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16 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of rearfoot varus?
A fixed osseous structural abnormality in which the calcaneus is inverted when the STJ is in neutral and the MTJ is locked
Describe the 'Distal Tibial Epiphyseal Varus' Aetiology of rearfoot varus
In equality of growth between the medial and lateral sides of the distal tibia epiphysis. Thought to be a growth disturbance as opposed to a congenital condition.
Describe the ' Talar Varum' Aetiology of rearfoot varus
Medial aspect of the talus is narrower than the lateral, tilting the calcaneus into varus
Describe the 'Calcaneal Varus Torsion' Aetiology of rearfoot varus
Frontal plane torque of the calcaneus, resulting in a c shaped calcaneus
Describe the 'Tibial Varum' Aetiology of rearfoot varus
FP abnormality of the distal 1/3rd of the leg where it is inverted relative to the ground when STJ is in neutral
What are the associated Pathomechanics of Tibial varum?
- Curvature of the whole tibia
- Genu varum
- Curvature of the distal 1/3
- Blount's disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Trauma
What is a Fully compensated Rfoot varus?
Is when there is sufficient STJ pronation to allow the calcaneus to become perpendicular to the ground
What are some gait abnormalities associated with Rfoot varus?
- Excessive pronation of STJ and OA after heel strike until calc is perpendicular
- Internal leg rotation in loading
- Some resupination in midstance, but STJ usually pronated in propulsion
What is a Partially compensated Rfoor varus?
Is when there is insufficient STJ ROM to allow the calcaneus to acheieve a perpendicular position
What are signs and symptoms of Rfoot varus?
- Slight lowering of a 'medium' medial arch on wb
- Mild callus on sub 2,3 MPJs
- Increase lateral heel wear
- Haglund's syndrome
- Inadequate shock absorbtion in partial/uncomp
- Lateral instability
- Tailor's bunion/hammered 5th
- Symptoms related to increase torsion or excess deceleration
What is Rfoot valgus?
A structural abnormality in which the calcaneus is everted when the STJ is in its neutral position and MTJ is locked
Why is Rfoot valgus not compensated?
As the foot would have to work against gravity
What effect will 0-3 degrees of Rfoot valgus have?
Will have little effect
What effect will 4-10 degrees of Rfoot valgus have?
The STJ will pronate to its end ROM with pronation symptoms
What effect will 10 or more degrees of Rfoot valgus have?
It will lead to talar head contacting the ground, which is quite stable, only approxamately 0-3 degrees or more pronation
What are the Aetiologies of a rearfoot varus?
- Distal Tibial Epiphyseal Varus
- Talar Varum
- Calcaneal Varus Torsion
- Tibial Varum