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35 Cards in this Set

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have both male and female secondary sex characteristics but non functional
an example is flatworm that battle to determine who will be what sex reason is because its tougher reproductively to be female . In humans we are monogamous so help out, hormones determine this
hormones cause sexes to differentiate in terms of (3)
you have chromosomal sex->____->_____->_____->____
chromosomal sex, gonadal,hormonal between sexes
males: XY,testes/seminal vesicles/prostate/tubing,high androgen:estrogen ratio
females: XX, ovaries/oviducts/uterus, high estrogen:androgen ratio
chromosomal sex
-first aspect to sex
-happens at conception
-carry genetic info (DNA)
-half chromosomes form mom half from dad
-X/Y are sex chromosomes
organized picture of persons chromosomes
SRY gene
-only on Y
-instructions for testes development
by sixth week embryo has___.Embryos show___. Gonads in this stage look same between male and female=___stage. How gonads develop depends on
2 body parts called gonads;bipotentiality-->have all they need to be either male or female regardless if xx or xy; indifferent (either become testes or ovary after); protein TDF that depends on presence of SRY(tells gonads to make testis determining factor)
blueprint is what female or male
female, if TDF doesn't work then=female
at 6th week male/female have two sets of ____they are called ___&___. As embryo develops ducts differentiate into
urogenital ducts; Mullerian&Wolffian ducts and open into back of bladder;
Mullerian-->uterus/fallopian/ vagina
Wolffian--> spermatic ducts
How ducts develop depends on
hormones which depends on gonad development
in male fetus cells in testes make (2)
-MIS hormone which makes Mullerian ducts disappear at week 10
-Testosterone which Wolffian develop into spermatic at week 12
before birth testes
descend into scrotum
from gonads to genitals you have
TDF that stimulates:
This happens via:
MIH high in males___until puberty
MIH not present in females until puberty
no SRy,no differentiation =
-Leydig cells-->prevent female genital tract from Mullerian
reason in female fetus that wolffian duct disappear:
reason that mullerian develop because:
no testes to make T,no MIS
puberty is transition to sexual maturity, during puberty gonads
grow,develop,release hormones and cause other physical changes
Tanner Scale
-assess child sexual development
-5 stages
in female important glands for puberty (3)
Tanner scale for females
1:no sign of puberty, adrenal make more androgen=growth of body hair later don't cause puberty
2:pituitary make gonadotropins=puberty,ovaries ->estrogens (for physical changes), everyhting increase in size
3:breast beyond areola,more enlarging, more hair
4:more growth,MENARCHE(menstruation) begins,ovaries OVULATE, growth spurt slows
5:adult body,periods more regular
for boys the important glands (3)
pituitary, adrenal, testes
Tanner for boys
1:no sign of puberty, before puberty adrenal make androgens for hair not to start puberty
2:puberty starts due to pituitary making gonadotropins, testes grow->make testosterone (most of physical changes), testes/scrotum grow PENIS doesnt, some hair
3:continue to grow, penis starts to grow lengthwise due to testosterone, height increase/muscle, voice changes,GYNECOMASTIA (breast growth,normal/temp)
4:more growth,penis wider growth,SPERM PRODUCTION starts/first EJACULATIONS, more hair, rapid height increase
5:adult genitals/hair,almost final height MUSCLES continue to grow(why roids dont affect height)
Testis once determine will start making
sex specific homones-->sexual development
in reptiles SRY
present but not critical, temp determines sex
in birds male __chromosome and females___, blueprint is____
ZZ,WZ, blueprint is MALE
testosterone has masculinizing effects when converted to estradiol via aromatase therefore estradiol has
masculinizing effects.
estradiol in developing female?
no, ovaries produce hormones only during/after puberty to avoid masculinizing effects
mother gives male fetus hormones but not female
blocking aromatase
blocks masculinization
with psychosexual differentiation
children identify own gender and understand it cant change. 9 month baby can discriminate sexes
describe 5-alpha reductase deficiency
-5 alpha reductase take T-->DHT(more potent thanT:bind to receptor/activation greater)
-lack of DHT cause ambiguous sexual characteristics since it
-leads to female morphology until puberty then convert to male at puberty(due to T surge)
-gender identity follows closely
complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
-inability to respond to stimulation by androgen(T or DHT don't do their job)
-still respond to estrogen
-in embryo cross into female path
-have female secondary sex characteristics (beautiful women)
-some testes development (make androgen-->estrogen)
-Y chromosome
therefore sexually active but not reproductive
-gender identity mainly female (hormones play role in identity)
-genitalia normal
indicators of CAIS
-amenorrhea(no menstruation)
-lack of axillary hair after puberty
-no virilization despite testosterone levels
-less or absent pubic hair
treatment of CAIS needed because you'll eventually get surge of T since no negative feedback
-remove gonads after puberty, feminization by
1)surgical creation
2)vaginal dilation (should do before creation)
Klinelefter syndrome
-NOT every male XXY has KS, they are at higher risk to get KS
-many disabilities
-NOT inherited disorder
-non disjunction-->error during meiosis when formin reproduction cells,get extra X
-hypogonadism-->low T
-little/no sperm but still sexually active
-penis not adult size, small testes
-large breasts
-less hair/muscles
-IQ normal, but lower verbal due to language deficits
-gender identity androgynous(undecided) or feminine, say they are intersex/transgender
-last one to be discovered of sex abnormalities by Dr Avery Sandberg
-some cases mix of XY and XYY
-diagnosed pre/postnatally
-affects physical(height),psycho/cognitive(intelligence),behaviour (aggression)