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14 Cards in this Set

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What is forefoot valgus?
Structural deformity in which the forefoot is everted in relation to the rearfoot when the STJ is in neutral and the MTJ is locked at both axes
What is the aetiology of forefoot valgus?
- Congenital deformity, possible due to excessive valgus torsion of the head and neck of talus
- Also due to a Pf 1st, functional Ffoot valgus
- Regardless of total or functional category, will function in a similar fashion
What are the pathomechanics of forefoot valgus?
- Compensation for Ffoot valgus position will occur firstly via MTJ and then the STJ
- Flexible forefoot valgus is when there is sufficient MTJ ROM to compensate for the valgus position
- Rigid Ffoot valgus is when the MTJ has in adequate ROM to bring the Ffoot to the ground so STJ supination is needed.
What is the partterns of Compensation for a rigid forefoot deformity?
The STJ must supinate in order to bring the lateral plantar forefoot to the ground.
What is the pattern of compensation for a flexible forefoot valgus deformity?
- the planatar forefoot is able to make ground contact with out affecting subtalar joint motions as long as the range of forefoot inversion is large enough to compensate fore the forefoot valgus.
What are the signs and symptoms of flexible Ffoot valgus?
- Medium to high arch, low arch on wb
- Callus sub 1-3 MPJ
- Hallux Limitus (HAV) due to propulsive 1st ray PF
- Neuromas
- Myositis of the lateral Neuromasculatures
Why do we get callsu on sub 1-3 MPJ in flexible Ffoot valgus?
Due to DF at 1st in loading and then due to inablility of 1st to PF at propulsion, increase loading at sub 2,3
How does Myositis of the lateral neuromasculatures occur?
- If early STJ supination is neccessary to compensate for > 6 degrees flexible Ffoot valgus, this will accompany excessive leg rotation which will be resisted by eccentric peroneal contraction
What are the signs and symptoms of a rigid forefoot valgus?
- High arch in wb and non wb with inverted heel
- callus on sub 1 and 5
-Clawing or hammering of 4 and 5
- Neuromas secondary to mechanical irritation
- Haglunds deformity
- Chronic tenosynovitis of peroneus longus
Shock related symptoms
Why does Clawing and hammering of 4 and 5 occur in rigid Ffoot valgus?
Due to Pf attitude of mets, thus unstable at MPJ
Why do the neuromas occur in rigid Ffoot valgus?
Due to mechanical irritation to the nerves from stretching of the nerve due to the Df toe position
Why does Haglund's deformity occur in rigid Ffoot valgus?
Due to latteral achilles peritendinitis due to angulation of tendon
Why does chronis tenosynovitis of peroneus longus/ or inversion sprains occur in rigid Ffoot valgus?
Due to shape and attitude of the foot
What are the results of shock related symptoms in Ffoot valgus?
Increased: Lower back pain, gluteus medius strain, knee and lateral ankle pain