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30 Cards in this Set

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If a stretch of human double stranded DNA contains 47% G + C, then

it contains 53% A + T

Proteins called transcription factors are involved in ____ of transcription.

the initiation stage

The semi-conservative model of DNA replication proposed that:

Each new DNA molecule contains one old strand and one new strand.

Suppose that a mistake made during DNA replication in a cell is not corrected, but instead the mutation remains in the single strand where it occurred. Then suppose that after the cell divides both daughter cells survive, and those cells then go on to have DNA replication and ultimately cell division. There are now four cells where there once was one cell. Assuming that the mistake was never corrected and that no new uncorrected mistakes occurred, how many of the four cells will have the mutation in their DNA?


Each DNA nucleotide is made up of

a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogenous bases.

The importance of crossing over during meiosis is

to hold homologous pairs of chromosomes together.

In DNA the purines are

adenine and guanine.

In meiosis, sister chromatids separate

during Anaphase II

The T2 bacteriophages used in the Hershey and Chase experiment are made of what?

DNA and protein

The level of control that determines which genes are copied into mRNA is called ________ regulation.


Adding nucleotides onto a growing DNA strand during DNA replication in cells occurs in

the 5' → 3' direction only.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis I results in

one pole of the cell receiving neither member of a homologous pair of chromosomes.

A ________ is a large multi-protein complex that can form a bridge between the enhancer and the promoter.

a co-activator

Homologous pairs of chromosomes

consist of two chromosomes with the same genes.

Avery, McLeod, and McCarty continued Griffith's work with S. pneumoniae and concluded from their experiments that DNA was the hereditary material. What would happen to mice after injection of heat-killed virulent bacteria mixed with live avirulent bacteria after treatment with proteinase if protein was the hereditary material instead of DNA?

the mice would live

Consider a mutant organism that is unable to make the amino acid arginine. Knowing that the metabolic pathway to production of arginine is ornithine → citrulline→ arginosuccinate → arginine, you test the ability of the mutant to grow in the presence of each one of these compounds, providing just one of the compounds in each of your tests.

You find that the mutant can grow in the presence of arginosuccinate or arginine, but not in the presence of citrulline or ornithine. From this you can conclude that the product of the gene mutated in the mutant is most directly involved in production of ____.

arginosuccinate from citrulline

When Hershey and Chase labeled viruses with radioactive phosphorus, they concluded that the virus injects DNA and not protein into its host because the

radioactive DNA ended up inside the bacterium

What happens when living R strain Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria are mixed with heat-killed S strain Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria?

The R strain bacteria are transformed into S strain bacteria.

In multi-cellular animals, most of the structural and functional differences in cell types are determined by differences in the ________.

expression of specific genes

In their experiments to determine the transforming principle, Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty used enzymes that break down ____.

protein, DNA, and RNA

During DNA replication what determines the sequence of the bases in the new DNA strand?

sequence of bases in the template strand

During transcription

only one of the two DNA strands acts as a template.

Adjacent nucleotides on a strand of DNA are connected to each other by a(n) ____.

phosphodiester bond

Why can't nucleic acids and proteins be distinguished from each other by labeling nitrogen with the 15N isotope?

Nitrogen is found in both nucleic acids and proteins.

In the Hershey and Chase experiment, 32P was used to label ____ and 35S was used to label ____.

DNA; protein

In the Meselson-Stahl experiment, bacterial DNA was labeled completely with heavy nitrogen (N-15) and then grown in the presence of light nitrogen (N-14). When only mixed DNA was observed after ONE generation of growth in N-14, what was the conclusion?

DNA replication is either semiconservative or dispersive

The figure above depicts the result of an experiment to determine how DNA replication occurs. Based on these results, it appears that after replication each DNA molecule is made of

The figure above depicts the result of an experiment to determine how DNA replication occurs. Based on these results, it appears that after replication each DNA molecule is made of

one old DNA strand and one new DNA strand.

Wilkins and Franklin studied the structure of DNA using ____.

X-ray diffraction

If a normal diploid germ cell in a bird has eight chromosomes, then

there are four chromosomes per cell after the first meiotic division and cytokinesis.

To initiate transcription in eukaryotes, ________ bind to the promoter region and recruit the RNA polymerase.

general transcription factors