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28 Cards in this Set

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Define cell morphology and give the 4

different categories

What a cell looks like under the microscope

Rod - either gram negative (e.g. E.coli) or gram positive (Bacillus, anthracis).

Cocci - gram positive (Neisseriameningitidis) or gram negative (staphylococcus aureus)

Spirala - gram negative ((Treponema pallidum)

Filaments/branching hyphae - gram positive (streptomyces)

Cell morphology of gram negative

E-coli (rod) - found in guts of humans and animals, best studied microbe. There are some pathogenic stains

Neisseria meningitidus (cocci) - colonies troat and infects blood and brain. Causes rapid infection.

Cell morphology of gram positive

Lactobacillus acidophilus (rod) - yoghurt production, non pathogenic

Staphylococcus aureus (cocci) - MRSA, colonises skin and nose, Travels in blood and infects other cells

Non staining cell morphology

Treponema pallidum (gram negative) - causes syphillis

Mycobacterium TB (gram positive) - acid fast stain. Difficult to treat as very slow growing

Grouping in cell morphology

Diplococci –N.meningitidis

Chains,repeated divisions in one plane – Streptococcus lactis,Bacillusmegaterium

Grape-likeclusters’, division in several different planes e.g. Staphylococcus aureus

Pleiomorphic, Coryneform – bacilli in palissades due to division, break up into coccias get older. •

How is grouping dependent on the divisions

Divisions in single plane - results in chains or pairs of cells. Division is perpendicular to long axis of cell

Division in all planes - results in cell clusters

How you describe bacteria

Streak on a plate and look at the colonies

Characteristic colour, shape, texture, edge, size

Specific colony pattern (form, elevation and margin)

Will react differently to different environments


Used for motility

Polar monotrichous (at one end of cell) to peritrichous (all way round cell e.g. E-coli) that bundle together at back of cell

Move towards nutrient sources (chemo attractants) and away from toxic agents (chemo repellents).

The movement of flagella

Move counterclockwise - swim in one direction towards something they like

Move clockwise - tumble, this occurs if they don't like something as move quicker

Signals sent to DNA to give appropriate movement from receptors on cell

Flagella motor - nanomachine that helps movement


Hair like fibres on cell surface allow bacteria to adhere to solid surface

Recognise a specific molecule on cell surface by recognising tissue - this targets bacteria to a specific environment

First step in invasion of host cell


Much larger than Fimbriae

Attach to recipient cell and transfer DNA directly from donor to recipient cell

Bacteria divide by binary fission

Whole genome or plasmid may be exchanged


Protection from desiccation, noxious substances and phagocytic cells

Generally carbohydrate, gel like substance

Macrophages cannot digest it, most cells cannot go through it

Mouse S and R strain to show principle of transformation

Bacteria passed from S to R strain (DNA passed)

S strain covered itself in protective capsule so mouse dies as bacteria were protected from host's immune system

R strain did not have a capsule so mouse survives so bacteria killed by immune system.

The S-layer

A regular crystalline protein surface layer which protects from bacteriophage (virus that infects bacteria) that forms part of cell envelope.

Acts like a sieve, nutrients can get through but not harmful agents

Chromosome (nucleoid)

Double stranded DNA formed of single circular chromosome with no membrane

1,400µm long within E.coli, tightly wound with histone proteins (supercoiled)

Different strains have different combinations of genome due to horizontal transfer of DNA

Sites of coupled active transcription/translation occur quickly, can double every 20-30mins

How do bacteria reproduce?


1. Genome attached to membrane

2. Chromosome replicates (septum forms)

3. 2 daughter cells separate or form diplococci or cocci

4. Chromosome replication and cell division tightly replicated

5. Daughter cell identical to parent - one cell makes 2 daughter cells


Double stranded DNA molecules that exist and replicate independently of chromosomes

Composed of 100 thousand base pairs of nucleotides

May integrate into genome if bigger

Not required for growth and division (may confer critical phenotype e.g. antibiotic resistance as this can easily pass between species)

Development of recombinant DNA

Horizontal transfer of genetic material

Conjugation - F.pilus and plasmid

Transformation - naked DNA (e.g. genome/plasmid)

Transduction - bacteriophage (inject bacteria and pick up gene, smaller scale)

E.coli evolved into new strain in 2011 causing outbreak

The cytosol

70S ribosomes densely packed in cytosol

mRNA rapidly degraded as protein synthesis is fast

Storage bodies include glycogen, poly-B-hydroxybutyrate (fatty acid) and polyphosphate granules

Gas vacuoles for buoyancy

Magnetosome for orientation (according to poles)

Plasma membrane: structure and function

A phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins

For transportation of nutrients, waste and macromolecules, energy creation and biosynthesis

Barrier for small hydrophobic molecules - need a transport system

Differences between Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya

Bacteria cell wall in gram positive bacteria

One membrane (plasma membrane) with teichoic acids embedded in thick peptidoglycan

Bacteria cell wall in gram negative bacteria

2 membranes (outer and plasma membrane) with thin peptidoglycan layer

Lipopolysaccharides in outer membrane to protect bacteria

Outer membrane freely permeable so low molecular weight solutes can diffuse through

Evolved to survive in gut (bile salts)

The structure of peptidoglycan

Disaccharide backbone made up of alternating Acetylmuramic acid and Acetylglucosamine

Attached to Acetylglucosamine is 4 amino acids (peptide change) crosslinked by a pentaglycine interbridge to maintain structure and provide strength

The action of lysosyme

Hydrolyses the backbone (between two sugars) so bacteria will burst as substance e,g. can get in (cell lysis). It breaks the B 1,4-glycosidic bonds

Peptidoglycan gives protection against osmotic lysis (bursting)

Protoplast formation

Protoplast - cell wall completely or partially removed

Pencillin inhibits cross linking between proteins so inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis

Water is therefore able to influx into the cell causing cell lysis


Highly resistant to heat, desiccation, radiation and chemicals so therefore do not stain

Naturally present in soil and give survival to environment

Different endospores allow for classification, central, subterminal, terminal or terminal and swollen sporangium.

Spores remain present for long time e.g. C difficile in hospitals

Endospore formation

Cell division - axial filament formation - septum formation - engulfment of forespore - cortex formation - coat synthesis - increase in heat resistance - formation of free spore, lysis of sporangium.