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32 Cards in this Set

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Order the individual units that make up the body
cells, tissues, organs, systems
Circulatory/Cardiovascular System
FUNCTION: Transports blood throughout the body
INCLUDES: heart, blood, blood vessels (capillaries, veins, and arteries)
Lymphatic System
FUNCTION: essential to the immune system; returns excess cellular waste products /fluid from the tissues to the circulatory system by way of a clear fluid called lymph
Respiratory System
FUNCTION: controls breathing
Digestive System/Alimentary Canal
FUNCTION: brings food into the body and breaks it down to nourish the body
INCLUDES: mouth, pharynx(throat), esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, anus
Urinary System
FUNCTIONS: maintains the proper balance of water, salts, acids through constant filtering of the blood by reabsorbing water as needed or removing excess fluids (urine) from the body.
INCLUDES: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
Nervous System
FUNCTION: coordinates and controls all bodily actions
MAJOR STRUCTURES: brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs
Sensory Organs
FUNCTION: receive messages from the environment and carry them to the brain
INCLUDES: eyes, ears, skin
Skin/Integumentary System
FUNCTION: makes up the outer layer of the body
INCLUDES: sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair, nails
Male & Female Reproductive Systems
FUNCTION: produce the cells that unite to form the embryo, fetus, and infant. Testes and Ovaries create hormones as well
MAKE-UP: Male testes, female ovary sex organs
Endocrine System
FUNCTION: produces hormones secreted directly into the bloodstream to reach cells and organs throughout the body. Endocrine glands regulate body activities.
MAJOR GLANDS: pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pineal glands, the thymus, pancreas, gonads
Musculoskeletal System
FUNCTION: supports the body and allows it to move
INCLUDES: the muscles, connective tissue, bones, joints
Name all 11 Systems of the body
1. Cardiovascular System
2. Lymphatic System
3. Respiratory System
4. Digestive System
5. Urinary System
6. Nervous System
7. Sensory Organs
8. Skin/Integumentary System
9. Endocrine System
10. Male/Female Reproductive System
11. Musculoskeletal System
Sign vs Symptom
SIGN: (objective) evidence of a condition that can be observed/evaluated by others e.g. a fever
SYMPTOM: (subjective) evidence of a condition/disease that cannot be measured e.g. headache or sore throat
D: Atrophy (sign)
a wasting away of shrinking tissues
D: Edema (sign)
accumulated excess fluid in the tissues
D: Hypertrophy (sign)
overdevelopment of the size of an organ due to an increase in the size of the cells
D: Pyrexia (sign)
D: Hypothermia (Pyrexia sign)
a body temperature below normal
D: Hyperpyrexia (Pyrexia sign)
a life threatening high temperature
evidence that a patient is alive: i.e. body temp, heart rate(pulse), and respiration rate
Describe: Temperature (T) (Vsign)
Normal 98.6
Elevated T = a fever
low fever: 99-101
moderate fever: 101-103
high fever: 103-105
Afebrile = no fever
Describe: Pulse (P) (Vsign)
rhythmic beating = recurrent expansion/contraction of an arterial wall.
Normal heart rate: 60-80beats/min
Tachycardia vs Bradycardia
Tachycardia = greater than 100beats/min
Bradychardia = less than 60beats/min
Describe: Respiration (R) (Vsign)
breathing brings in oxygen while the circulating blood supplies the this said oxygen to the tissues and returns carbon dioxide to the lungs
Normal rate of respiration: 16-18breaths/min
Apnea vs Hyperpnea vs Bradypnea
Apnea = cessation of respiration
Hyperpnea = respiration rate of over 25breaths/min
Bradypnea = slow breathing rate of 8-9breaths/min
D: Anorexia (symp)
loss of appetite
D: Malaise (symp)
a vague sensation of not feeling well
D: Nausea (symp)
sickness of the stomach with the desire to throw up
D: Tinnitus (symp)
ringing in the ears
D: Vertigo (symp)
sensation of spinning or turning around
D: Syndrome
a set of signs and symptoms that occur together as part of a disease process
drome=running together

example:carpal tunnel
sign: compression of a nerve in the wrist
symptom: burning tingling, pain, numbness of the hand