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26 Cards in this Set

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Classical Conditioning


Respondent Conditioning


Pavlovian Conditioning

a subject comes to respond to a neutral stimulus as he would to another, nonneutral stimulus by learning to associate the two stimuli

respond to the dinner bell in the same way that they respond to the food - with salvation

unconditioned response

a response that occurs naturally

salivation with food

unconditioned stimulus

the stimulus that naturally evoked the unconditioned response

food is the unconditioned stimulus as it naturally causes salivation

conditioned stimulus

the stimulus that the dogs learned to associate with food

conditioned response

by pairing the tone and food, the dogs were conditioned to respond to the tone in the same way that they respond to food

usually the same as, or similar to, the unconditioned response

Spontaneous recovery

the reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus returns after a period of absence

stimulus generalization

* the tendency to respond to a new stimulus as if it were the original conditioned stimulus

* stimulus generalization happens most often when the new stimulus resembles the original conditioned stimulus

stimulus discrimination

the tendency to lack a conditioned response to a new stimulus that resembles the original conditioned stimulus

Operant conditioning

a type of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences

"cause and effect"


delivery of a consequence that increases the likelihood that a response will occur

Positive reinforcement

* the presentation of a stimulus after a response so that the response will occur more often

* positive means adding a stimulus

Negative reinforcement

* the removal of a stimulus after a response so that the response will occur more often

* negative means removing a stimulus


the delivery of a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a response will occur

Positive punishment

the presentation of a stimulus after a response so that the response will occur less often.

Negative punishment

the removal of a stimulus after a response so that the response will occur less often.

Primary reinforcers

Are naturally satisfying, such as

* food

* water

* caresses

Secondary reinforcers


conditioned reinforcers

Are satisfying because they are associated with primary reinforcers and can include such things as:

* money

* fast cars

* good grades

Primary punishers

Are naturally unpleasant, such as:

* pain

* freezing temperatures

Secondary punishers


Conditioned punishers

Are unpleasant because they are associated with primary punishers and can include such things as:

* failing grades

* social disapproval


a procedure in which reinforcement is used to guide a response closer and closer to a desired response

Reinforcement schedules

* the pattern in which reinforcement is given over time

* can be continuous or intermittent

continuous reinforcement

provides reinforcement every time a particular response occurs

intermittent reinforcement


partial reinforcement

reinforcement are provided on only some of the occasions on which the response occurs

fixed-ratio schedule

reinforcement happens after a set number of responses

variable-ratio schedule

reinforcement happens after a particular average number of responses

fixed-interval schedule

reinforcement happens after a set amount of time