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36 Cards in this Set

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What is a reformation

Attempt to change/purify catholic church

What did reformation do

Laid foundation for:



D&C 98:12

Line upon line given to faithful

Early reformers

Opposed Excessive wealth of church

Opposed translation of scriptures

Hated Idols

Hated Transubstantiation

Peter Waldo

Commissioned translation if bible

Peter of Bruys

Hated crosses

Arnaldo of Brescia

Rulers should be righteous

Catholic church hated reformers because

They thought everyone should read bible and have the right for ordinances

John Wycliffe

Morning star of reformation

Catholic priest

Translated bible from latin to english

Translating bible was evil because:

Control over bible/religion was a weapon to control the masses

Class warfare-clergy vs peasants

Teachings of Wycliffe

You don’t have to give your property

Everything christ said was a commandment

Priests have to be educated

Catholic church hated Wycliffe because

He openly decried the doctrine of transubstantiation

Said church didn’t need pope

Challenged social classes

What we gained from Wycliffe

Laid foundation for individual liberty

Freedom of religion

Translation of bible

John knox

Founder of presbyterian

How Knox become part of reformation

Studied under wishart & became his personal bodyguard until wishart arrested and killed inspired him to lead reformation in Scotland

What did Knox oppose

Idol worship

Prayer to saints


Threads from Knox

Freedom of religion

People have the power

Resistance to tyranny

Martin luther

Convinced church had gone astray

He published 95 thesis

Wanted to fix catholicism not leave it

Gets excommunicated

Martins issue with church

Focus on appearances

Focus on money

Arguments in 95 thesis

Bible is only religious authority

Salvation by faith not indulgences

Why 95 thesis is important

Directly opposed catholic doctrine

Criticized church leaders

Churches response

Declare Luther a heretic

Luther faced a trial


How Luther influences reformation

Start of Protestant churches

End of catholic control over religion in Europe

John Calvin

Laid foundation of presbyterian and puritan faith

Christian founder if America

Calvins beliefs for Gov

Spiritual separate from civil gov

What Calvin had to do with america

2/3 founding fathers followed his beliefs

How did Calvinist teachings influenced america

All men created equal

Self gov

Resistance to tyranny

Separation of church and state

Limited Gov

Henry VIII

Defended catholic church

Wants a son

Denied by pope to get wife annulled

Founder of church of england

What changed with church of England

All citizens swear loyalty to king

King leader of church

Why foundation of church of England was providential

English translation of bible

Joseph smith could read it

Sparks puritan movement

Puritans cone to america for it


Puritans purify church if England

Separatists believe church to far to save want to separate

Early settlers of Plymouth mass 1620

Separatists beliefs

Church of England beyond saving

Must start pure religion

Followed calvinism

What happened to separatists in England




What separatists did

First went to holland for religious freedom

Hard to find work

Children lost faith

Later left for new world

Who travelled on mayflower

Saints - puritans

Strangers- non religious

100 passengers

Providential events

Having stuff to fix broken beam

Blown off course to cape cod

Plague kills native Americans

Why is mayflower compact significant

Established rule of law

Established covenant with God

Why it’s important that Squanto when to England

Learned English

Avoided plague

Learned christianity and english customs

How Squanto helped pilgrims

Teaches them how to farm

Where to get fish

Builds relations with native Americans

Stays till he dies