisions, that designess is called a(n)
healthcare proxy.