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47 Cards in this Set

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what type of epithelium is the small intestine lined with
simple columnar
what keeps the small intestine in place
suspended by the mesentery proper
what re the functions of the small intestin
Majority of chemical digestion
-bile from liver
-digestive enzymes from pancreas
Nutrien absorption
what are the regions of the small intestine
how long is the duodenum
10 inches
what is special about the duodenum
receives main pancreatic duct and bile duct
how long in the jejunum
7.5 ft
how lon his the ileum
10.8 ft
what are the three ways that the small intestine is modified to increase absorption
Circular fold (plicae circulares)
Circular fold (plicae circulares)
what is another name for the microvilli of the small intestines
brush border
what is the purpose of the microvilli of the small intestine
increase surface area also contain enzymes that complete the final stages of degestion
what is a hiatal hernia
stomach pushes through esophageal hiatus
what is an umbilical hernia
intestines push through the recus abdominus
what is and inguinal hernia
intestines push through inquinal canal
more common in males
what is femoral hernia
intestines push through the femoral triangle
more common in females
what are the functions of the large instestine
absorbs water and electrolytes
forces feces toward rectum
what are some special fetters of the large intestine
Teniae coli - three thin, ;longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle

Haustra - sacks or bulges

Epiploic appendages - fat filled pouches of vesceral peritoneum
large intestine anatomy
what are the structures of the anal canal
internal anal sphincter
external anal sphincter
anal sinuses
is the internal anal sphincter smooth or skeletal muscle? voluntary involuntary?
is the external anal sphincter smooth or skeletal muscle? involuntary or voluntary?
skeletal - voluntary
what is the function of the anal sinuses
produce mucus to lubricate anal canal
what is appendicitis
fecal matter obstructs the appendix
will swell and burst if untreated
cause peritoniits
what is an intestinal obstruction
any hindrance to the movement of chyme or feces throughout intestine
what is inflammatory bowel disease
periodic inflammation fo intestinal wall
symptoms include cramping, diarrhea, weight loss, intestinal bleeding
what are some of the characteristics of colorectal cancer
2nd most common cancer
most arise from intestinal polyps
why are the pancreas liver and gallbladder considered accessory organs
they aren't part of the GI tract but the y are part of the digestive system because they secrete substances in the GI tract to facilitate digestion
what are the exocrine function sod the pancreas
produces digestive enzymes
what are the endocrine functions of the pancreas
produces insulin and glucagon
liver anatomy
what are the liver functions associated with blood
-storage of excess blood nutrients
-detox of poisons metabolites and drugs
-clean out debris and old RBCs
-production of proteins(albumin, globulins, and blood clotting proteins)
what are the functions associated with digestion
Prduces bile
liver histology
what is the purpose of the gallbladder
stores and concentraes bile
what is the pathway of bile
left and right hepatic ducts
common hepatic duct
cystic duct into gallbladder
cystic duct out of gallbladder
common bile duct
what is liver cirrhosis
-liver cells are destroyed and replaced by connective tissue
-most commonly caused by alcoholism
-results in jaundice and toxin buildup in the blood
what is the treatment for liver cirrhosis
what is viral hepatitis
inflammation of the liver
flu-like symptoms and jaundice
what are gallstones
crystallization of cholesterol or calcium and bile salts
diagram of peritoneal cavity
what are th name sod the __ mesentaries
greater momentum
lesser omentum
mesentery proper
what are the organs that are retroperitoneal
most of the duodenum
ascending and descending colon
________ becomes a tube after transverse folding
the forgut in the primitive gut tube becomes
pharynx to duodenum
the midgut in the primitive gut tube becomes
dudenum to transvers colon
the hind gut of the primitive gut tube become the ....
transverse colon to anus
accessory digestie organs bud of the
primitive gut tube