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15 Cards in this Set

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Who is an authority on Lang Dev?

Steven Pinker

Children are wired for language (steven pinker =Languageis a species-specificbehavior)

the underlying logic that all languages have, regardless of whether your parents speak a different lang to the one you grew up with.

What are the language distinctions?

Language ComprehensionUnderstandingwhat others are saying

Language ProductionActualspeaking•

LanguageComprehension precedes Language Production

What are the 4 key components to language development?

PhonologicalDevelopment - phonemes (44)

SemanticDevelopment - morphemes

SyntacticDevelopment - grammar

Pragmatic development - say please

How do kids use language generativity?

They can create new sentences they have not heard before, using the 'rules' that they have learnt

Adults have different sense of humour to kids

Adultshave metalinguistic knowledge, knowledge about the properties of languageand language use, that children do not have.

What was the behaviourist approach to lang devel? 1940s- 1950s, 60s

From associations

What challenged behaviourist thoughts?

study of bilingual children

What is the critical period hypothesis?

Kids 5 - puberty - best time for language development

What evidence supports this theory?

Lang deprivation

Brain damage (kids vs adults = aphasia)


What happens in the brain when you learn a second language?

More brain activity when get older

More brain activity when get older

Babies can discriminate "pa" and
"ba" , adults cannot do this?

Very sensitive phoneme discrimination innate..

Adults can only hear these discriminations in their own language.

•Japanese babies can hear distinctionbetween /r/ and /l/, even though Japanese adults cannot (Eimas,1985).

•English-speaking babies can hear contrasts relevant inlanguages like Czech and Hindi that English speaking adults cannot (Werker& Tees, 1984).

Babies particularly sensitive to mother's voice

memories from in the womb

Some questions referring to language development.

A. The Components of Language?

B. What is Required for Language?

C. The Process of Language Acquisition?

D. Theoretical Issues in Language Development?